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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 130
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The party was in full swing, and Manuel was ready to make his way to the stage. He had

another big announcement to make about the family business, and he couldn’t wait to

share it with everyone. But just as he was about to head towards the stage, he realized

that André was nowhere to be found,

With his eyes, he searched the room for his son. They were supposed to make the

announcement together, and now he couldn’t see him anywhere. Manuel’s heart sank as

he realized that without André, the announcement wouldn’t be complete. He knew he had

to find his son before it was too late. Time was running out, and the party might be over

before he knew it.

And Manuel stood on the sidelines, getting this little twinge of disappointment. He had

been eagerly anticipating this moment–an announcement made before the party would

soon be over. But now, there was still no sign of André.

Manuel scanned the room once again, taking in the joyous atmosphere and the familiar

faces of his loved ones. His wife was laughing with her friends, and the guests were all

having a wonderful time. These were all great. Yet, his heart couldn’t help but ache for the

absence of his beloved son, his favorite and the one he would always be proud of.

He wondered if Andre had forgotten about this moment or if something had come up.

Whatever the reason, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of longing and wished that André

was there to share in the special moment of the occasion.

Conversely, Mason stood tall and confident with his arms crossed as he watched his father

intently. His father, who was standing in silence, seemed to be lost in deep thought as he

observed the guests at the party–the thought ran through Mason’s mind.

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He could sense the strain and unease radiating from his father, and he knew exactly what

was going on in his mind. He had always been able to read his father’s emotions and

thoughts, and at this moment, he could tell that something was weighing heavily on his

mind, all about Andre, which Mason had to chuckle about.

Of course, he knew what was about to take place. He had knowledge about the

announcement. Manuel had been considering adding Hannah to the business for quite

some time now. She had always expressed her desire to have a major role in the

company, and Manuel wanted to make that happen for her.

However, Mason had his doubts about Hannah’s capabilities. He felt she would need help

to handle the responsibilities of such a position. Despite Mason’s


reservations, Manuel was resolute to give Hannah the opportunity she had always wanted.

Mason could do nothing but stay angry and watch as things unfolded. After all, it wasn’t

his decision to make. He just had to remain in an infuriated state while everything went

with the flow.

Mason couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he watched Manuel walk off the

stage. The smirk on his face grew wider as he took a sip of his wine, savoring the taste

and reveling in the moment. However, deep down, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that

his father might still make the announcement before the party was over. He hoped for that

not to take place, but thinking about it, being announced at a party or not, his father

would still give Hannah the spot if he wanted; he knew Manuel very well. This thought left

Mason unsettled. But for now, he was content basking in the glory of Manuel’s departure.

A lady with long, flowing hair and a dazzling smile approached Mason, looking absolutely

stunning in a flowy yellow dress. Her perfectly applied lipstick was a unique shade of deep

red, accentuating her full lips. As she held a delicate glass of wine, her eyes met Mason’s,

and he couldn’t help but be captivated by her radiant beauty. Her grace and elegance

immediately struck him, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“Hi, I’m Isabella,” she said, extending her hand towards Mason.

He shook her hand, feeling a jolt of electricity run through his body. “I’m Mason,

he replied, trying to contain his excitement.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mason. I couldn’t help but notice you from across the room,”

Isabella said in a soft and alluring voice.

Mason couldn’t believe his luck; Isabella was one beautiful lady. They began talking, and

before he knew it, they were lost in a conversation, laughing and sharing stories. He was

already drawn to the lady. And now he had a few questions for her.

“So, are you single?” he asked, hoping for a positive answer.

Isabella’s smile faltered for a moment before she replied, “Yes, I am.”

Mason had to smirk right away. “Do you want to get banged tonight?” he blurted out,

unable to contain his desire.

Isabella’s expression turned dark, and she gave him a stern look. “Excuse me?” Her tone

was laced with anger.

“I’m sorry, that came out wrong. I meant, would you like to grab dinner sometime?” He

stammered, trying to salvage the situation. But Isabella had already turned away, walking

in another direction with a disappointed look on her face.



Mason stood there, feeling embarrassed and regretful. He had let his desires get the best

of him and had ruined his chances with one of the most beautiful women he had met. But

he had to shrug, shaking off the feeling. It might hurt for the moment, but he wasn’t going

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to care later on.


“You haven’t given me an answer to my question, André. Do you love Ariel?” I asked

Andre. He was silent when I first asked him about it, and I wondered if the question had

made him dumb or what.

Andre released a deep sigh. “Why are you asking me such a question?”

“Because I need to know,” I responded immediately. “Your words and actions show how

much you care about her. You’re risking your own life right now to save hers.”

“What about you?” Andre asked without hesitation.

I paused for a moment. “Me? What about me?”

“Aren’t you also risking your life to save her?”

“Come on now, man, my case is different.” I tried to disagree.

“How exactly?” André quizzed.

“Ariel is my wife. Of course, I have to protect her. I have to keep her from all sorts of

danger. It’s a promise I made to my late grandfather.”

“And Ariel is my friend, Luke. We’ve been friends for five years. She’s the true definition of

nice; she’s an angel, awesome; she’s just so perfect. It had me wondering why you treated

her so badly in three years of your marriage.”

“Please don’t bring that up,” I said under my breath.

“Why shouldn’t I? You had to make her feel like she didn’t deserve to be loved. You just

had to keep her happiness in the dark for such a long time.”

“Did she tell you all of this?”

“Of course she did. Or was she lying?”

I laughed, shaking my head.

“I guess not,” Andre said softly. The door opened, and 1 heard footsteps coming our way. I

wish I could see the face of the person who had stepped in, but as you can see, the room

was too dark for that.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!