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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90

We observe each other. Eyes betraying nothing of our inner thoughts. He was cun ning. I found from

our little conversation just how very careful he actually was. Any Williams blood would be. It would

seem Marco was no exception to the saying. I was so engrossed in trying to break through his mask

that I didn’t notice the growing tension behind me.

A chill ran over me. My eyes fled to the far side of the floor, seeing Landon watching with enraged

eyes. His grip on Hestia’s hand tightened to the point she was trying to pull away, but he didn’t notice.

His gaze was directed on Marco, who didn’t feel the slightest bit of tension being projected. onto him.

Some Alpha’s who were standing around seem to stiffen, detecting the aura of aggression and looked

around for the source subtly.

He looked like he wanted to say something and he did. Landon walked toward us, breaking away from

Hestia and leaving his entourage behind. They helplessly looked after their Alpha, afraid of the kind of

stu pidity he was about to commit in his state of fury. My wolf snorted, laying back down and continued

to stare blankly at the swaying bodies of people beginning to dance.

Already tuning out half of what Marco was saying, Landon was about three feet away when a sudden

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silence fell upon us. The sound of shoes prattling on the marble floor echoed in the pin drop silence of

the ballroom. Landon had completely stopped walking, his earlier anger diminished as he stood staring.

Even Marco who was yapping on and on fell silent to watch the intruder. My heart thumped against my

chest. A burst of anticipation running through me. Curiously, I look toward the source and held my

breath at the sight.

Raizel walked in wearing a black suit tailored specifically for him that outlined the firmness of his build.

His broad shoulders highlighted and his muscular arms flexing as he ran a hand through his hair. His

dark, luscious hair attempted to be slicked back only to have some locks fall over his eyes. That

chiseled face I’ve been seeing in my dreams coming to life right in front of me. He looked so

breathtaking. After a few days of his absence, my body felt this wanton need full force. My wolf stood

on her legs quickly, ecstatic at the sight of him as she barked out her excitement.

He was alone.

The Beta of his, nowhere in sight.

Or a date…

I hiss at my subconscious and force the giddiness down. He caught everyone’s attention the moment

he stepped in. He stopped walking, eyes scanning the cluster of people huddled in groups, no doubt

ready to gossip about his appearance the moment the tension left. He kept scanning, each person he

looks by freezing up when they felt his gaze and slowly he reaches me.

We lock eyes, a shattering breath forcibly leaving me as his gaze narrowed down on my dress.

I feel his eyes outline my figure, his jaw clenching as they looked down my chest, waist, hips before

slowly making their way up. F uck. My legs felt like jelly and he just looked at me. I expected him to

walk on and venture around the jungle known as the elite’s playground but he doesn’t.

He walks, alright, but toward me.

My hand automatically clenches up until I feel the band of the Greyhound ring dig into my skin. He got

closer and closer, eyes following him like a magnet you were unable to separate yourself from. When

he finally reaches me, he glances down at Marco whose eyes widened by a fraction before stepping

back and looking away.

Everyones attention was on us.

You can do this, Selene. Just do what you planned earlier. Make distance. Separate yourself.

The little pep talk I had with myself proved to be somewhat helpful. Mustering up all my courage, I

speak before he does.

“Alpha Locksworth, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

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I said steadily. Raizel’s mouth twitches but his gaze grows colder. I’m almost tempted to to reach out to

him but I don’t. That doesn’t stop my fingers from twitching to do it. He presses his lips thinly before

giving me a nod,


I thought that the conversation, if you can even call it that, would be over and end there but again, he

proves me wrong. A passing waiter who nervously offers Raizel a glass of champagne stops when

Raizel reached out to take not one, but two of the alcoholic beverages. He looks over to me, handing

me one and I take it almost too quickly. Trying to act calm was a feat in his company.

But of course he notices and the panty dropping smirk had made its appearance.

Marco and the Luna’s had all slowly inched away when Raizel made it his point to stand beside me.

The music continued playing and so did the chatters among the ballroom but what didn’t change was

the eyes glancing toward us every so often. Noah and Mailia who were dancing with each other sent

me looks of concern before warily drifting over to brooding man beside me.

Waving off their needless worry with a small smile, they returned my gesture with their own when I was

certain they didn’t believe my attempt to assure them. Sipping on the silky beverage, I look to Raizel

whose focus was on the couples dancing in the the center. His startling grey eyes never ceasing to

amaze me.