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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 167
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Chapter 167

Water rolled down his chest, I wasn’t sure if it was from the shower or if it was sweat but either way he

looked so dam n good. His damp hair sticking onto his skin like glue on paper. Dark eyes intense and

smoldering. I spread my legs wider for him, loving the way he took my legs with both hands to help me

up. I was certain I going to bruise, possibly be rendered immobile from how rough he was going but I

knew I wouldn’t have any regrets. I didn’t mind the bruises.

I wanted this just as bad as he did.

Slamming into me, he throws his head back, letting out a string of profanities under his breath. His grip

was tight, fingers curving over my thighs as he stiffened. The pulsing of his co ck and the convulsing

my body warning us of our peaks. He works his way down to my cl it, lips still attached to my neck as

his hand squeezes my breast.

“I’m going to cu m.”

He warned, grinding down on his teeth with a look of euphoria washing over him. I nod, shutting my

eyes tight when I finally feel myself release. My pus sy gripping down on him greedily when he spills

himself inside. Long ropes of his warm cu m coating my walls as he gave me three more languid

thrusts. He doesn’t remove himself, not even when his cu m was starting to drip from inside me. He

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rests his forehead on mine, our breathing meshed together haphazardly.

Kissing the corner of his mouth, I take his hand and lead it to my chest. He stares at me silently trying

to catch his breath. His warm palm is flat against my chest.


I tell him softly. Leading his hand back to his chest, I press my palm on him and stare him straight in the

eyes before leaning in for one last kiss after muttering,


He couldn’t help but watch the blonde laying beside him.

Her golden locks sprawled over his chest and bedsheets, arms wrapped around his waist, bare chest

pressed against his sides and the soft, satisfied look on her face as she breathed steadily in her sleep.

He’d move the two of them from the shower to his bed. The water rolling down their skin soaking into

his sheets. Raizel could spend hours of his day just watching her lay there. The shock that this

beautiful woman is here, by his side, could ever find some form of solace in the monster he’d become

never fully fading. To think that she could ever feel for him, half the affection he felt for her. He’d always

thought it would never be possible for him but Goddess was he falling in love her. Barely knowing her

for a month and yet he could no longer picture the life he had before her. He simply didn’t want to.

Why would he ever want to return to a life where she wasn’t there?

Raizel angled his head down to get a better look at her. Her soft plump pink lips parted– a little swollen

from the previous lip locking they’d done, but still so inexplicably seductive. Marble blue eyes shut and

hidden away from the world that he couldnt repress the slight dismay he felt from being unable to see

them. Strands of her hair falling over her face and yet somehow looking so endearing from the

vulnerability he felt from it.

By Goddess, did he feel blessed.

Raising a hand, he lightly brushed the hair out of her face with his knuckles. He felt his skin graze

against her cheek and winced from the shocks he felt. Like sparks from ignition, he felt his own body

heat rising when those gorgeous blues made their appearance. She was drowsy, sleep written on her

face as she blinked ever so slowly and just stared.


Chapter 167

Then, almost like the Goddess above felt the need to push him further down the road of love, a smile

spread across her face.

That earth-shattering, picture perfect, beaming, all teeth smile.

The kind that had his heart jumping out his chest.


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She whispered quietly. Her thin fingers reached out to brush away locks of his hair. The slight sparkle in

her eyes coming into life when she ran them through his scalp. He hummed in response, unable to

form any coherent words or thoughts as he found his place between the crook of her neck. He nuzzled

his nose there, breathing her in and smiling against her skin when he felt her body shake when a laugh

passed through her.

He loved it when she laughed.

He loved it a lot.

He tightened his arms around her, pulling her as close to him as possible but at the same time not so

tight it would hurt. His wolf was just oozing with contentment. He still felt the undying need to march

back to Nightwake and just rip that pathetic ex-mate of hers into shreds. His wolf sharing his own

thoughts of agreement. Neither one of them wanted that f uc ker anywhere near their Selene. He’d lost

any right to even breathe the same air the moment he’d decided to reject her.

Raizel me ntally cussed in his mind, pushing away any thoughts of the brunette and instead press

his himself harder into her. He would much rather give her all his attention now than to spare limited

time with her on the man he would undoubtedly deal with one way or another. Alpha title be dam ned if

anyone thought he’d let Landon Walker be.