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The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 578
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Chapter 578

The will of the gods belongs to a realm beyond human comprehension.

The gods see further and wider than we do.


It may be a prejudice or a misconception born from the long history of faith that the gods must necessarily favor humans.

The good as perceived by the gods may be different from that perceived by humans.

If the gods consider the extinction of humanity as good, they may well desire it.

Thus, the gods may desire the destruction of mankind.

Upon hearing Rowan's words, Ludwig could not help but be stunned.

There were believers and priests who had abandoned Tu’an and Als.

However, it wasn't only those who left who changed their minds.

Those who remained also had to change their way of thinking to endure.

They had to revise their mindset to maintain their faith.

"But, if the gods really wanted that... why are they helping people?"

"That's just a hypothesis; it's not the truth."

The will of the gods is unfathomable.

"I just do what I can in my position."

Rowan does her best without knowing what the gods' will is.

If they desire destruction, let it happen.

If this leads to a good outcome, just wait for it.

"If everything is the will of the gods, then such actions are part of that will. So, I'm just fulfilling the role I think I have."

It doesn't mean that anything I do is okay because it is part of the will of the gods.

It means doing the best one can.

She wanders around the refugee camp, purifying, and pouring water into a bottomless barrel.

Her mindset is that of a madwoman, but her actions are no different from those of a saint.

However, there is also the danger of self-justification that anything I do is okay.

The logic that everything I do is part of the gods' will eventually shifts the responsibility for everything I do back to the gods.

Ludwig felt both discomfort and sublimity in the priestess before him.

"I personally hope that all this will lead to a good conclusion, but if not, there's nothing we can do."

She is close to resignation but does not give up on her actions.

If the gods desire destruction, they must accept it without resenting them.

It was a pure belief without a single doubt.

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"I... I don't know."

Ludwig could neither understand the gods, nor Rowan, who held such an extreme and pure belief.

Rowan smiled at Ludwig.

"It's a confusing time, so it's natural to feel confused."

The fortunate thing was that Rowan was not a fanatic who would be angry if others did not understand or approve of her beliefs.

"It's cold today. Shall we go back?"


Their tasks for the day were complete.

Somewhere along the way back, Ludwig and Rowan heard the sound of horses' hooves.

It wasn't just one or two, but a group of mounted soldiers.

Ludwig and Rowan pressed themselves against the side of the road to avoid the approaching riders.

Dozens of mounted soldiers approached the refugee camp.

The patrol guards in the area do not ride horses.

Ludwig saw the bloodstains on the horses' manes, the soldiers' armor, and their helmets.

Those were the traces of battle.

People on the streets scurried to hide in the nearby tavern as Rowan observed the scene.

"Those are the extermination squads."

"Ah... they are...?"

"Yes, thanks to them, we no longer have a monster problem. It's quite fortunate."

The job Ludwig had wanted to do—handling the monsters on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital—belonged to the extermination squads. Ludwig wordlessly watched as the squad members, who didn't even glance at the refugee camp, silently rode past on their horses.

He would have rather been doing that work. There was no need for contemplation when it came to killing monsters. The extermination squads seemed to be distant from the ordinary duties of the guards, only concerning themselves with their specific task.

Even if it wasn't the work of the extermination squad, anything that didn't require contemplation would have been nice. If only he could keep doing work like today.

With such thoughts, Ludwig couldn't help but watch as the extermination squads disappeared from view.

"Shall we go?"

Rowan gently tugged on Ludwig's sleeve.

Rowan and Ludwig returned to the guard post to report the completion of the purification work. It seemed that the quarantine of the plague-stricken area could now be lifted.

However, Ludwig couldn't shake the thought: what good would it do? There were never enough priests, and the plague continued to spread.

Even without the plague, people died from trivial colds due to the harsh cold.

Ludwig thought he could understand Rowan's perspective, just a little.

She went around the refugee district performing purification work and driving out the plague.

She knew better than anyone that her work solved nothing. In her despair, she had to believe that there was meaning in all of this to endure it.

But she couldn't fathom how this despair could lead to any good outcome.

