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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 95: Ask Trifles and Implicated in an Ongoing Case
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Chapter 95: Ask Trifles and Implicated in an Ongoing Case

He said that when he opened the door of the house, he saw a rope noose tied in the middle of the beam. There was only a square stool underneath, and there was no trace of the body.

The thin petty official quickly explained, "Because the window was not closed overnight, there was a lot of rain in the room, so we all untied the body off the rope and carried it directly to the inner room."

With these words, he wanted to take Sun Shaozong inside to see the corpse.

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"Don't hurry."

Sun Shaozong waved his hand and went to the square stool. He squatted down and surveyed carefully. At the same time, he asked, "Has this stool been moved?"

"Nope. When everyone untied the corpse, they stepped on another chair."

The thin petty official said, pointing to the chair full of muddy footprints on the left.

Sun Shaozong squatted on the left and right sides of the square stool, fumbled carefully for a while, then lifted the stool and compared it to the height of the other chair not far away. He then got up and walked toward the inner room.

However, when he was halfway there, he was attracted by a food box in front of the window. He looked up and said, "Where did this food box come from? Have you ever sent food to Lord Xu?"

"No, no, no!"

The thin petty official hurriedly said, "This is what Lord Xu brought from home last night!"

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Sun Shaozong nodded noncommittally, and then he finally started into the inner room.

The body of Xu Mingtang was lying on the couch against the east wall. He was wearing a brand-new official robe, his legs were tight, his neck was cut in a ring, his eyes were wide open, his tongue was stiff, his face was blue and green, and he had obvious symptoms of subcutaneous bleeding.

After simply examining the body, Sun Shaozong had a conclusion in his heart, but he patiently asked the thin petty official, "Did Lord Xu build the River Embankment on a large scale when he took over the office?"

"Of course, it has been repaired. Lord Xu has always been diligent. When he repaired the River Embankment, he did everything himself. He also won the commendation of the Minister."

"That's it."

Sun Shaozong nodded noncommittally and then asked for some details about Mingtang's family. The petty officials also reported truthfully one by one, which could be said to be a fluent reply. There was no formality between ordinary petty officials in the face of senior officials.

When asked later, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but praise him, "Sir, I think you must be a great help to Lord Xu, but I don't know your name yet. What's your daily job?"