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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 130
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Chapter 130

“You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, love.”

I mumble, closing the distance between us. My nose touches hers. Unable to pull out from the hypnotic

tension, I allow myself to fall. I knew the moment my lips were to touch hers, I would surely fall to her

feet. There’d be no turning back. Admittedly, I had a feeling it was like that since the moment my eyes

connected with those baby blue eyes. I was already in too deep. Just one look and I was held captive.

Her small hands latched onto my dress shirt. Curling there fingers around the fabric as she lightly

tugged me closer. Her head now freely angling up to meet my lips in equal eagerness. Both logic and

consciousness thrown out the window when I let her pull me closer. Following her lead as my hands

clasp around her waist.

Everything is in slow motion. I lost sense of time, place, surrounding. The only thing I was aware of was

her. The long lashes hooding her eyes, high cheekbones sprinkled in pink, small, pointed nose, soft

blonde hair framing her face so perfectly that even the biggest non-believers would think she was an


My wolf sighed out at the sight of her.

Happy and unbelievably lost in the person we recognized as ours.

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Her hands uncurled around my shirt, experimentally flattening on my abdomen. I felt myself stiffen, a

tight coil in my lower stomach as she dragged her hands up. Everywhere her heat touched left a trail of

wanton desire. Fingers spread apart to feel over my torso. She wanders around, memorizing the

outline of my body from muscles to ridges. The fascination clear as day in those orbs.

Breathing in, Selene’s hands wound up around my neck. Pulling herself up and resorting to -tip-toeing,

her eyelids shut halfway. She’s waiting. She wanted this as much as I did. She knew we

were too far gone in each other. Too wrapped up in each other’s presence to think logically. Leaning

down, I give in.

My lips touch hers softly.

Hesitant but wanting more, I press my lips harder against hers. For a second I feared she would pull

away- realizing this was not what she wanted. But all of those thoughts were pushed to the side. when

she begins to kiss back.

Her lips mold with mine. Neither of us wanting to pull away in fear of losing the other’s touch. It’s not

enough. I doubt it could ever be. My hand once again finds itself pulling her toward me by the back of

her neck. The soft hair tickling my skin as she gasps against my mouth. The moment her plump lips

part, I nip on her bottom lip with my teeth. Fulfilling the desire I had before. The tip of my tongue runs

across her lip, silently asking for forgiveness.

Her eyes were shut.Her lips still moving with mine with ferocious need. I feel her desire for me pulsing

through her touch. The heat she gave out alarming me of the arousal she felt. Her scent doubling in

hormones as she clung to me like vines. Her noble fingers curled around my hair, pulling and tugging at

the roots the way I grew to love.

F uck,

Heat rushed into my body like a tidal wave. My wolf demanded me to dominate her and show her just

how much she truly affected me. But I refrained, I promised to take this slow and give her as much time

as she needed.

But honestly, with her breasts pushing against my chest and her lithe body grinding against mine, I

don’t know how

‘slow’ we can really go. She presses herself harder against me as if she sensed my


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary


inner turmoil. The little minx having no mercy when she rubs herself on me. Her need streams out of

her, coaxing a groan to rip from the back of my throat. I could feel her surprise but most notably,

pleasure from my reaction.

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The Alpha in her enjoying the slight dominance she had over me.

Digging my nails into her back, I resisted the beastly urge to take her on the desk. To rip off her clothes

and show her just how much she drove me crazy. To hear her scream and moan out her pleasure

along with my name from those seductive lips. Goddess, imagining her body writhing under mine had

my head spinning.

Sliding my hands down to her thighs, I pulled. She got the hint, jumping up so that her legs wrapped

around me. We pulled form each other, our breaths loud and harbored but never breaking our eye

contact. It doesn’t take for us to seal our lips in lock once more but this time with more feral intent. My

tongue dips in her mouth, her wet muscle tangling with mine in heated passion.

I couldn’t stop the low growling spurring from my chest. It only worsened when she groaned against my

lips. Her hips deciding upon torture when she grinds against me for some more friction. Clenching my

teeth, I shut my eyes in ecstasy, feeling her a ss rub against my c ock. My lips hastily found her supple

skin, sucking and biting at her neck.

Setting her down on top of the table, she yelps but maintains the grip she has around my waist. Her

arms now dangle around my neck as I settle between her legs. No sound of refusal pulling me from our

trance. Cupping her thighs with my hands, I stare at her with our foreheads pressed together. No words

said with only our heavy breathing breaking the silence.