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The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 131 The Nightmare Demon I [The Crypt - Part IV]
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-- POV Freya --

-- PING --

[ Congratulations ! Host killed 246 Nightmares (minor) lvl 3 ]

[ The Demonic Empress aura skill (lvl 5) has been upgraded to level 6 ]

[ You earn 13,000 EXP ]

[ You now have +60 attribute points ]


We were still underground and this time the situation had changed. My powerful soldiers had been busy for over an hour fending off the Nightmares by the hundreds, and even though they had arrived in their thousands, there were not many left now. However, a new, much larger and more terrifying monster had appeared before us, called by his fellow creatures.

Ever since his cry, my blood had been boiling in my veins, and a sensation both known and unknown had invaded my body. Every part of me shuddered at the thought of fighting such a monster, and I felt a murderous madness take hold of my mind. My body heated, my facial veins stood out, and strangely, my horns began to tingle.

[Onee-san, what's wrong with you ?]

*Nothing I...I feel strangely excited about fighting this thing*

I had always loved bloody fights, crushing my enemies, making them suffer but this time it was slightly different. I didn't just want to kill him, I wanted to dominate him and have him recognize me as the most powerful being. Was it because he wasn't human or for some other reason ? I knew my wolf instincts drove me to become even more savage and cruel but this was something darker, as if my heart was becoming unconscious and power hungry.

I could hear myself growling uncontrollably, the hairs on my tail standing up and my eyes staring at him without even blinking once. This monster stood before me, my soldiers behind that I had to protect and yet I could only think of one thing...blood. What color was it ? Was it good ? I had never asked myself these questions before, and the further I moved towards this monstrosity, the more an unknown force rose within me.

[Freya ! Your heart is beating at an unnaturally fast rate and your blood is flowing abnormally fast ! I don't know what's happening to you, but this is no time to be fantasizing about a dangerous battle !]

As I stopped suddenly after a few steps, I found myself several hundred yards from the Nightmare. He was at the back of the now torch-lit room, and even from where I was, I thought he was very large. I didn't know what was happening to me either, but I was still aware of what I had to do and who I had to protect. As I placed my hand on my katana, I closed my eyes to take a deep breath while talking to Kira.

*Little sister, please show me his status*


[ Race : Nightmare Demon

Lvl 40/70

HP 100 000 / 100 000

Strength: 512

Defence: 524

Agility : 400

Stamina: 456

Speed: 429 ]


*Ara ara~ so he is a demon ? I don't know what a demon is doing here but I'm ready to fight him ! It's been so long since I fought a being more powerful than myself !*

[Yes, but thanks to the system, you're much more powerful than a level 36, so you're almost equal in strength. That said, be careful.]

Looking at his face in more detail, I could see two tiny horns starting to grow on his fat forehead. Although it looked very similar to his fellow demons, the Nightmare Demon had horns not to mention his size, power, and aura that were quite different from the small creatures. How could a monster like him have reached such a level ? This crypt was proving to be much more dangerous than I thought.

The Demon still did not move, he seemed to be watching me for a long time from a great distance as if he were studying me while I was doing exactly the same thing. Behind his back was a huge, rusty, black axe, waiting for him to grab it and raze everything around him. He seemed smarter than the others and as his tongue wagged I could see minor Nightmares lurking behind him.

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*They look so tiny in comparison*

As I spoke this sentence to myself, behind me, I could feel the anxiety of my soldiers. Breaths had almost stopped, no one dared to breathe too loudly, to speak or even to make a sound. I could hear heartbeats intensifying, auras changing, bodies shaking, and the eyes of all my Commanders and Lieutenants were fixed on me.

So far, neither of us had made a move, we were staring at each other, ignoring our surroundings. It was in this tense atmosphere that I finally decided to make a move, alerting absolutely everyone to my action. The only noise that sounded was that of my boot, which I had just slammed on the ground as a sign of challenge.

[Onee-san try to control your elements well, you still have less than half of your MP left, be careful.]

As Kira finished her sentence, I suddenly lunged towards the Nightmare Demon at a blinding speed, invisible to my soldiers. Where my feet had taken hold, there was now a bloody slab, shattered and a gust of wind produced by my departure sent the warriors' hair flying. I had not bothered to answer my little sister because only two words were in my mind : dominate and kill.

I was fast, very fast, but that didn't stop me from seeing everything around me as if I were walking, and the closer I got, the more the huge rock turned out to be a hill and the hill a mountain. My opponent was huge and must have been a little over ten meters tall, bigger than Gaya in her dragon form. The closer I got, the more he began to growl back, dropping the pillars to intercept me.

*Oh ? Don't you want to take your axe ? In that case, I wouldn't wield my katana either for the moment fufu~*

The level 40 Demon seemed to be trying to kill me with his hands alone, but contrary to what he thought, I wasn't as weak. The number of meters that separated us was getting smaller and smaller as the impact was about to be imminent. With a growl, the giant creature closed his hand into a fist ready to strike me as soon as I reached his height.

*Congratulations, you make my blood boil ! Now let's have some fun, you big green pile !*


-- POV General--

When Freya had dashed towards the green giant, the Commanders and Lieutenants hadn't even seen her move but simply disappear. They watched the scene from afar, still close to the corridor leading to the stairs, all with a trembling hand on their chest. As the Empress approached the Demon, she became more and more visible until she was completely visible, just as the green Nightmare's huge fist slammed into her face.

"Em...Empress !"

"Don't tell me she's not going to dodge it ?"

"Ho-how is she going to do in these cases ? We...we know she's powerful but isn't this too much ?"

"I...I don't know..."

