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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25

Brandon didn’t say much, his eyes resting on her face: “Feeling under the weather?”

Sophia shook her head without thinking. “No, not really. It’s just not acclimating well to the new

environment, plus the food here doesn’t quite hit the spot. Been swamped lately and haven’t had the

chance to cook, so I haven’t been eating much. That’s why I’ve shed a few pounds

Brandon glanced out the window at the “Starlight Hotel” and then back at her. “From now on, I’ll have

the hotel kitchen. send over meals daily. They serve delicious food, and the chefs are locals. You

should be able to stomach that”

“No need” Sophia softly declined, “I won’t have many classes later on, I can cook for myself. Don’t

trouble yourself.”

“It’s no big deal, just sending over some food.”

As he said this, he pulled out his phone, ready to make the call. Sophia stopped him: “Brandon, please


Brandon turned to look at her

Sophia also tilted her head up to meet his gaze, quiet yet resolute. “We’re divorced.”

She rarely looked at him with such determination. Brandon remembered the last time she had that look

in her eyes was after they had just made love, when she lay spent in his arms, their skin still warm from

each other’s touch. It was with that same look that she had softly said to him, “Brandon, let’s get a


Brandon slightly turned his head away, not looking at her.

Sophia noticed his jawline tense and his Adam’s apple bobbing violently, as if he was desperately

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trying to control something

She glanced at him curiously. In all their time together, she rarely saw this emotional side of Brandon.

He was always calm and accommodating, neither sad nor happy, neither angry nor disappointed, like a

puppet, indifferent and desireless, void of the normal human passions and desires.

But this emotional flicker was just that-a flicker. When he looked back at her, his face was as calm as

ever. You decide for yourself.”

Sophia offered a smile: “Alright.”

Then she added softly. “Thanks.”

Brandon didn’t respond, his expression neutral and his aura still slightly aloof.

Sophia didn’t say more, and the familiar silence once again filled the small space.

Back when they were married, Sophia was adept at handling such silences. They would do their own

things without bothering each other. As a couple, they didn’t need to be so formal, but now she was the

host and Brandon the quest. Sophia couldn’t be as comfortable as she was during their marriage, and

she genuinely didn’t know how to break the silence or deal with Brandon, who seemed to be in a foul

mood Just as she was pondering what to do, the doorbell


“I’ll get the door, you sit tight, Sophia said, turning to leave but then remembered the test results in the

basket on the coffee table. Worried that Brandon might see them, she quickly pretended to tidy up, as if

not wanting a guest to see the mess at home. She swiftly gathered the coats, scarves, and bags

hanging in the entryway, then grabbed the basket from the coffee table and some other items scattered

on the TV cabinet, stuffing them into the wardrobe. After a quick hair fix, looking like she was afraid of

someone seeing the disarray, she finally called out “Coming!” and headed to the


Throughout this time, Brandon simply stood with his arms crossed, watching her busily and nervously

tidy up the room. As she moved towards the door, he finally spoke up. “Who’s at the door? You seem


Sophia had no idea who was outside; her frantic activity was purely to hide the test report. Living alone,

she had no visitors, so she carelessly left the report out. Little did she know that after half a globe apart,

she would bump into him.

Probably a classmate Sophie replied off the cuff opening the door to find Ivan standing there, which

took her aback.

Brandon noticed her pause and glanced past her shoulder at Ivan, who stood at the door with an

anxious expression.

Ivan was entirely focused on Sophia and didn’t notice Brandon inside.

“Susan just called me saying you went to the hospital this afternoon.”

The words “went to the hospital’ made Sophia reflexively push him: “Let’s talk outside”

After saying that, she quickly shut the door behind her.

Brandon’s expression suddenly darkened. He shifted his gaze from the closed door, taking the

opportunity to calm his emotions.

Ivan was somewhat surprised by Sophia’s abrupt action. He looked toward the closed door of her

apartment, but Sophia had already shut it blocking his view.

Sophia pushed him toward the staircase far from the door, making sure Brandon couldn’t hear them

before she stopped.

“Sorry about that. Sophia said apologetically.

Ivan glanced back at the firmly shut door, then at her. “Something going on?”

“No, nothing

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Sophia replied, looking at him. “By the way, did you need something?”

Ivan looked at her. Susan said you weren’t feeling well and went to the hospital at noon. She was too

busy with work to get in touch with you Later, she texted you but didn’t get a reply, and you didn’t

answer her calls. She was worried something happened to you and asked me to check on you

“I just got distracted, ran into a friend and didn’t get back to her. I’m fine, Sophia looked at him, “Could I

borrow your phone to give her a call?”

Ivan nodded and handed her his phone.

“Thanks, Sophia said, taking the phone and dialing Susan back. The phone barely rang once before it

was picked up instantly, Hello? Did you check on her? Is Sophia okay?”

“Susan, it’s me, Sophia interrupted her questioning with a gentle voice, “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

“Where have you been all afternoon? You had me worried sick. Hearing Sophia’s voice suddenly made

Susan almost lose her composure, “You didn’t reply to my texts, didn’t answer my calls. Do you know

how worried I was? You looked so unwell at noon and then went to the hospital alone, without asking

anyone to accompany you.”

“Oops, my bad, totally spaced out and didn’t check my phone. Sophia said, with a guilty whisper trying

to reassure her, I’m really fine, just bumped into Brandon this afternoon and missed your texts.”

“Huh? Susan was caught off guard, “You ran into Brandon?

Her voice was loud enough that Ivan, nearby, couldn’t help but glance at Sophia, then slowly turned his

gaze towards the firmly shut door of Sophia’s room.

Inside the room, Brandon was still standing just as he had been when Sophia left, his eyes fixed on a

corner of the room, unwavering, but his mind was anything but calm. The closed door had remained so

Brandon turned to look at the door, glanced at his watch, then stepped forward and yanked the door


Just then, Ivan’s gaze shifted back, and their eyes met mid-air. There was no significant stir in either of

their expressions, just a quiet assessment of each other across a short distance