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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43

I had no plans to argue with that.

As much as I wanted to tear them limb from limb in my territory and away from prying eyes, I wasn’t

desperate enough to put their use in jeopardy by demanding them here. Still, they wouldn’t escape my

clutches. Just because they couldn’t be brought here, didn’t mean I’d make the interrogation a walk in

the park. Just because I couldn’t bring them, didn’t mean I couldn’t bring things to them.

I had a few select tools in mind.

I hummed, already pinning for a chance to face those two again. I volf sat on her hind legs, jaw parted

with her tongue sticking out in anticipation. The thust for their blood only grew the longer the days went

by. Not once did we forget our desire to pay them back. The desire to make them regret their decision

of attacking Duskfall.

Everything they were responsible for would be paid in full.

One way or another, their blood will be spilt.

It was just a matter of time.

“That’s okay. Prepare our little ‘toys’.”

I opened the car door, sliding off the seat and planted my feet firmly into the ground. Some pups that

were running around took notice of me and clumsily bowed in respect before running off. I smiled,

watching over the pups squealing and laughing with one another. Little bodies bouncing in glee as they

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


They lived such carefree lives.

Carefree lives I strived to protect.

The life I had wanted to give Lila.

One pup hadn’t moved from his spot. He kept staring at me, or rather, my body. When he noticed I

caught him looking, he gasped before speeding off to where his friends were. I frowned. Glancing

down, I realized the pup was staring at my blood soaked dress. It made me wonder how he noticed

when the red wasn’t easily seen on black fabric.

He must’ve caught scent of it.

Noah repeated my motion, closing his door sh ut and was about to carry out my orders when he looked

at me. Giving me a sympathetic smile which told me he felt my thoughts of Lila, he started walking off

in the direction of the pack house.

“Oh, and Noah? Bring silver.”

I remembered their faces perfectly. Fio and Val. Two rogues responsible for what happened at Duskfall.

I remembered Fio’s smug face. I remembered the fear I felt running away from them with Lila trembling

in my arms. Fear for her. Fear that they’d mercilessly put an end

to her life.

Fear that had turned out to be the most harshest reality.

My eyes darkened with bloodlust as Noah smirked at what was to come. The bond sent



waves of anger to him.

“How much silver?”

He asked, knowing full well what I was going to say. But to his amusement, I answered without skipping

a beat,

“Lots of it.”


“Congrats Selene.”

I raised my head from the papers I was looking at to see a smiling Isaac leaning against the doorframe.

His sleeved arms crossing his chest enhanced the muscle ghtly bound by his shirt. I shot him a

questioning look as I pulled away from the desk. Since getting back to the pack house, I’ve done

nothing but paperwork. I sat here chained to my desk looking through countless reports and admission


At this rate, I’m going to need reading glasses very soon.


I ask him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I’m sure Isaac had just finished training the youths of the pack. As Gamma, Isaac was responsible for

leading our Warriors as well as training pack members. I’d come and overlook training occasionally, but

he preferred to do it alone. He always preferred to work alone. It was hard enough for others to really

get close to him outside training, as I’ve seen countless female wolves try, but training with him was


I guess being close to Bentley and all was the reason he took to me easily.

Five months was how much time it took for Noah to even hold a proper conversation with Isaac. I had

to give it to him though, Noah did not back down and relentlessly tried to get on Isaac’s good side. I

guess his persistence was really the key factor of their friendship. Isaac was a tough one to crack, I’m

sure everyone in the pack can vouch for that.

He pushed himself off the frame with a goofy grin on his face. He strode over to me, planting his hands

on the table and leaned forward.

“Everyone’s heard about Windril. Noah’s been running his m outh telling everyone how the Hellhound

was unleashed since he got here. Hand gestures, sound effects and all. Quite the story teller, that guy,

but I doubt he exaggerated anything.”

He motioned with his hands for emphasis. I groaned, rubbing my temples with my thumb and

forefinger. While my wolf was prancing around in pride, I was dreading reality. Of course, Noah just had

to. I can almost hear the pups running down pack territory singing a song about it.

“Remind me why I chose Noah as my Beta, again.”

it but I held

I grumbled, flipping through the stacks of unsigned papers. Report. Report. Admission. Report.

Admission. Admission. Admission. My fingers ached to rip my hau myself back. I was ‘this’ close to

throwing the stacks in the fire place but that would’ve been stu pid.