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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98 It doesn’t matter.

“Mom, go in and have a look Nathan rubbed his eyebrows, and his voice was hoarse. “Listening to

Yvonne, things are serious We have to find a way to see if we can settle down in private”

“In private?” Margot’s face became uglier. She pursed her lips and said coldly, “She hurt so many

people. How much do

you have to pay for privacy?” “You know our situation. We can afford a little, but not much.”

Margot had no feelings in her eyes and said with disgust: “Then I don’t care!” “Going to jail, or anything

else, is all

her own fault!”

Nikita frowned and didn’t speak.

Of course, he knows the situation of Swift Family.

On the surface, it looks fine, but in fact…

If the amount of compensation is too big, they may really can’t help Nikita.

Margot walked into the police station and felt that people around her looked at her with ridicule.

She felt more and more ashamed, and almost wanted to turn and leave.

She found a policeman and identified herself.

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“Hi” “I, I am Nikita’s… mom.” Margot endured a sense of shame. When she said the word “mom”, her

face was even


ashamed. She wanted to dig a hole in the ground.

It’s too shameful.

She used to attend the parents’ meeting of Nathan and Yvonne, and she was very proud.

This kind of shame and incomparably ashamed mood is the first time she experiences.

She really doesn’t want to experience it again in her life.

“Are you Nikita’s mother?” The young policeman looked at her with a strange expression on his face.

He remembers that Nikita said that she had no parents.

Why her mother is here?

“Yes. Where is Nikita now? Can we go and see her?” Margot’s face was burning with shame. She was

embarrassed to look at

the police, because she was a strong woman.

“I am Nikita’s brother.” Nathan stepped forward and said politely. “Can you lead us to see Nikita?”

“Certainly, please follow me.” When the police saw Nathan standing behind them, he didn’t doubt

Margot’s words any xo.com fast update


Nikita and Nathan looks alike.

At first glance, he knew they are family.

The police took Margot and Nathan to the second floor.

“Nikita, your mother and your brother are here.” The young policeman pushed open the glass door, and

Nathan and Margot

went in.

Nathan saw Nikita sitting by the window.

She sat lazily, leaning obliquely against the chair, her legs overlapping at will, and her little porcelain

face was

indifferent, and he could not see any emotion on her face or in her eyes.

There is no fear and tension after being caught in the police station.

She looks very indifferent.

Even playing with a mobile phone.

Nathan has good eyesight.

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He can see that a game page is displayed on the screen of her mobile phone.

Opposite her, there are a group of women sitting or standing.

When they heard the police say that her parents were coming, they all turned their heads and looked at

Nathan and


“Margot, it’s you!” When Helen saw Margot, she was surprised for a few seconds, then jumped up and

pointed to Margot’s

nose. “I know that who can raise this scourge are definitely not good things, and sure enough.”

“Unexpectedly, Nikita, this little bitch was actually your daughter.”

“You come here.” Helen and Margot already were old enemies. The two companies had a lot of

grievances because of

business. At this time, their new hatred and old hatred were counted together, and Helen scold without

mercy. “It is

said that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, like mother must have her

daughter. This

sentence is really true.