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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 158
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Chapter 158

Gasps and screams of terror erupt from the crowd. They quickly dispel from around the three, watching

in horror as their Gam ma is pinned to the soil. Chamberlain struggles, growling out and thrashing in

their holds but the two Gamm a’s maintain their grip. The driver of our van sprinting forth with silver

chains in his gloved hands.

“What the hell is this?”

Landon booms out. His eyes flashing with overwhelming anger. He moves to grab hold of Isaac but

Raizel steps between them.

“You touch the Gam ma, I break your wrist.”

The threat isn’t a light one. Anyone can see how deathly serious Raizel is. His power now oozing off

him with no ounce of care or hesitation. It’s almost terrifying. A chilling reminder of the Alpha he


Part of me feels satisfaction. Satisfaction from how he was looking after Isaac like how he’d look after

Emerson. A sense of belonging as if we were all one. Landon flinches from Raizel’s dominance. A

quick look of fear slipping from his strong facade before he hastily composes himself. He musters all

the courage he can and forces himself to stand up to Raizel. His pride and reputation dangling over his


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“You come to my territory uninvited. You cause a commotion with my Beta. You attack my Gam ma and

now you threaten me?”

He hisses venomously. His eyes narrow into slits. His wolf is so close to breaking free but then again,

so is Raizel’s. The Gam mas chain Chamberlain’s wrists together much to his protest. No amount of

struggling could get him free.

The wolves that had the guts to stand by and watch looking hesitant as to whether or not they should

interfere. Choosing to get involved after a decree from the Chancellor and against two Gam mas who

won’t hold back was suicide.

ཎ བཅཁ ༔

They don’t do anything when Isaac forces Chamberlain up to his kneel. Emerson’s hand still wrapped

around his neck to alarm both Chamberlain and his wolf that if he were to try and resist any further, he

wouldn’t hesitate to snap his neck in half.

“Watch your tone, Walker. We were sent here by the Chancellor. Ordered to detain him by the

Chancellor. And told to do any means necessary by the Chancellor. If you have a problem with that,

bring it up to him.”

I tell him. I keep by gaze steady. My voice projected loud enough for everyone to hear. Unwavering and

strong. Hestia can only stand behind Landon wordlessly. She’s struggling to keep herself from

submitting. Her natural instinct telling her to bow before us but the mark on her neck and the title over

her her head preventing her from doing so. The act of submission should never be an option of an

Alpha’s Luna.

Landon slowly tears his gaze from Raizel and looks to me.

“Detaining him?”

Landon repeats in shock,

“You’re taking my Gam ma?”


Raizel answers. His hand slowly reaches for me. His fingers intertwining with my own. An act of self

restraint. A rush of warmth calming me when his skin touches mine. Like a flame set ablaze aeross

The Combate Comm

Chapter 158

my flesh. I look up to him, squeezing his hand reassuringly to calm us both down. The situation was

getting out of hand. I know the wolves see the contact between us. None of them daring to say

anything except for the wolf boiling to the brim with envy.

Landon laughs bitterly. Glaring down at our intertwined hands and growls. The darkness swimming in

his greens unlike any display of jealousy before. Stepping forward, he disregards any logic and prior

fear. He was too far gone at this point. Hestia, who takes notice of his mood change, rushes to hold him

back. Knowing very well what was at stake here and the kind of secrets that could possibly come out in

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the open.

Her hands desperately cling onto Landon’s forearm but he yanks his arm away. He looks down to her

and snarls. Panicked blue eyes meet his now fully black ones. His wolf showing not tolerance in being

touched even with his marked lover.

The blonde breaths in sharply, dropping her head down as she submits to her husband. The crown of

her head the only thing Landon’s wolf can see. He huffs out his approval at her compliance before

continuing his strides.

Trembling with the fear flowing out of her like a stream, she shuts her eyes tight. A sign of weakness

from a Luna. Her shaky hands fist ing around the fabric of her shirt. Submitting to your mate was

humiliating. Murmurs of displeasure sound from the crowd and I feel a scowlinch on my face. Not for

Hestia’s sake but for the fact that this pack was so quick to switch up. The pack that once held her with

so much regard and practically set her on a pedestal now looking at her with disappointment.

Landon’s wolf had successfully taken over half his mind. He’s blinking with marble black eyes and

movements reduced to frigid animalistic ones. He stares down, tilting his head from right to left as if to

as ses the situation and threat. Without warning, he pulls back just the slightest bit before thrusting his

body in our direction. His auburn fur sprouting all over his body all at once as he shifts mid-air. The

sound of tearing resonating through the crowd. His clothes torn off from his body in the process of his


Chapter 159