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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 103
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Chapter 103

So much venom, she didn’t know how to respond for a minute.

“I-I’m here to discuss the situation.”

She swallowed. I see her eyes drilling into the floorboards. The look of reluctance on her face as she

stared at the floor.

“Our situation.”

I rose a brow.

“We don’t have a situation. Nightwake and Greyhound have no truce nor do we have any pack related

conflict with one another. As far as the pack is concerned, we don’t have anything to do with each


Hestia shook her head and gave me a pointed look. Her cool facade cracking as she stepped forward.

The collectiveness she tried to maintain fell away as her shoulders dropped.

“No, Selene. None of that pack politics cra p. You know what I’m talking about. You, me, Landon and

the fact that you two need to get back together and stop this nonsense with Raizel- that is what I’m

talking about.”

she sighed exasperatedly and walked over to me. Grasping my forearm in her hands she pulled me

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toward her with a pleading expression.

“I-I know what happened was wrong. I know it isn’t fair for you, but you have to understand that this is

the Goddess’ will. We can’t ignore it anymore. You and Landon are meant to be. It was wrong of us to

believe otherwise. It was wrong of us to try to change our fates. You and Landon belong with one

another as I do with Raizel-”

“Don’t call him by his first name.”

I snapped, glaring down at her as black began to ink into the whites of my eyes. The flare of bubbling

anger grew into a flame of rage. I snarled, my vision going hazy from the outrage pulling from my wolf.

She attentively stood with her fur bristled and tail standing straight. Her ears pointy and lips pulling

apart to showcase her bared canines.

She didn’t like Hestia addressing Raizel so familiarly.

She didn’t like it one bit.

“Raizel does not belong to you.”

I ground out. I had to bite back the ‘he belongs to me’ bit that was so close into spilling out. My wolf

who hardly ever did anything impulsive, forcibly tried to take control. I held her down. We both knew

she was more than capable in killing Hestia regardless of blood relation since we detached ourselves

from our “family”. That made holding her back that much harder.

I didn’t need to ruin my reputation by killing a Luna just after making my first real debut. I doubt I could

even raise my hand against her, knowing that she’s with child. Even when that child was the product of

betrayal on behalf of the mateship of wolves.

Hestia’s eyes widened from my tone and she stumbled back. She swallowed down the rest of her


I could practically smell the nervousness in her system.

My wolf fed off her fear, feeling drunk off authority and power over her. Hestia’s wolf submitting

completely while pressing herself onto the ground but her human side refused to yield. Her pride and

ego got in the way of her judgement.

“You-Are you seeing him?”

She asked quietly.

I don’t give her an answer. I just stare at her with the same livid expression I had on when she snapped

my last string of patience. My lack of a reply answered her suspicions.

“You are.”

Tears started welling up in her eyes. Her hands covered her face, a s ob wracking through her as she

took in a shaky breath.

“Why? Why him? Is this your revenge for taking Landon from you? You have to understand we were in

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love! We were in a relationship! A relationship that didn’t last but we were trying our best. Things

changed and now, we’re ready for our true mates. You and Landon were always meant to be… it just

took us time to realize that.”

I narrowed my eyes down at her. She wanted to play the victim? Like her whole relationship with

Landon was innocent, pure love? As if it hadn’t been the cause of unorthodox pain and destruction?

“Tragically, I’m not interested in hand-me downs.”

I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the edge of my desk. With the way she spoke, she

sounded like she was giving Landon over to me. She spoke like a little girl giving her used toy away. A

toy she might’ve been seeing Landon as.

“I’m sure I’ve said this before, so it would be nice if you all listened. I told you, Alpha Walker and his

Beta,that I didn’t want him. I don’t want any part in whatever delusion you all share. You may have

come up with this elaborate plan but don’t include me in it. I don’t want any part in it. Your relationship

status has nothing to do with me, so stop including me in your petty discussions. Walker was never

mine to begin with and I have no intention of trying to change that. Im a busy person, Luna. I don’t have

time for childish games. Leave me out of it.”

Hestia grinds her molars together with a tight expression pulling on her face. She sucked her cheek in,

eyes darting to the side before warily raising them to meet me. Her slightly swollen stomach a lot more

obvious from the shirt she wore.