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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 428
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Marian stepped out of the restroom and called out to Louis and Renata, "Grandpa, Grandma, let's go back home," before making

her way to the exit.

Louis was still preoccupied with Sophia's recent demand for a public apology and the suspension of the project. His unfulfilled

intent to apologize made him plead with Sophia in a softened voice:

"Ms. Yearwood, we truly did cwith our hearts in our hands to say sorry today. It's just that, you know, I'm getting on in years,

and my thoughts might not be as clear, which could have led to saying things that upset you, and I'm very sorry about that. But |

do hope you can reconsider. Both Renata and | are on in years, who knows when our number's up, right? We've got this one wish

left, to leave this world clear-headed, remembering each other and our family without any regrets.

"As for Yoli, she’s done wrong, no doubt about that—and we're not trying to cover for her or anything. It's just that Yoli has been

separated from her family since she was young, she's had a hard life out there on her own, and | always feel responsible for not

being able to provide a better life for her. That's why I'm so inclined to make it up to her. If the theft of the design drafts becomes

public, she won't be able to continue in this business. She's still got her whole life ahead of her, and if it's at all possible, | hope you

can give her a second chance to start afresh."

"People truly sorry don't cto someone's door with arrogance and insults," ca low and cool voice suddenly from the


Sophia looked up, surprised, as Brandon strode in from outside, his coat flipping in the wind, his steps brisk and hurried, giving him

a rather travel-worn appearance.

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Theresa also noticed Brandon coming in and excitedly called out, "Daddy!"

Marian's expression flickered with a moment of panic.

Louis turned in astonishment to see Brandon and involuntarily blurt out, "Brandon?"

Brandon met his gaze calmly, "Grandpa Louis, ever since we were young, you've taught us to be upright and to have conscience

and integrity. How cnow you're muddling through this with her?"

Louis's face took on an awkward expression, but he sighed deeply and confided in Brandon, "Brandon, it's not that your Grandpa's

lost his wits. | just feel like we've wronged Yoli. We couldn't give her a happy and healthy upbringing, and that led her astray in a

moment of weakness. That's why | always think about helping her whenever | can."

"What if she isn't Yolanda?" Brandon suddenly threw out.

His question caused a look of surprise to appear on everyone's faces.

Marian's face gained a tinge of panic, and she stepped forward and latched to Louis's arm, "Grandpa, let's head home. It was my

fault, I'll pay for my mistakes. You don't have to shoulder everything."

Louis took Brandon's question as hypothetical and didn’t think much of it, so he said to Brandon, "That's not possible. Even if Yoli

has made a mistake now, our family is willing to make amends on her behalf, hoping that she will learn from this and not make the

smistake again."

After finishing his words, he looked at Marian with a heartfelt gaze, "Yoli, don't let there be a next time, understand?"

Marian pouted and nodded, her voice a bit choked up, "Mhm. I'll own up to it."

Then she urged him to leave quickly.

Brandon glanced at her, "Marian, are you planning to keep letting Yolanda take the fall for you?"

Marian's face went as white as a sheet.

Louis was totally lost, looking at Brandon with bewilderment, "Brandon, what do you mean?"

Brandon didn't spell it out but said seriously, "Grandpa Louis, you might want to have a chat with Martin about this. You've been

around Marian long enough to get a sense of her character, how she handles things. Do you really think she's anything like the

Yolanda we knew as a kid?

"Yolanda, who'd feel bad just seeing someone else in distress, would she claim a child's belongings as her own? Whenever she did

wrong, she'd be the first to feel guilty, to own up and punish herself before any adult stepped in. But look at Marian now, always

making excuses, shifting blame, never reflecting. She doesn't even seem to have an ounce of remorse, just hides behind her

family, pushing them in front to clean up her messes. Did 5-year-old Yoli ever make a mistake and not try to fix it herself?"

Louis's gaze shifted to Marian with questions in his eyes, and the affection he had was replaced by confusion and suspicion, clearly

swayed by Brandon's words.

Marian met his gaze nervously, her guilt clearly visible, chilling Louis to the core. His hand on the cane began to tremble slightly.

Brandon's gaze rested on his trembling hand for a moment and then dropped, as he said nothing more.

Sophia also noticed Louis's faint trembling and looked at him with concern.

She was worried he might not be able to handle the shock and end up like Daniel. She couldn't hold back and softly said:

"Grandpa Louis, people change with their surroundings. Don't overthink it. That design plan... if you and Granny really like it, then

you may keep it. It was, after all, my gift to Grandma, and | want both of you to stay healthy. Maybe by the tthe project is

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done, Granny will remember you. You have to look after yourself for Granny's sake, don't make her worry."

Brandon glanced at Sophia.

Sophia was looking at Louis, her expression as always was calm and soothing, offering comfort.

Louis, in turn, looked at Sophia, his throat tight and his expression bewildered.

Sophia gave him a reassuring smile and then turned to Renata, who clutched her hands tightly, with a usual absent-minded look on

her face.

It seemed she only snapped out of it when Sophia was upset; otherwise, she was mostly lost in her own world.

"Granny," Sophia called out gently, "Will you take good care of Grandpa?"

Renata nodded, “Of course, Grandma will listen to Yoli and take good care of Grandpa.”

Brandon's gaze paused for a split second, his eyes reflexively shifting towards Renata.

This was the first the found out that Renata referred to Sophia as “Yoli.”





