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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 132
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I slowly opened my eyes, blinking against the darkness that enveloped me. As my vision

adjusted, I realized I was in a dimly lit room, with the only source of light coming from a

single flickering bulb hanging above my head. Panic surged through me as I tried to move,

only to discover that I was tightly bound to a chair, my wrists and ankles secured with

rough rope.

How in the world did I arrive here? Oh, I remembered. Those men who took me to their car

had infected me with something I didn’t know. But they were the ones responsible for my

losing consciousness. Now I was right here and had no idea of this location or the person

behind this whole sh*t. Technically, those men were following orders. There is no doubt

about that. But who wants to do this now? Why can’t someone live this life in peace? All

these terrific situations were becoming really galling. And I hoped to never see myself in

one again. That’s if I get out of this one alive.

Now, my heart pounded as I frantically scanned my surroundings. The room was barren,

with peeling paint on the walls and a musty smell that disgusted my nose. There were no

windows or doors that I could see–just oppressive darkness pressing in on me from all


Terror clawed at my throat as I struggled against my bonds, the ropes cutting into my skin

with each futile tug. I called out for help, my voice echoing hollowly in the empty room.

But there was no response, just the eerie silence that seemed to mock my fear.

Desperation rising, I closed my eyes and tried to calm my racing thoughts. I remembered

stories of survival, of people who had faced impossible odds and came out on the other

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

side. Drawing on that strength, I took a deep breath and prayed for a way out of that


But I couldn’t just give up; I had to get out of here and do that real quick. I focused on my

surroundings, searching for any possible means of escape. My eyes fell on a glint of metal

in the corner of the room, and I strained against my bonds, inching the chair closer until I

could reach it with trembling fingertips.

It was a paperclip, discarded and forgotten, but it was a lifeline to me. With shaking hands,

I worked the paperclip against the ropes, feeling them slowly give way under my

persistent efforts. Sweat beaded on my forehead as I toiled in silence, every second

stretching out into an eternity of uncertainty.

Finally, with a triumphant gasp, I felt the last rope snap free, and I surged to my

feet, the chair clattering to the ground behind me. My muscles screamed in

protest as I rubbed feeling back into my numb limbs, but I ignored the pain as I surveyed

my surroundings once more.

Suddenly, the door opened, and this woman stepped in. “What do you think you are

doing?” She asked coldly, and I couldn’t help but stare at her.


The baldheaded man slowly stood up, his powerful muscles flexing as he did so. Sweat

dripped down his glistening head, and he must be feeling himself at the moment. What an

incredible fool he was.

The moment he turned his gaze towards us, his expression was filled with a deep and

unsettling darkness. He wanted us to be frightened, but it wasn’t going to work for me. I

wasn’t some little kid or something. But this man exuded a sense of danger and strength,

causing us to instinctively take a step back- just cautious, not terrified.

“It looks like we have a little trouble on our hands,” I said to Andre, trying to keep my

voice steady.

“You think?” Andre retorted sarcastically.

Before we could even react, the man was charging towards us with lightning speed. He

was like a raging bull, and we were the unlucky matadors.

I tried to throw a punch, but he caught my arm in a vice–like grip, squeezing it until I

thought the bones would break. I let out a cry of pain and struggled to break free, but it

was no use.

Meanwhile, Andre was trying to fight back, but the man easily overpowered him. His

punches were like getting hit by a truck, and he showed no signs of slowing down.

We were no match for this man’s strength, and I could feel my energy draining with every

blow. But I refused to give up. I couldn’t let this man beat us.

With one last burst of adrenaline, I managed to break free from his grip and deliver a swift

kick to his stomach. But it was like kicking a brick wall. He didn’t even flinch.

Just when I thought all hope was lost, I heard a loud crash, and the man fell to the ground,

unconscious/I turned to see Andre holding a large metal pipe with a satisfied grin.

“I guess we’re even now, Luke.” He smirked, offering me a hand.


I chuckled, relieved that we had made it out alive. “Yeah, yeah. I guess we’re even.


“So, time to go look for Ariel?” Andre threw the metal pipe to the floor.

“Yeah, of course,” I answered, and I suspended, my eyes narrowing down to the metal

pipe. “I think we’re going to need that.”

“Against your evil mother?”

“Yes, call her any name you want. But don’t address her as my mother,” I told him and

walked to the door.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I see. Family issues,” Andre said, taking hold of the metal pipe. But I’d like to know what

happened between the two of you. That’s if you don’t mind.”

I looked at him for a moment before I spoke. “When we get to where she is, you can tell

her that.”

“And how are you so sure we’re going to get to where she is?”

“I have a feeling she’s in this building. And I hope Ariel’s here too,” I answered before

leaving the room. Andre treaded behind me. And I believed we were both ready for

anything that’s going to come our way.”



“Who are you? And why am I here?” I asked the woman who had just entered the


Her lips curled into a cruel smile. “Oh, my dear, nothing, actually.”

“I demand to know what you want from me,” I vocalized with a trembling voice.

Her smile turned into a sneer. “You are in no position to make demands, my dear. But

since you asked so nicely, I will tell you.” After those words, she burst out laughing.

I had to give her a confused face while she did that.

And after she was done laughing, she glanced at me, letting out a deep sigh, and her eyes

glinted with malice. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

“Why were you laughing like that?” I retorted.

“Are you trying to be courageous?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Not really,” I answered, and a sigh followed. But you have to tell me what you really want

from me.”


“It’s that simple. I want you dead.” She smirked, and I had to shoot her a crazy


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