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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 134
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I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping and the sun shining through the window. As I

slowly opened my eyes, I felt a weight on my chest and saw a woman lying next to me in

bed. My heart stopped as I realized that we were both half–naked.

Confusion and panic flooded my mind as I tried to remember what happened the previous

night. I had gone out with my friends for a few drinks, but everything was a blur after that.

I couldn’t recall how I ended up in bed with this woman.

I let out a gasp and quickly sat up, causing the woman to stir a little bit. She didn’t wake

up, and my mind wasn’t settled about this one. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I

was completely unaware of this woman, including her name, and it is beyond my

comprehension how we ended up in the same bed. My mind was racing with questions

and frustration.

“What the hell is going on?” I yelled, my voice filled with intense rage, because this was

just so fucked up!”

The woman sat up immediately and looked at me in shock. She scanned the room, making

a confused face, and she gasped immediately.

“Where am I?” she asked, her voice now filled with worry. And then she glanced back at

me. “And who are you?”

“Who am I? Are you crazy right now?! I don’t remember anything from last night. How did

you end up in my bed?” I demanded.

The woman’s expression turned serious as she realized the situation. But she was still

looking confused as she drove her hands through her hair, letting out a frustrated sigh.

“Aren’t you going to answer my question? How the frick did you end up in my goddamn

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bed?!” I snapped.

“I have no idea, okay? I genuinely have no idea how I got here,” she answered, and it

seemed like she was about to burst into tears. But I wasn’t going to care one bit. Hell no!

But I couldn’t believe it. I had never been so reckless in my life. I couldn’t even remember

the last time I got this drunk. So, what was really going on here? This whore had done

sh*t, huh? Golddiggers.

The door opened immediately, and tons of people rushed inside the room, taking pictures

of us. They were journalists.

I watched in horror as the room was suddenly filled with journalists, their

cameras flashing and microphones thrusting towards my face.

“Is this your girlfriend, Luke? Are you two in a relationship?” one of them shouted.

I shook my head, trying to make sense of the chaos. “I don’t even know her name, “I

replied, my voice trembling with anger and confusion.

The woman next to me seemed to shrink into the bed, her eyes wide with shock and fear. I

could see tears starting to form in her eyes. Bullshit! I feel like choking her to death right


“Is this some kind of scandal, Lukel? Are you cheating on your girlfriend?” another

journalist asked, pushing their way to the front.

“I don’t have a girlfriend!” I snapped, my frustration and anger bubbling over. “I don’t

even know who this woman is!”

More questions were thrown at me, and I could feel my head spinning. How did this

happen? How did I end up in bed with a complete stranger? I could see the headlines now:

“Famous Billionaire Caught in Scandalous Affair!”

“Please, just leave us alone,” I pleaded, gesturing towards the door. But the journalists

refused to budge, continuing to snap photos and ask questions.

The woman next to me finally spoke up, her voice shaking. “Please, we don’t know what’s

going on either. Can you please give us some space?”

But the reporters seemed relentless, wanting to get every juicy detail of this supposed

affair. I felt a surge of protectiveness towards the woman, and I scooted closer to her,

draping an arm around her shoulders.

“Enough! We have nothing to say to you, people. Now get out!” I shouted, my voice

echoing through the room.

After a few more minutes of arguing and pleading, the journalists finally left, their cameras

still clicking as they exited the room. I let out a deep breath, my heart still racing from the


The woman next to me looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry. I didn’t

mean for any of this to happen. I don’t even know how I ended up here.”

I got out of bed and started pacing around the room, trying to make sense of the situation.

The woman stood there, watching me with that sad countenance. Oh, it made me sick.

“I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean for this to happen,” she continued apologizing, with her eyes

still filled with tears.

I stopped and looked at her. She seemed genuinely remorseful, but that didn’t change the

fact that I was in a complete mess. I couldn’t even look at her without feeling a surge of

anger and disgust.

Without thinking, I walked towards her and pushed her off the bed. She let out a scream

as she fell to the ground, hitting her head on the nightstand.

I stood there, breathing heavily, trying to calm myself down. Should I even feel guilty that

I had just done that? I had never been a violent person, but my anger and frustration got

the best of me.

The woman looked up at me with fear in her eyes. I could see the pain and confusion on

her face. But I was definitely not going to feel guilty for my actions.

“You are nothing but a golddigger, you bitch!” I snarled. “You say you’re pretty, huh? You

call that a face? It looks like someone took a sledgehammer to it!” I continued with my

hurtful words.

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“Just take a good look at yourself, you whore. You’re trying to sell your body, looking for

millions, right? Because you’re broke as hell. No wonder you can’t afford to fix that

crooked nose of yours. Look at you right in this room, like you’re some queen. Newsflash,

honey, you’re nothing but a lowly prostitute. No one will ever take you seriously. Do you

hear me?!”

“Why are you talking to me like that?”

“Oh, shut up! Just shut your mouth, you fool! You want to ruin my reputation. Isn’t that

what you want? Or tell me. You also need money, isn’t that right? You’re so desperate for

money that you went ahead to do shit? Tell me what you want now, you filthy slut!”

“Your money is not required, and I must reiterate how many times I have to say that I

h.dea how I ended up here?” I find it offensive that you continue to insult me in this

manner by calling me derogatory names. I’m not a prostitute, okay?”

“You watch your mouth, bitch,” I growled. “You better shut up!”

“Or what? You’ll hit me. That’s all you know how to do. Beating up on women. I don’t know

you, but after you pushed me from your bed, I think I have a little idea about your terrible


“Oh, shut up!” I snapped and walked to her, grabbed her by the arm, and dragged her

towards the door. She struggled against my grip, but I was too strong for her. I threw her

out of the room and slammed the door shut, locking it.


I suspended, moving my hands to my face. I knew the sh*t that was going to

happen after this. Who the hell

Tas this woman?

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