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The Innkeeper

Chapter 588: Epistle II
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Lex sat in his office chair and let himself feel his connection to the system deepen for a moment. A quick scan of the Inn let him know that everything was alright, or as much could be.

100 million people could not be accommodated in a small space, and an endless sprawl of tents covered much of the Inn's landscape. Alongside so many people came other problems, many of which were manageable, but some were completely unacceptable!

Fights, arguments and small conflicts kept breaking out amongst the crowd, which Lex didn't mind too much as long as they did not escalate and were resolved timely. What Lex had absolutely no tolerance for was public urination and defecation!

Each and every tent had a separate compartment added just to provide facilities to avoid such a situation, yet some still insisted on relieving themselves in the wind. Although the security team had been strict about such matters, they had not been as strict as Lex would have wanted. A single warning was passed to every single refugee, which entailed that they needed to follow the rules or be kicked out of the Inn!

He hadn't had this problem even with the children in his spaceship daycare, so why were full fledged adults having such problems? Fortunately for them, and for Lex's conscience, no one tested the warning once it was given. For now.

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Other parts of the Inn had some minor issues as well, but Lex didn't want to focus on them for now. He finally called Jotun to his office.

The emperor stepped in, with no indication of the pressure he had undergone the past few weeks showing up on his face. He looked like he came fresh from a spring bath, and his clothes lacked a single crease. His bearing was regal, and befitting that of his station.

At a glance, all appeared as it should be. But that in itself was the biggest tell that something unusual was going on. Despite his status, Jotun had always been extremely humble in front of the Innkeeper.

Since Lex knew he wasn't in the best state of mind, he instantly entered the Flow state. He suspected that this was a meeting he would have to handle with extreme care.

"Apologies for making you wait for so long," the Innkeeper said, his voice as calm and soothing as always. "I had some urgent matters occupying me."

"Not at all, Innkeeper. I was the presumptuous one to suddenly arrive without warning. Please excuse my hurried behavior. If the situation had not required urgency, I would have requested your assistant to schedule a time like I have done previously."

"If the matter is urgent, then we should not delay. Please, let me know how I can be of assistance."

The emperor took out a familiar-looking item from his spatial ring and presented it to the Innkeeper. The Innkeeper did not show any change in expression as he picked it up and observed it closely. He knew what this was, for he had received one before. It was an epistle from the Henali.

"Do you know what this is about?" the Innkeeper asked Jotun.

"I cannot guess all that it contains, but I know some of its content at least. You can give me your answer and I can send it back on your behalf."

The Innkeeper merely nodded and reached for the Innkeeper's letter opener, which was placed neatly on his table on the right. Each and every gesture and movement of the Innkeeper radiated calm and collectedness. There was no rush or nervousness to be detected, even as he used the letter opener to undo the seal on the epistle.

With the seal undone, the epistle unfurled as if it was a scroll, and laid before the Innkeeper its contents.

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The language was strange and incomprehensible, yet at the same time Lex could read it even without the need of his universal translator.

Mr. Innkeeper,

I trust that this missive will find you in a timely fashion. There are two matters of importance, and one notification that I am compelled to inform you of through this letter: your participation in the Fuegan war efforts, your overdue payment for entering the Origin realm, and your subsequent eligibility to participate in the Henali Champions tourney.

Firstly, it has been brought to my attention that due to the neutral stance your organization takes, you do not wish to directly participate in the Fuegan war efforts. Yet, the Henali have issued a directive to all civilizations and organizations of a qualifying rank, as well as inter-realm guests. This is not a request but rather a condition that must be met for those who wish to continue to exist in the Origin realm. Your contribution, thus, is critical and a failure to comply will result in dire consequences. While Daolords are exempted from personal participation, a sufficient force must be sent to represent you and your organization.

Secondly, although our records fail to document your entry into the realm, they also successfully indicate that the necessary payment to enter the Origin realm remains unpaid on your behalf. I strongly recommend you take immediate action to rectify the illegal status you currently have within the Origin realm by paying your outstanding dues. Failure to do so will most definitely jeopardize your personal interests.

Finally, once you have obtained your legal status, the Midnight Inn will be eligible to send one or more representatives in the Henali Champions tourney. The tourney is a grand tradition with numerous rewards and a far reaching audience, beyond even the Origin realm, and so is perfect to promote your business.

Additionally, please be informed that your suggestion to use the Midnight Inn for Henali war efforts and other activities has been taken into consideration. The possibility of hosting the Fuegan kill competition at your venue is within the range of possibility.

Awaiting your response,


A letter such as this would have previously intimidated Lex, and even given him trouble. Now though, he only wondered if one of the dreams he saw had something to do with this.