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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 15
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Chapter 15

Sophia finally checked Yvonne’s WhatsApp message the day after she got off the plane.

The two of them weren’t exactly tight.

Yvonne tied the knot early, and Sophia and Brandon didn’t shack up with his folks at the Crawley family

estate. They didn’t swing by often, so the chances to hang out were few and far between. On the odd

holiday, they’d reluctantly gather for a meal, but Yvonne, with her head over heels in love, played to her

hubby’s tune: if he said no to visiting, she’d dig her heels in too. So, bumping into each other was rarer

than hen’s teeth.

They weren’t close in real life, and online chit-chat was pretty much non-existent, especially since

Sophia wasn’t exactly Miss Social Butterfly

Yvonne, on the other hand, loved to chirp away in the family group chat. Sophia would only pipe up

when directly called out, otherwise her WhatsApp was just for show, same as Brandon’s That was why

when Yvonne hit her up out of the blue, asking if she was home. Sophia found it odd but still replied

politely. [Sorry, I was on a flight with my phone off yesterday. I’m not there anymore, what’s up?]

Yvonne had waited a whole day for Sophia’s reply, and by then, her enthusiasm had fizzled out, even

feeling tad snubbed. She had a bit of a princess temper – quick to flare up and cool down. Still stewing,

she curtly responded. “Never mind, it’s nothing.”

Yvonne wasn’t close to Sophia, nor could she say she liked or disliked her. The day before, she felt

choked up about their divorce purely because Sophia was her sister-in-law, and the reality of Brandon’s

failed marriage hadn’t quite sunk in But after a night to let it settle, she’d come to terms with the

possibility of their divorce. Sophia’s place in her heart had reset to stranger that was all she ever was,

an accidental interloper in their lives.

Maybe it was the ingrained notion since childhood that Phoebe and Brandon were a pair, and even with

Phoebe off the radar for years, Yvonne always assumed Brandon was waiting for her. So, when he

brought Sophia into the picture, she got it but needed a hot minute to adjust to the reality of Sophia

replacing Phoebe. Now, just when she had gotten used to that, she had to revert to her original

presumption, which wasn’t too hard.

She even leaned toward believing what her mother Patricia said, that Brandon and Sophia got hitched

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because of a baby

No baby stayed, and now they’ve gone their separate ways.

Her brother Brandon was always meant to wait for Phoebe.

Thinking this way, Yvonne felt a twinge of pity for Sophia. The irritation she had felt evaporated, and to

make amends for her earlier tone, she texted Sophia again. [Hey Sophia, what were you doing on a

plane? Where you off to?]

Sophia found Yvonne’s mood swings weird. Just a second ago, it was clear she was sulking, and now

suddenly, she was all eager to please.

Yvonne had never shown outright disdain, but she kept her distance, which Sophia had picked up on.

Knowing she wasn’t welcomed, Sophia didn’t push it.

For two years, they kept to their lanes and all was well, but Sophia didn’t expect Yvonne to suddenly

turn on the charm post-divorce.

Not able to figure her out, Sophia responded casually. [I’m abroad for some stuff.)

Yvonne, reassured by the reply, wasn’t really prying into Sophia’s whereabouts. It was more about

easing her own slight guilt. Sophia’s response just deepened her hunch about the divorce, but after

sleeping on it, she didn’t care as much, so she replied politely [Oh, okay then. Take care of yourself]

You too take care.]

After the courteous exchange, Sophia logged off WhatsApp

She grabbed a cab back to her place, a single-room apartment near the school she’d arranged through

an agent before leaving

Lugging a heavy suitcase from the airport, ivan stepped in to help and escorted her home.


Feeling a bit awkward after settling in, Sophia offered to treat him to a meal, but after scoping out her

digs, Ivan suggested, ‘Let’s go to the hospital first.”

Sophia was taken aback and slightly embarrassed.

She hadn’t told Ivan about her pregnancy; he was an acquaintance, after all. But he must’ve figured it

out, even if he

hadn’t mentioned it.

