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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 196
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Chapter 196

Instinctively, Selene licked her lips.

With a coy grin she ran her tongue between the seam of her lips,


Raizel panted lowly, chest heaving up and down as he took her by the arms and pinned her to the bed.

The animalistic look from his eyes aroused her. He was going to give her what she wanted. Hard, fast

and thorough like she wanted. He reached to take the belt binding her wrists in his hand before ripping

the leather apart.

Her hands finally free from the constraints but had no time in relishing the way it felt. Raizel was quick

to take them in his hand and pin them above her head. His mou th swiftly latched onto the supple skin

of her neck, nipping and biting until bright red marks decorated her skin.

There was no waiting.

No taking his time.

Selene had turned on the switch in him that would set him off on her, and she dam n well enjoyed

it.She couldn’t find any ounce of her to regret it. Raizel’s teeth scraped down her neck and to her

collarbone. His hot breath fanning over her skin made goosebumps rise from their spots. She tried to

lustful meet his eyes, but they were far too busy fixated on her chest to notice. The heated, stared at

her with drowned out any reasonable thoughts trying to process in her mind.

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She was entirely consumed by him as he was with her.

Heart, body and soul alike.

“I’m warning you now, Selene.”



Raizel’s husky voice sent ripples of pleasure shooting through her veins. His nose trailed down her

neck, teeth teasing when taking in a patch of her skin between them. He licked at the reddened spot in

apology before lifting his eyes to meet hers. The mischievous, raw, lustful need in them swirling in his

dark hooded eyes,

“I won’t be able to take this slow.”

Raizel moved up her neck. Butterfly kisses were left scattered all over her skin before he stopped right

below her ear. His hands wandered over her body like a canvas waiting to be painted in his color. They

groped at everything- anywhere he could get his hands on before stopping at her thighs. His fingers

curled at her skin.

“I’m going to take you hard. But don’t worry.”

He spread her legs apart,

“The bed won’t be the only place I’ll take you by the time we’re through.”

Well fuc k .

If she weren’t wet enough before, she was a bursting dam now.

Raizel wasted no time in moving between her legs until she felt his hard length pressing against her

inner thigh. Slightly surprised by his quick recovery time, she tried not to let it show on her face. The

hotness of his coc k rubbing against her deliciously as he captured her lips in his once again. The coc

ky smirk was in place before he slipped his tongue in her m outh.

Heat spread over he like never before. His honesty in what he wanted to do to her had her on her

knees for him. His teasing warning did nothing but feed fire to the want she felt for him and the


Chapter 196

pleasure he could give her. It was so bad she didn’t even notice her hips rolling against his in an

attempt to coax him to getting inside faster.

It just felt so good to have his so close to her wet entrance.


She groaned out, back arched and chest perking in the air.

Raizel’s eyes darkened at her request. Seeing her needy with want definitely did something to trigger

his last bit of restraint. A gasp ripped from Selene’s lips when the tip of his coc k pressed against her

clit. A whine trembled from her mou th when he moved slowly. Rubbing his coc k against the bud at his

pace, sweat trickled down his neck.

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She moved against him, breathless pants and a heaving chest seducing him into doing more. He

groaned under her lustful gaze. His hips slowly snapping to her entrance where he slid in with at little

resistance. Selene was wet enough, but he was too big.

“Fu c k-”

He hunched over her, his body trembling with the desire to thrust in fully. She knew that he was holding

back to make sure she wasn’t hurt, but honestly, she could hardly care, Selene tugged at his neck,

pulling his head to meet her lips as she whispered,

“Harder, Alpha.”

Yep. That one really did it for him.

Raizel suddenly fu c ked into her, easing his length in her wet warmth with a hiss and profanity slipping

under his breath. He didn’t wait another second before snapping his hips back only to plunge right back

into her with merciless force. She screamed out, her hands digging into his back and leaving red lines

along his taut muscles. His coc k twitched inside her in response. Sliding in and out relentlessly with

every sporadic thrust of his hips.

“Oh God- Raizel! Fu c k, fu c k-”

She whined, her voice straining to scream out her pleasure. Raizel took it as motivation to continue, his

hands moving to lift one of her legs for better access. With a feral smile playing on his lips, he

quickened his pace. She could feel the bed moving underneath her frame. A string of cries and. moans

leaving her lips as her stomach tightened. Raizel’s merciless assaults didn’t stop when he suddenly

flipped her backwards without pulling out. She opened her mo uth to question him when he grasped

her hips in his hands and started pounding into her from behind.