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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101 How long your backbone can support you for the life?

For a moment, Nikita withdrew her cold eyes and bent down to pick up her mobile phone.

Fa ced with Nathan and Margot’s (u g l y0 expression, she reopened the game interface and didn’t look

at them again. She said in a cold and alienated voice, “You are just unrelated people. Mind your own


Nathan’s face sank, and his face looked terrible.

When he first met Nikita, he could feel that she was eccentric.

He didn’t expect that her temper would be so strange.

Her temper was not only unpleasant, but even a little (disgu sting).

Such an unappreciative and defiant person.

Nathan had his temper, too. He looked at Nikita’s face, which was full of “keeping off” and no other

emotions except indifference. He clenched his fist and sneered, “Well, we are unrelated people. You,

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Nikita, have nothing to do with the


“It’s my mother and I who are idle and have nothing to do that will come and meddle in your business.”

Nikita raised her eyebrows, didn’t look up, and quickly clicked her finger on the screen of her mobile

phone: “Well, you are right.”

Nathan felt a lump of blood in his throat and was livid with anger.

The young policeman next to them saw this scene and probably understood why Nikita said she had no


It turned out that she had a bad relationship with her family.

“Okay, Nikita, that’s what you said.” Margot didn’t like Nikita at all, and if it weren’t for the fortune of her

family, she wouldn’t have brought her back from the countryside at all. Nikita made suxo.com fast

updatech trouble when she just came back, which made her extremely disgusted with this daughter.

Yvonne was also brought back by her from the countryside.

But she had always been obedient.

And she never caused such a mess.

Margot now wondered if she picked up the wrong person again.

Maybe, Nikita was not her own daughter at all. How could her Margot’s own daughter be so terrible?

“I won’t mind your business. Since you said you had nothing to do with the Swifts, you’d better move

out of the Swifts. In the future, the Swifts will not provide you with any financial help. “Margot sneered

and said with some sarcasm, “I’d like to see if how long your backbone can support you for the life.”

It seemed that she was simply too young to know better!

Maybe within two days, she would call her crying and ask her for help.

Anyway, at that time, Margot would leave it alone!

“Nathan, let’s go!” Margot finished, turned around and walked out with a scowl on her face.

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“Wait, Margot, you just left?” Helen froze when she saw Margot leaving, and called out, “You don’t care

about your daughter?”

“She’s not my daughter. I, Margot, only have Yvonne and Nathan as my children!” Margot glanced at

Nikita, who was still playing the game, with disgust in her eyes. There was no emotion in her cold

voice. “You can pursue it all you want. It has nothing to do with me.”

Margot pushed the glass door and went out without looking back.

“Nikita, if you are so stubborn, you will suffer.” Nathan sighed and shook his head. After dropping this

sentence, he also turned and left.

Chapter 101 How long your backbone can support you for the life?

Nikita played her game with her head buried, and she looked so careless that she didn’t even give

them a look.

Nathan and Margot walked out of the police station one after the other with a sullen face.

As soon as they got out of the gate, they saw a police car stopped beside, and then a man stepped

down from the car.

As soon as the person on the car came down, several policemen trotted over and shouted respectfully,

“Director Anthony.”