So, she began to think that perhaps the gods had abandoned humanity.

If the gods had forsaken them, she could maintain her faith only by accepting that, too.

Ludwig couldn't help but feel sympathy for Rowan, who seemed like an odd person but might have been transformed by the depth of her despair.

'Could it be because of that...?'

Is that why she asked?

What kind of being the Demon King is?

Whether he truly is an evil being?

She asked about the nature of the Demon King because knowing that might allow her to glean the will of the gods, even just a little.

"Ludwig, would you like to return to the Imperial Capital together? We're headed the same way, after all."

"Ah, yes. If it's alright with you..."

Ludwig felt that the delicate-looking priestess was like a candle flame that could be extinguished by even the smallest winter breeze.

As they left the refugee district and returned to the Imperial Capital, Ludwig realized he hadn't accomplished much today. He had simply walked beside Rowan, watching their surroundings and preparing for any unexpected situations.

Yet, he felt more exhausted than the day before.

The gruesome sights had been the same as yesterday, but his mental fatigue was greater.

The words about the gods potentially wishing for humanity's destruction.

The notion that the belief in the Five Great Gods being on humanity's side could be misguided.

Those words left Ludwig feeling bewildered.

"Will you be going to another district tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, I'll return to District 17 to check if the plague has truly stopped spreading. After that, I'm scheduled to go to District 15. Then District 6. And after that... I'll have to check. More places will have been added, after all. There's always more work to do."

"Aren't you tired?"

"Priests who can use healing powers are generally distant from the concept of fatigue. Although there's nothing we can do about mental exhaustion, we can't indulge in it when there are people who urgently need our help today, can we?"

"I see."

Even though Rowan didn't mention it, Ludwig couldn't help but notice that she barely got proper sleep.

Although they had left the epidemic zone, the refugee camp was hardly any different.

Despair was visible everywhere.

"The work of a guard. It must be unfamiliar to you."

Unable to lower his head at Rowan's words, Ludwig said, "I suppose my expression... gave it away."

"Yes, you're very different from the other guards."

Having been escorted by guards who treated the refugees like insects, Rowan probably saw Ludwig as an odd person.


"Yes, Priestess?"

Rowan looked at Ludwig.

"If it's not too much to ask, could you please protect me again tomorrow?"

"... Pardon?"

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Tomorrow, Rowan would be going to another district, so she would have to borrow manpower from a different guard unit.

"You know, the guards... they kill people too easily."

"... I see."

"It's painful to watch."

It wouldn't have been smooth sailing during her visits to the refugee camps so far.

Rowan must have witnessed extreme actions taken by her escort guards in extreme situations.

Ludwig, on the other hand, was obviously inexperienced and reluctant to kill.

He even showed relief at the prospect of escaping with her in case something happened.

Rowan asked for his protection because she knew Ludwig would not take extreme actions.

Ludwig hesitated.

He wanted to nod immediately, but he couldn't be sure if he could really help Rowan.

"I had no problems today, but with this body, I'm not sure if I can protect you when it's really dangerous..."

"You said you were confident."


"You can also do Magic Body Strengthening, so isn't that enough?"

It's not a fight, just carrying and running, so wouldn't that be fine?

Ludwig couldn't find anything to say in response to Rowan's words.

Manpower was precious, and in a way, Ludwig was precious manpower.

And so was Rowan.

A priestess who purified epidemics, and the task of protecting her.

Regardless of how temporary the solution might be, it was an essential task.

It wasn't fighting dangerous monsters, as Bertus and others worried. The person he was escorting would rather flee if trouble arose.

It wasn't a dangerous task, and there was hardly any room for value judgments.

In short.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it was the most positive task currently allowed to Ludwig.

He longed for the work of the suppression force because it didn't require any room for doubt.

Similarly, this task was also indispensable for the people and left no room for doubt.

"I'll need the captain's permission, but... I have no reason not to do it."

"I'm so glad, Ludwig."

Looking at Rowan's bright smile, Ludwig awkwardly smiled back.



They had shared many conversations.

In those words.

Did I ever mention that I can do Magic Body Strengthening?

Ludwig had a small doubt.

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