At this point, only the Commanders were speaking, as the others were too worried and terrified about the outcome of this fight. While everyone's eyes were focused on the distance, Freya was now within range of the creature's fist and as Ralph had announced earlier, she wasn't going to dodge.

"Oh no !"

Lynn the succubus had said these words before closing her eyes and hiding behind Inferno, who was not very serene either. At that moment, something happened that none of them would have thought possible despite the power of the Empress. Just as the fist came within inches of her face, the she-wolf had reached out to respond with an attack containing all her power.

It had all happened with unbelievable speed, and as their two fists clashed, an incredibly powerful shockwave shook the walls, almost causing them to crumble. A violent gust of wind had emerged from the depths of the room, lifting the lifeless bodies from the floor, dust and rubble without giving anyone time to do anything. The retreating soldiers all had their arms in front of their faces as they could no longer see and were recovering from the sudden jolt.

"Am...amazing !"

"Her...her Highness.."

"She did it...she stopped it !"

As the smoke cleared, everyone could see and understand what had just happened. Freya, though very small compared to the Nightmare, had stopped the attack with all her strength. For the first time, the Commanders and Lieutenants were going to see their Empress fight almost to the fullest of her abilities and it had already started strong. The Demon's feet, like the she-wolf's, were deeply embedded in the ground, which had shattered into a thousand pieces from the impact.

Their arms were shaking but neither of them were backing down, it was then that a dense green aura appeared around the Demon's body and around Freya an aura as black as her hair. At the same time, the soldiers could see her withdraw her arm to unbalance her opponent who began to wobble forward. Taking advantage of this opening, the she-wolf jumped from pillar to pillar to gain height and pounce on him right at the uncovered head.

With great speed, her foot crashed into the monster's neck with a loud cracking sound echoing throughout the room. Without stopping, Freya's figure disappeared and reappeared in different places as she struck, gauging her strength. The large room shook and vibrated, being buffeted and buffeted by a violent wind as the Nightmare endured her blows, but not without screaming and grunting in pain with his mouth full of saliva.


The blows rained down in loud thuds, but no bones were breaking yet. The she-wolf was a shadow that seemed to teleport, sometimes hitting the back, sometimes the legs and arms. She was trying to perfectly gauge her opponent's resistance by gradually increasing her power without giving her all so as not to exhaust herself. While the Empress appeared again above the head of the giant, he stopped.

Against all odds, with surprising speed, the monster had straightened up to face her, sending his strangely agile elbow at her. Freya, already running several meters above the ground, was unable to stop or change direction without her wings. The Demon's elbow hit her in the whole body because it was too big, sending her crashing into a pillar with a power she had never known.

"*cough*...*cough*...very good ! I see that you are indeed...smarter, sharper in addition to being powerful. But you know...

The Empress was literally embedded in one of the pylons and as she uttered this unfinished phase, she pulled herself free without much effort. Blood trickled down her mouth and as she wiped it away with the back of her sleeve, her eyes began to glow intensely. There was no longer any trace of that unique purple color, for now her eyes were a scarlet red, heightened by vertical slit-like pupils.

...the height is not everything ! Now it's my turn ! And this time it's you who's going to crash into a wall !"


As if responding to her threats, the green Demon roared angrily as he finally reached for his large black axe. Placing one foot on the pillar, Freya smiled with all her teeth that had become as sharp as her fangs. Her hands were on the ground, her nails scratching, marking the hard stone and at that moment, the voice that rose from her throat was nothing more than a ferocious wolf's growl.

As the she-wolf who was beginning to awaken her demon side rushed forward again, the Nightmare swung his huge weapon in her direction almost as quickly as she did. This time, despite his great agility, he couldn't hit Freya because every time he brought his axe down she was gone, leaving him to hit the ground. She was weaving in and out of his countless explosions of rock of untold violence, always out of reach.

For anyone here, a single blow would mean instant death, but not for the Empress, who had appeared under the green giant's arms and jumped to strike his chest with all her might. Under the impact, his armor exploded, the she-wolf's fist reaching his green skin before sending him crashing into the wall at high speed.

"That's for later..."

It was the big Nightmare's turn to spit blood as red veins of anger appeared in his white eyes. He still had his axe in his hands, and as he snarled his way out, Freya licked her lips.


"It's terrifying..."

The Commanders and Lieutenants were all shaking, unable to stop their bodies from reacting instinctively to the spectacle. So far the two powerful beings had only exchanged a few blows, but that was more than enough to imagine the power of the battle that was just beginning. As everyone's eyes were riveted on the one who was fighting and protecting them, the she-wolf raised her cold and gripping voice once more.

"I believe that thanks to you, I feel a new form of power kufufu~. Come and show me how you dance !"

The moment the Empress had spoken her last sentence, her voice had become even colder and deeper. Her face had also become extremely menacing as her tattoos changed shape and took over her entire face. Her eyes were changing as well, the pupil still slit, the iris as red as blood, but this time the white area called the sclera was turning completely black.

The she-wolf's black horns stood out all the more and in front of her new appearance, the Nightmare Demon couldn't help but recoil slightly, surprised and scared. The black aura coming out of the Demon she-wolf's body became denser and denser as once again, a savage smile appeared on her face. A smile full of sharp teeth, terrifying, cruel and deadly dangerous.

Freya had finally unlocked her Demonic side that had been slumbering inside her, awakened by the powerful presence of another Demon.



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 29 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 26 000 / 60 000

Strength: 500

Defense : 500

Agility : 506

Endurance: 503

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Speed : 502

Intelligence: 500

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 60

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 6)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]