Ivan asked her, “What’s your plan now?”

The last person to ask her that was Brandon.

The same question tugged at Sophia’s heartstrings, bringing up bittersweet memories.

She just shook her head with a smile, staying silent

Ivan didn’t press. He just pointed outside, I live in this building too. If you need anything, just holler.

He dialed her number, letting her phone ring briefly before hanging up.

“That’s my number,” he said. “Save it, and call me anytime you need”

Sophia glanced at her phone, surprised he knew her number.

Ivan saw the confusion in her eyes.

“I had all your numbers when I was your instructor. I didn’t expect you still had the same one,” he said.

Sophia chuckled, “I never bothered to change it because it was a hassle, but I’m planning to now.”

She kept the same number since senior year of high school, holding onto it through college.

She hadn’t changed it due to lingering hopes and dreams for that boy who warmed her heart during her

girlhood days, not wanting to forget, even though it never rang

Ivan gave her a deep look, then suddenly asked, “What’s he like?”

Sophia paused.

Ivan was still waiting, expecting her answer.

“He’s a good guy,” she said, struggling to find the right adjectives to describe Brandon. In her eyes, he

was indeed a good person-gentle, considerate, loyal to marriage. There wasn’t really anything wrong

with him. It was just that she was being a bit greedy.

Ivan nodded, not pressing further, and changed the subject. “Need me to tag along to the hospital?”

Sophia chuckled and shook her head. “No need, thanks though, Ivan.”

Ivan nodded, not insisting Take care of yourself

Sophia also nodded. ‘Will do.”

After Ivan left, Sophia headed to the hospital for a blood test to check her hCG levels. The results

confirmed what the pregnancy test had already shown-she was indeed pregnant.

Clutching the lab report, Sophia sat on a bench outside the hospital for a long time

The lingering sunlight of the setting sun draped over her, stretching her already slender figure even


It was the time when autumn was just starting to creep in. In this unfamiliar street, amidst faces and

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crowds that she didn’t recognize, there was an added sense of loneliness that often accompanies

being in a strange place at sunset.

Sophia still remembered the last time she found out she was pregnant and the mixed emotions she felt

bumping into Brandon at the hospital

Bnder the turmoil of her emotioris, seeing him suddenly had given her a fleeting sense of security and


At a time when she was clueless about what to do, Brandon had appeared, and without any hesitation,

he had affered her a solution and took on all the responsibility after learning about her pregnancy

Back then, she didn’t have to worry about whether she could provide a child with a rich and healthy

environment to grow up in, whether growing up in a single parent home would affect the child’s physical

and emotional health, or whether bringing her into this world without being able to offer a complete

family would be cruel.

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Brandon had solutions to all her worries back then

But now, Brandon was out of the picture. Their relationship was over for good The last glance they

exchanged at the airport was as cold as those reserved for a stranger-he wouldn’t be offering her any

more choices

She couldn’t go back to him for advice. The answer would be either to revert to the choice she made

two years ago or to stick with her current life.

So, even after a long, grueling flight of over a dozen hours, Sophia hadn’t figured out what to do

Her decision affected more than just a life; it was about her entire future.

Deep down, Sophia wanted to keep the baby. She probably wouldn’t marry again in this lifetime-she

had no expectations for marriage or love anymore, but she yearned for a child of her own. This

unexpected pregnancy seemed like a blessing from above.

But Sophia was also acutely aware that she couldn’t provide a complete family or a father’s love for her

child. By not having a traditional family structure even before her child was born, she was taking away

a part of what was considered a normal life. She wondered if this would be too cruel for the child.

She didn’t dare to make this decision lightly.

The long flight hadn’t given her the courage to decide.

And the desolate loneliness of this twilight couldn’t offer it either.

As she gripped the lab report tighter in her hand, Sophia sighed deeply, stood up, and as she turned

around, her gaze fell on a tall silhouette, and she paused, startled.