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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 229
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Brandon felt a tightness grip his heart and instinctively crouched down next to her.

"What's the matter, Theresa?" he asked in a gentle voice.

Theresa simply looked at him with teary eyes, her lips downward, but she didn't speak.

She was too young to articulate her feelings.

"Theresa?" he coaxed again with a soft voice, seeing that she hadn't responded.

Theresa hesitated, glanced at Anna, then back at Brandon, and still didn't speak. She edged closer, tentatively reaching out as if to

pull at his shirt, while casting cautious glances at Anna.

Yvonne was astonished by the scene.

This little munchkin was clearly staking her claim over Brandon.

Toddlers, just over a year old and now starting to understand the difference between "mine" and "yours," along with feeling

insecure, often becteary and upset when they see their mom or dad holding other kids.

She looked back at Brandon.

Brandon was now cradling the little girl in a hug, gently patting her back and whispering soothing words into her ear.

The tenderness he displayed was something Yvonne had never seen him exhibit when he comforted Anna.

As far back as she could remember, Brandon had always been stern and reserved, not the kind to engage in laughter and jokes

with her, let alone be a brother overly fond of his sister.

If she didn't seek him out herself, Yvonne sometimes doubted if Brandon even remembered he had a sister.

Later, when she got married and had children, although Brandon was fond of children, he didn't coddle them as he was now.

This level of affection was definitely not something Brandon showed to just any kid.

Yvonne's eyes narrowed with suspicion as she watched the little girl in Brandon's arms.

From her angle, she could only see their profiles.

The more Yvonne looked, the more she felt they bore a striking resemblance. She couldn't resist taking a stealthy photo with her

phone on silent mode. Unaware of her actions, Brandon continued to comfort Theresa.

Theresa, now calmed by Brandon's reassurances, seemed to feel a touch of embarrassment. Noticing Anna's curious gaze, she

extended her hand timidly and called her "sissy."

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Anna, a bit shy, stuck out her tongue and hurried back to Yvonne.

Theresa then turned her gaze toward Yvonne, uncertain of what to do.

Yvonne crouched down and asked with a smile, "What's your name, cutie?"

"Theresa," the little one replied in a sweet voice.

"And what's your last name?"

Theresa shook her head, not quite getting what she meant.

Unable to get an answer and reluctant to ask Brandon directly, Yvonne turned to Grace with a laugh and remarked, "Your little one

is absolutely adorable."

Grace offered an embarrassed smile: "Thank you."

Yvonne inquired further, "What's the girl's name?"

As soon as she asked, she noticed Brandon's pause and his gaze shift toward Grace.

Yvonne shot a puzzled look at Brandon and then turned to Grace.

Grace smiled back, "Theresa Cooper."

Not a Crawly by surname.

Yvonne furrowed her brow in doubt, second-guessing her hunch, and glanced at Brandon again. She thought she saw a flicker of

disappointment across his face.

Uncertain and wanting a closer look, she turned back, only to find Brandon already standing, his expression neutral as ever.

He glanced at his watch, then at the little girl, and addressed to Grace: "Which building do you live in? | can help carry these

stuffed animals."

Grace quickly declined with a gesture, "Thank you, but | can manage."

Brandon nodded, understanding the caution of strangers; and did not insist further.

"Then please take care of the child."

Grace nodded, "Of course."

Brandon bent down to say goodbye to Theresa, "Theresa, Unkie has to work and go hnow, but I'll cplay with you another

day, okay?"

Theresa hesitated, then nodded, "Okay."

Though reluctant, she let go of his hand.

Brandon said goodbye to Yvonne and departed.

As he left the mall, he accidentally glanced at a large display board by the door. Its polished metal surface acted like a mirror,

reflecting Theresa's small figure standing still, gazing blankly in the direction he had gone, her eyes bearing confusion and


Inexplicably, Brandon thought of Sophia at seventeen.

His steps slowed, and he turned back to look in Theresa's direction.

Theresa was being lifted up by the plump woman, being carried off to another side of the mall.

Out of the corner of his eye, Brandon saw Ivan lingering at Sophia's neighborhood entrance, his expression turning cold.

He redirected his gaze and walked toward the neighborhood entrance where his car was parked.

Ivan noticed him too, his gaze lingering on Brandon's face, then glancing behind him. He didn't greet Brandon.

Brandon walked past him without engaging.

But as they brushed past each other, Ivan spoke, "She wasn't happy married to you, getting a divorce was probably for the best.

Since Mr. Crawley has chosen to let go, perhaps it's tto stop disturbing her."

Brandon paused for a moment, "That's between her and me, none of anyone else's concern. Just mind your own business."

With that, Brandon walked on, reached his car, opened the door, and settled in.

The car sped away.

Ivan watched as it vanished into the distance.

At the adjacent mall entrance, Grace was carrying Theresa back to the neighborhood, holding a bag of stuffed animals Brandon

had won for Theresa.

As they drew near, Ivan walked up to Theresa and called out, "Theresa, do you remember me?"

Theresa gave him an uncertain look and nodded.

Grace also greeted him politely, "Hello, Sir."

She had seen him earlier while with Sophia in the neighborhood with Theresa. They had exchanged a brief glance but didn't really

know each other or his name.

Ivan returned the greeting and then turned to Theresa, offering her the gift bag he was carrying, "Would you like a present from

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The gift was chosen on a whim from a nearby shop after his parting ways with Sophia.

The neighborhood didn't exactly boast any fancy gift shops, so it wasn't anything extravagant, but it was a dress-up princess doll—

a favorite for the little ladies.

As he revealed the gift, Theresa's eyes shone momentarily before she composed herself.

"Thank you, Uncle," she said in her babyish voice, "But Mommy will be upset. | don't want it."

Ivan looked at her, "Why would Mommy get upset?"

"Mommy said, we can't just accept gifts from others willy-nilly," Theresa whispered. Theresa looked longingly at the doll Ivan held,

yearning for it yet hesitant to accept.

"It's okay, this is a gift given by me, not something you're asking for," Ivan reassured her as he placed the doll into her hands,

"Mommy won't be upset about this."

Theresa's young mind struggled to distinguish the difference and turned to Grace with a puzzled expression.

Seeing it was just a doll, and considering that the giver is known to Sophia, and that Theresa liked it, Grace smiled and prompted

Theresa, "Say 'thank you'."

With Grace's approval, Theresa brightened up and did as instructed, "Thank you."

"You don’t have to thank me," Ivan responded with a warm laugh as he patted her head, "My nis Ivan. How about you call me

Uncle Ivan from now on, okay?"

Theresa nodded, sort of getting it, and dutifully called out, "Uncle Ivan."





