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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85 Rich men can do anything.

Sheehan’s mobile phone was not hands-free

However, Harrell’s voice was a bit loud. He glanced at the girl who was still alienated from him. His

deep eyes squinted

and he lowered his voice Ti chat with you with WeChat, hang up.”

Then he hung up the phone.

The cell phone vibrated several times.

Sheehan looked at the massages His handsome face was stiff for a moment.

It was Harrell who sent him several WeChat messages in succession.

Harrell “Cheats of Picking Up Girls”, “A Green Tea Art Class Every Day”, “Mastering these tricks, any

woman can be

gotten by hand”, “Love Story Book”.

Harrell: Mr. Lambert, please read these books I sent you first. When you finish reading it, you will

naturally know how.

to get along with women.

Harrell: If you don’t understand anything, you can always ask me.

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Sheehan looked at this string of titles, and his eyebrows wrinkled a little hard.

What kind of shit Harrell sent?

Before arriving at the main entrance of the Middle School, Nikita let the driver stop.

Ten meters away from the gate, the driver stopped the car slowly.

Just stopped, Nikita stretched out her hand and opened the door, leaving a perfunctory and careless

sentence: “Mr.

Lambert, thank you for taking me to school. Goodbye.”

After that, she got off the car.

“Miss Swift, wait a minute.” A man’s low magnetic voice came from her back.

Nikita endured impatience and irritability: “Is there anything else, Mr. Lambert?”

“Miss Swift.” The man hooked his lips and said in a warm and pleasant way. “Don’t forget our

appointment tonight. I’ve

booked a Chinese restaurant. Do you like Chinese food? Or whatever you want to eat, you can tell


Nikita suddenly turned her head.

With her red lips lifted, the girl looked at the man beside her with her black eyes and raised her

eyebrows. “What you

just said serious?” xo.com fast update

“Hmm?” Sheehan also picked his eyebrows, and his tone was low and slow. He sounded sexy. “What

do you mean?”

“I’ll pick the place to eat tonight.”

“Of course.”

“Well, since Mr. Lambert is so sincere to invite me to dinner, I can’t just casually choose a place. Let’s

go to Germy

Hall. Is that OK? Mr. Lambert?”

Germy Hall was a private restaurant.

The boss was rich and willful, and opened a shop only for his hobby, not for making money.

So in other places, customers chose places to eat.

But the boss of Germy Hall picked customers.

If the boss was in a good mood and had a customer he liked, he would take the order.

But if he was in a bad mood…

It was common to not take orders for a month, two months or even years.

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Anyway, rich men can do everything..

It is said that the last list received by the boss of Germy Hall was a year and a half ago.

That means, in this year and a half, he didn’t take over people’s orders.

Nikita was clear about this matter, so she put forward to go to Germy Hall.

She was planning to embarrass him on purpose.

“Germy Hall?” Sheehan was stunned.

“Yeah.” Nikita watched his face, and said “you let me pick the place? What’s the problem?”

The girl’s eyebrows were slight, the end of her eyes were also upward, her red lips curled in a little arc,

and the

smile in her eyes was so bad.

She narrowed her black eyes, and she looked like a cunning fox.

Sheehan felt that she was not eighteen years old from the first meeting of Nikita.

She was much more mature than her peers.

Except the little porcelain white face with some childishness, she hadn’t anything else that an eighteen-

year-old girl

should have.