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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 205
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Chapter 205

The tears that glazed over my eyes could no longer be withheld. My heart and walls alike breaks in

front of him. I sniffled, clenching my fingers into tight fists,

“So how come? If I was so strong, how come I still lost everything?”.

He runs his thumb under my eye, wiping my tear away when when another spilled over my lids. The

endless streams of my weakness spills forth and I found myself hastily trying to stop it. Raizel kisses

my forehead, nuzzling his head with mine as he spoke softly,

“The world is never fair. Especially for the strong. The strong are always the ones who suffered the

most. How else would they have gotten to the point they are at now?”

I tried my hardest to steel myself.

To ignore the pricking pain stabbing into my chest.

But each time I tried their faces would flash by and until i could no longer pretend. I give in. I lear

forward, bury myself into his chest, rest my head against his skin and cried.

The tears pour down my face, his hands soothingly rubbing my back as I let his words sink in. The

bitterness I felt as the stray tears rolled down my cheeks remind me of who I was. Who I am. But I try

not to let it bother me. The truth that he spoke about my confession makes me feel lighter, but I

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wouldn’t know that until later. I wouldn’t know that speaking of this helped lift the weight burdening me

over the years.

In this moment, i let myself cry for the people I’ve lost.

The people I still constantly think about and wonder how things would’ve been had they lived. If i hadn’t

lost them all too soon.

Four years ago, I’d lost everything.

But now, sitting here in the arms of the man I love with a pack waiting for me at home and a family

waiting right outside that door, I felt a little glimmer of hope.

Hope that maybe.

Just maybe.

I haven’t lost everything.

“So you’re telling me…”

Noah points at Raizel who arches a brow at the gesture. His arm loosely wrapped around my waist as

we watch Noah for the hundredth time look between the two of us in pure astonishment. The first time

being when he noticed the marks on our necks. He had screamed legitimately squealed with his hands

cupping his reddening cheeks as he practically hovered over my neck to stare at the teeth indents like

it was a diamond ring I was showing off.

Well, in a way, it kind of was.

I lean against the cushions of the couch, glancing at Raizel when he suddenly pulls his arm away from

my waist. If I felt any tinge of disappointment at the loss of contact, I didn’t have much time to dwell on

it as he lifts his hand to inspect my mark once more. I try to hold my composure, I really did, but the

fluttery feeling of Raizel drawing circles at my neck right across my marked skin sent waves of euphoria

down my spine. The both of us were still in a weird haze of pure bliss. For the most part it was difficult

to stay away from each other too long. Nothing that I didn’t expect to happen. Newly marked pairs

would feel a need to stay close by just to ease their wolves’ tension. It’s Noah’s voice that brings me

back to reality.


Chapter 205

“The Bloodlust Alpha and”

He then points at me,

“The Hellhound are mates. Like, legitimately mates. As in, hey this is totally a life time guarantee and

there’s no returns or refunds even with free shipping to the Moon World if I ki ll him kinda mates. And

that her ancestor was the mate of Romanuv Locksworth- who, by the way, sounds like a total dic k for

rejecting that poor girl”

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He stops midway as if catching himself, turns to Rafzel who only looks amused at the whole thing. and

adds a half assed: “No offense.”

Before wiggling his finger between the both of us again.

“And that they totally had a se x marathon before coming here. Yeah, I know you didn’t say that in your

story telling earlier but its obvious with how much you smell like him right now. If someone made Raizel

scented perfume, you’d be the prime example of what it would smell like. But anyway, Benicio got

stabbed, you met a witch, went back to the magical pool, marked one another, met the in-laws,

watched Brandon Walking have his as s handed to him not in that particular order-”

Noah glides his gaze to Isaac,

“Yet you didn’t record any of it.”

There’s a beat of silence in the office. This was the quietest it had been for the last fifteen minutes

since we’ve arrived in Greyhound sporting newly made marks on our necks to the joy of Greyhound

members. To say there was an uproar is an understatement. Meredith practically fainted on sight and

was now sitting across from us with a wistful grin never once leaving her face. I felt her happiness

shine through our bond, but even then one look on her face you could tell she was overjoyed. Bond or

no bond, I saw it. Admittedly I felt a little embarrassed when Noah mentioned the pack felt a sudden

connection to something stronger, yet not knowing exactly what it was, the moment I was marked. In a

way, Greyhound was linked to Ignis Red now- unofficially.