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The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 119
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Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Depression had beca heavy shroud that envelopedeach morning, making it difficult to find the strength to get out of bed. The weight of the scandal, the loss. of reputation, and the betrayals | had experienced had leftfeeling emotionally drained and defeated. Yet, despite my better judgment, | always found myself reaching for my phone.

As | scrolled through my notifications and messages, | couldn’t escape the feeling of dread that had beca constant companion. But something compelledto return to the online chatroom where my #TEVIE fans had once gathered, a place where | had been celebrated and supported.

| read the hurtful and venomous comments from fans who had once been my greatest supporters. They had turned against me, denouncing #TEVIE and badmouthingin the most vicious ways possible. It was as if | had beca pariah, an object of scorn and derision..

EXTEVIE: Evie used to be such a role model. Now she’s just a disappointment... TEVIEForever: Ugh, | have to change my usernnow. GROSS UnoCuchono6: Creeping around with her boss? No wonder Timothy left her! TIMOFOREVA: How pathetic

TELLARULZ: TEVIE is dead because of her | can’t believe | ever supported her

| couldn’t understand how it had cto this, how my reputation had been. tarnished to the point where even my most loyal fans had turned their backs on me. It was a crushing blow.

As | scrolled through the chatroom, the anger and frustration insidegrew. | wanted to defend myself, to explain that the accusations againstwere false, but | knew that it was futile. The damage had been done, and my words would likely fall on deaf ears.

| closed the chatroom and set my phone aside. The online world that had once been a source of connection and support had beca hostile and unforgiving place, and | couldn’t bear to subject myself to more hurtful comments and



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Chapter 119

Aria was always warningto stay off the internet. She was far more experienced in the online world than | was. Her own Timothy fan pages, which she’d gone out of her way to delete, would be littered with trolls of all sorts.

Of course, they were attacking an anonymous page. People were seeing my face everywhere, so there was no mistaking who | was. Their attacks were personal.

As | lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, | couldn't escape the feeling that my life had unraveled beyond repair.

After days of feeling trapped inside my apartment, the walls closing in on me, | finally couldn’t take it any longer. | needed to escape the suffocating atmosphere and get sfresh air. The scandal that had engulfed my life felt like a relentless storm, and | hoped that a walk outside might offer srespite.

As | stepped out into the crisp air, | couldn’t help but feel the weight of the situation pressing down on me. The accusations againsthad left my reputation in tatters, and the relentless online backlash had taken a toll on my emotional well- being. | couldn’t help but wonder if there was any way to salvage my career and restore my integrity.

The thought of approaching Jasper had crossed my mind, but | quickly dismissed it. He had proven himself to be a malicious manipulator, and engaging with him would only worsen the situation. | needed to focus on gathering evidence to refute the false claims againstand expose his lies.

pose his lies.

As | strolled through the neighborhood, my mind raced with worries about the future. The decline in clientele had been evident that very morning when | had checked my emails. Potential clients who had once shown interest in my legal services were now backing away, their trust ineroded by the scandal.

| couldn't help but feel a growing sense of hopelessness. My career, which had once been a source of pride and accomplishment, now seemed to be slipping through my fingers. | had worked tirelessly to build my reputation, and in a matter of weeks, it had been tarnished beyond recognition.

| reached the nearby parking lot and stopped, my gaze falling on my car. The sight of it, still covered in the remnants of the vandalism that withstood the rain.

| couldn’t understand how anyone could harbor so much hatred and resentment 2/4

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Chapter 119

toward me, someone they didn’t even know personally. It was as if | had beca scapegoat for their own frustrations and grievances.

| took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling within me. | couldn't let anger consme, but any hope | had was dwindling.

As | tried to wipe away sof the graffiti on my car, my fingers trembling with frustration. Red and blue paint stained the palms of my hands, and spread to my jacket sleeves. | heard footsteps approaching and turned around.

My heart thudded when | saw Timothy standing just a few feet away. His expression grew tense when he met my eyes. “Evie,” he said, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade.

| blinked in surprise. “Timothy,” | replied flatly.

He walked toward me, his gaze unwavering. “You’ve...been in the tabloids a lot lately.”

| sighed, pressing my lips into a firm line. “I guess | have.”

Timothy frowned. “Do you know what’s going on with that? Why are they saying all those things about you?”

| felt a surge of irritation rise within me. The last thing | needed was Timothy probing into my personal life one again, especially when it no longer concerned. him. | squared my shoulders and leered up at him.”

“| don’t owe you any explanation, Timothy.”

He raised his eyebrows and jerked his head back, as if my words physically stunned him. “Well, were you planning on denying it soon? To the public, |

mean...” My patience wore thin, and | couldn’t hold back the anger that had been simmering just beneath the surface.

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“You have snerve,” | snapped. “After everything you’ve done, you think you have the right to inch your way back into my life? Are you looking for an ego boost, because you're definitely not getting it from me!”

Timothy's jaw clenched and he squeezed his eyes shut. “Believe it or not, you’re 3/4 Need Top Metal Stamping? Get a 10% Discount (Start Now)

Chapter 119

nis tied to mine whenever any scandal hits the news, so if there’s something going on, | have a right to know.” | scoffed. “A right to know? Timothy, you lost any right to know anything about my life a long tago.”

Timothy's face contorted with frustration as he turned away, running a hand. through his hair. “I heard you. Your voice, the pictures...”

| narrowed my eyes at him. Just as | figured, he would make his own assumptions about the whole thing. “I’m sure you did.”

“And it’s your boss, Evie,” he blurted out, seeming bewildered by his own words. “I mean...your boss? Don’t you have anything to say about that?”

‘No, | don’t!” | shouted over him. Timothy's mouth fell open and he stepped back. He lookedup and down as the gears in his head began to turn.

“You can believe whatever you want about me,” | continued. “If the media wants to calla slut, let them! From what I’ve seen, you don’t seeas anything more than that.”

With that, | turned away from him, determined to put as much distance between us as possible. Once | was back in my apartment, | couldn’t help but feel a sense of hopelessness. The vandalism on my car, the scandalous rumors that threatened to tarnish my reputation-it was all too much.

As | stood there, my hands stained with paint, it felt like | had completely lost control. 4/4




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