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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35

We were already at the Capital, staying at one of the guest rooms the Chancellor gave every Alpha

pair. We weren’t staying the night but we did need to take a few hours rest since arriving earlier this

day. The meeting was going to take place in thirty minutes. I already felt tense with tension. Coming

face to face with men and woman who wanted more land to themselves. It wouldn’t be a surprise if one

of them issued a challenge to an Alpha. It usually happened during these meetings because they’d all

take the time to survey the competition.

I would have to be very careful in controlling my emotions. Anything can go wrong in a room full of


“Alpha, it’s time.”

Beta Benicio was dressed in his own suit looking sharp for the meeting. Typically, the Alpha, Luna and

Beta were permitted in the room. Though the Luna and Beta didn’t have a say, they were allowed to

take a seat inside. It was a sign of respect more than it was a sign or equality among ranks.

Taking Hestia’s hand who loosely let me hold it, I forced down my frustration with her and walked down

the hall. I could already feel the power radiate from the Alphas a few doors down. Hestia trembled,

feeling oppressed by the pressure suddenly weighing her down. She wouldn’t be able to handle staying

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in that room. With a frustrated sigh, I squeezed her hand and dragged her to the conference room.

When we stepped in, seven of the ten Alpha’s were already inside. All male. Their mates were in the

back of the room, conversing among themselves with the Beta’s beside them.

It looks like the Hellhound nor the Bloodlust Alpha has yet to arrive.

Recognizing the familiar faces of Alpha Reynolds and Alpha Sei, I greeted them with Hestia falling

short behind me. She kept her head down, clearly affected by the aura the Alpha’s were giving out.

Lift your head, Hestia.

I mind linked her. She raised her head an inch before looking down once more in submission. My wolf

snarled in annoyance, hating how weak Hestia was making herself look. As the Luna, bowing her head

meant showing weakness. She was embarrassing not only herself but the pack. She held the Luna title

yet she wasn’t acting like one,

“Ah, Alpha Walker. It’s been a while. I see you brought your mate?”

My smile wavered but I quickly masked it with a laugh.

“Yes, I did. I see yours is making herself acquainted with the other Luna’s. Hestia darling, why don’t you

join them? Make some friends for yourself?”

Hestia nodded, looking relieved and quickly walked her way to the group of women huddled around in

the corner. Once she was out of sight, I felt a gush of air leave me.

“So I hear the Hellhound is coming.”

Said Alpha Sei, folding his arms across his chest.

“Apparently so. Haven’t seen Alpha Crestfield since they suddenly announced Meredith


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary


Chapter 35

Crestfield in stepping down. I didn’t even know she had a daughter.”

Alpha Reynolds added. Alpha Sei hummed in agreement, looking at the seats. The round table had

eleven seats in total. One at the very end of the oval where the Chancellor would sit and then five on

each side. The first and second ranking pack leaders would sit at his sides. The first being the

Bloodlust Alpha, Alpha Locksworth, would sit at his right. The second, being the Hellhound, Alpha

Crestfield, would sit on his left. The rest would follow suit in order.

My pack was ranked sixth. I frowned. When my father was Alpha, he ranked fourth.

Alpha Reynolds’ eyes scanned the other Alphas in the other side of the room. His hard gaze zeroing on

Alpha Windril who was walking our way.

“Great, the s exist pi g is heading this way.”

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He mumbled annoyedly. Alpha Windril was a despicable man. He believed that women shouldn’t have

any power in his pack, that the men were the superior s ex and all that women were good for was to

indulge in and impregnate. He also didn’t believe in the concept of mates, having a harem of his own

including his mate.

He had no Luna, no Beta and no Gamma.

He’d rotated other members periodically so no one could stay in one position for too long.

The only one in power was him.

There’d been countless attempts to overthrow him, the Chancellor heading these meetings as the

instigator. It would’ve worked but in order to successfully overthrow an Alpha who hadn’t died,

breached lupine law or been challenged, the pack in question would’ve had to cast their votes in.

As it was, they were all terrified of him. They’d been forced into submission and none of them had

spoken against their Alpha. As much as the Chancellor would’ve wanted to cast Windril out, he

couldn’t. Not when no Lupine laws could’ve been proven to be breached. Not when his pack didn’t vote

him out.

Williams may be Chancellor, but even he can’t act outside his authority.

As much as I hated to admit it, Alpha Windril was a strong man. Very capable if you look past his very

apparent flaws and oversized ego. He ran the pack since he was only seventeen up to now and never

let his rank fall.