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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66 Students are not allowed to enter.

When Sheehan got off the bus, he was immediately noticed by several women wandering at the door of the bar

The man’s temperament is expensive, his face is handsome and good looking in first-class, and his cloth is also quite tasteful

At first glance, you can know he has an extraordinary status.

Besides, he just got off a Lamborghini sports car.

Although the whole body’s breath is cool, and he looks cold, not easy to approach.

But there are still a few women who want to try

When they were about to come forward, Harrell gave them a warning stare.

They knew Harrell.

He is a famous dude in N City, and his family is rich. He is the only son in his family and the only heir of Samuel family.

His identity is very noble.

Harrell has a bad temper, also don’t know what is pity. His women are quite afraid of him, privately said that he is a little abnormal.

Even if women want to hook rich boy, they dare not to seduce Harrell.

After being warned by Harrell’s eyes, no one dared to come forward again.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Sheehan walked into the FANTACY WONDERLAND, and the hall was full of people. A group of young

men and women writhed

selflessly on the dance floor. The smell of wine and smoke was mixed with some human body breath,

which led to some bad

smell in the air.

Sheehan frowned, and his cold eyes searched around again, but he didn’t see Nikita.

There is no one in the hall.

Maybe she is in the box.

“Mr. Lambert, are you looking for someone?” “Looking for the acquaintance you mentioned?” Harrell

came over, side by side with him, and swept his eyes on the crowded dance floor curiously

Sheehan is cold but arrogant.

Who is rarely really in his eye.

Even these friends who have known him for more than ten years dare not say that they are his


A moment later, Sheehan turned his head, lazily, with half-low eyebrows, but his voice wasxo.com

fast update heavy and cold: “I remember

you seem to be one of the shareholders of this store.”

“Yes.” “What?” Harrell wondered.

He also thought that Sheehan had any idea of wanting to invest. His eyes lit up, and he introduced it

with great

interest: “Mr. Lambert, the FANTACY WONDERLAND has been open for seven or eight years, and the

annual revenue is very


“I’m not interested in these.” Sheehan looked up and interrupted him in a heavy voice. “But I suggest

you put up a sign

at the door.”

“A sign?” Harrell froze. “What sign?”

Sheehan: “Students are not allowed in.”

Harrell: “…”


“Mr. Blake, please.” The waiter took Xavier and Nikita to a private room, pushed open the door, and

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


retreated to one side.

Nikita’s hands were in pockets, eyebrow eyes drooping, cap brim pressed very low. She followed Xavier slowly into the

private room.

She is 168 and Xavier is 185.

The man goes ahead and she goes behind.

But she is the one who can make people notice at first sight.

Because the aura is too strong, even the entertainment industry bosses like Xavier are her younger brother.

And she is the big sister who takes her younger brother out to talk about business.

“Xavier, hi, the wine is here.” There are two people sitting in the box.

Farley and Xavier have known each other for many years, and they are old friends. He is very casual in front of Xavier.

A person sits beside Farley.

He is the newcomer Farley is going to introduce to Xavier.

The newcomer, like Nikita, was wearing a black cap and a trendy suit. When he saw Xavier walk into the box, he stood


politely: “Hello, Mr. Blake.”