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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102

“You have a guest.”

He asserted gratingly.

I don’t have to ask who. I can smell their scent from all the way here and it annoyed me to no end to

have their scent mix in with the scent of my home. It felt intruding, almost violating to have to stand

their presence but I instead of saying that, i just nodded.

“I can kick h-”

“No, it’s okay.”

I said strongly.

He looked at me with calculating eyes before nodding stiffly. He disappeared down the corridor without

another word or glance. I push my back against the seat. My body going numb as the emotions

drumming into my system became unbearable. My wolf howled, pulling on her restraints with her claws

extending. The vicious snarls ripping into my mind stirring the balance of stability I managed to


I ground down on my teeth, hoping it would be enough to withhold my impulse to attack as soon as I

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would catch sight of this person. The inhuman side of me thirsting for blood beyond my control. A good

few minutes went by with nothing but silence. No amount of time and effort was enough to sooth my


She saw a threat on my territory and believed the intruder’s demise a necessity.

Rabid, completely out of control and acting upon high emotions of the need to protect both herself and

her people; she was unruly.

Nothing I said would go through her mind.

So I sat there as still as I could. I sat there up until there was that familiar knock on the door with

Noah’s voice ringing out for permission to enter. I sat still until the door creaked open to reveal a

displeased Noah with someone behind him. I sat still until Noah turned to leave before casting me a

wary glance. I sat still until the door closed softly and this person stepped closer.

I sat still until I finally spoke, effectively breaking the strain of the silence cloaking over us.

“Luna Hestia Walker, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

Hestia remains impassive as she stands there tall and collected. Cladded in a simple navy blue blouse

and dark ripped jeans, she stands in across from me with her hands clasped together in front. Her

blonde hair swept into a tight bun to showcase the mark and canine indents Landon had left there. I

should feel a tinge of resentment, envy- anything.

But I don’t.

My gaze ran over the thick black marks down the curve of her neck, the puncture wounds and

Landon’s mark tatted onto her pale skin. The mark of an Alpha shown proudly on the right side of her


She felt my attention flicker to her mark. Her wolf grew uneasy from how the situation was looking. She

felt the pretenses of a fight insinuating. A fight she knew she’d lose.

She watched me carefully. Her hands balled up in worry, her eyes hesitantly shifting between me and

the floor. She tried to pick up on any indication of my aggression. Tried to cope a feel of my aura. She

didn’t want to risk being attacked but at the same time her pride was on the line.

Her pride as a Luna.

Not that she had much to begin with.

So she kept up a front to the best she could. She said nothing but at the same time, I felt nothing. No

anger. No sadness. No annoyance. No pity. Nothing. The earlier display of pure killing intent from my

wolf, silenced. It was scary how deathly calm I was. Had I grown too tired of it all? Had I grown numb to

everything relating to them? To see the woman who had been so valued over me even to my mate,

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trembling in my presence not enough to bring me some type of pleasure? The lack of satisfaction from

the way their attitudes had changed toward me was puzzling. It’s not as if it was my goal to make them

regret. I wasn’t pinning for some sort of reaction like that, but if they did, it wasn’t bad either.

Was it because I grew stronger or was it just them who grew weaker? Was there much of a difference

in the first place?

“I think you know why I’m here.”

She mutters lowly. She doesn’t elaborate. She really doesn’t have to. That tiny flare of anger that

burned within me started to resurface. My wolf growing increasingly annoyed from her intrusion. This

tasteless, pointless, aggravating topic that refuses to disappear along with these people. We had this

sort of stare down. Neither of us giving in, but as the seconds progressed, the more power I was

emitting out. She struggled not to let it show on her face, but she was feeling the oppression of my

dominance. She was crumbling oh so slowly and my wolf took pleasure in it. “No, I don’t know why

you’re here. Rudely unannounced, might I add. But do enlighten me.”

There’s a hint of mock in my tone. It surprised even me when I heard it. I hadn’t planned on giving

attitude, in fact, I planned on staying calm and composed but clearly that wasn’t much of an option now.

Hestia flinched, mouth slightly gaping when she found herself at a loss for words. The viciousness in

my tone dripping with venom.