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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 127
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Chapter 127


Unorthodox jealousy

It was lethal.

“…did you want the red Skittles, Alpha? Cause I don’t have a problem with the purple ones too-”

“Williams, I don’t suppose you’ll have a problem with me going with you, right?”

Williams blinks, looking between Weston and I before clearing his throat. Straightening up his suit he

held his head higher and ignored the pesky awkwardness he felt.

“Going where?”

I glance over to him,


“Meredith is going to kill me.”

“What about my Skittles?”

“Oh my Goddess! Alpha Locksworth, what a pleasant surprise!”

Meredith Crestfield was the one to pull open the gates, allowing our vans’ entry into Greyhound

territory. She stood there with a big smile on her face when she sees us stepping out, only to falter

when she laid her hazel eyes on Williams. I feel him stiffen beside me before letting out a few nervous


If he stepped back a few steps, well, that was no ones business but his own.

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“I had no idea you were coming.”

She muses, making her way toward us. Standing tall with her ever so formal attire, I give her a nod in

acknowledgment in which she returns graciously. She gives the same treatment to Weston but by the

time she looked at Williams, the cool and easy going vibe around her diminishes quickly.. Selene’s

Beta, who I remembered was named Noah stands beside her with a scowl directed at Weston.

“Selene is in the pack house. I haven’t seen her in a while, not after H-”

She cuts herself off with a cough, sparing a glance toward Williams who raises a brow in question.

“Anyway, do make yourself comfortable. Williams and I have a lot to talk about.”

She nods toward Noah, who takes the gesture as a signal and leads us to the pack house. The pack

house was large. Larger than Nightwake’s pack house. Their security system seemed to be on the

more bulkier side compared to other packs’. Since arriving, we’ve caught the attention of a few curious

wolves who intently look our way.

I could catch a faint strand of Selene’s scent.

It only gets stronger as we enter the front door.

“Look here, Nate. I hate seeing you as much as I hate silver. And trust me. I hate silver. But now, I’m

beginning to think silver has a much more tolerable existence than you.”

“Well then, Preston, I too don’t like seeing you. In fact, i loathe it. Do me a favor and take off that horrid

mask off. It’ll scare the pups away.”

“I don’t have a mask, a sshole.”


The Female Alpha’s Conatus.

Chapter 127

“Exactly my point, dum bass.”

Her scent was so strong. The sweet aroma of flowers, entrancing me in a haze. I eagerly lift my head,

trying to sniff out where the trail leads to.

While the two bicker with one another, I make my way to the stairs. Each step getting closer and closer

to her as I let my wolf guide me. It wasn’t long until I stood in front of a door labeled “Alpha Crestfield”

in a gold nameplate.

My wolf whined, urging me to hurry and go in when her scent was driving me mad. Knocking on the

door, I heard no response. Nothing came when I called her name. Curiously, I let the doorknob turn and

slowly made my way inside.

Nothing prepared me for what I’d see inside.

Selene slouched over her desk, her blond hair sprawled over the desk with her arms folded as a

makeshift pillow. Her small body heaving up and down slowly as she breathed. I couldn’t see her face,

but it was a comforting sight. An image my wolf found immense pleasure and tranquility in as he stared

at our wildflower. So much so, that he practically burned the image in our head and whined at me to get


Pushing him down in the depths of my mind, I found a small smile breaking out on my face.

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The initial jealousy and anger vanishing into smoke with just one look at her. Just her presence alone

was enough to calm me.


I stiffened.

My eyes widened, staring at Selene beginning to toss in her position. She moved her head, changing

the direction it laid and brushed her hair away in the process. Her beautiful face contorting in

frustration; eyebrows pinched together, plump pink lips pouty, and a small, barely visible dimple


Heat rushed into my body from how needy she sounded. The pure husk in her tone as my name rolled

off her tongue like forbidden fruit. My skin burned with desire to touch her, to trace the lines of her body

with my fingers. To feel the supple skin under my fingertips dip as they wander across her body like a

constellation. Her skin- a map only I could uncover and explore.

If she’d let me, of course.

Dryly, I muse at how easily she renders me so eager to please. Should my past self see me now, I’m

sure I’d give myself a heart attack.

Her pink lips part, a soft breath leaving her before she tempts me once more,

“Please, Raizel…”

A shudder rakes down my spine. My wolf growls out his approval when our head start to fuzz. The fog I

was being drawn to, I now realize was her arousal. ching my jaw, it took everything inside

me not to give in to my wolf. He was overexcited, clearly looking to pleasure her.

Chapter 128