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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 156
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Here, I was driving home, still thinking about the news that had come to me. Harrier was

out of prison; she broke out of jail, and now I don’t even know if I should be sad or happy.

Reminiscing about the times we spent with each other was really awesome, but the fact

that she had caused me pain really changed all of that. She murdered them all for the

sake of love. But she was the one who had ruined everything in the first place.

Now this news came as a blow to me. I wasn’t going to lie. I wondered where she could be

now. I knew something crazy was going to happen in the days to come; there was no

doubt about that. Harriet had proven that she was a psychopath. And she could be

dangerous around people, but I wasn’t afraid of her. I was just concerned about the people

around me. The fact that Ariel and I were now passionate toward each other. And Harriet

might try to do something to separate us. Go to be careful; the lady broke out of prison,

and this was no movie where she was playing the lead role.

And as I was driving, I spotted two little children running on the road.

Unfortunately, I applied the brakes and the vehicle came to a complete stop prior to any

catastrophic events transpiring.

“Can’t you two watch? What if something bad had happened to you? You both got to be

careful next time, okay?” I scolded, bursting out of my car. They didn’t answer; they just

stood like statues, staring at me. The sad expression on their faces had this swell of guilt

moving right through me. I was now feeling bad for scolding them.

I sighed and hunkered down, close to the both of them. “Look, I’m really sorry. But you two

need to be careful just in case next time. There are numerous insane drivers

on the road, and they could run you over if you don’t watch out. I’m sorry for being too

harsh on you guys.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

They refused to give me a response, and they were both still staring at me. I was

wondering if they could even talk. Okay, I guess I shouldn’t be going too far.

I looked around and glanced back at the both of them. “Where are your parents?”

One shook his head slowly, and the other answered softly, “We don’t have parents.”

“We’re orphans, and we have no place to stay.

I felt a pang of sadness in my heart at their words. My mind immediately went to

how I had lost my parents at such a young age. I knew my mother wasn’t dead, but still, I

lost her when I was young. I lost the lovely and caring woman,

although it had been an act. I still missed those days. I missed that kind woman, but she

was never coming back.

“Come on, I’ll take you to a restaurant. You both must be hungry,” I said, gesturing for

them to follow me. They hesitated for a moment before nodding and following me to my


As we drove to the nearest restaurant, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of responsibility

towards these children. I knew I had to do something to help them, even if it was just for

one night.

We arrived at the restaurant, and I could see the excitement in their eyes as they looked

at the menu. They ordered whatever they wanted, and I couldn’t help but smile at their

innocent faces. They deserved to have a good meal after everything they had been


After we finished eating, I asked them where they were planning to go for the night. They

both looked at each other with worried expressions. “We usually sleep on the streets,” one

of them replied.

I couldn’t let them sleep on the streets, not when I had a spare room in my house. “How

about you both come stay with me tonight? I have an extra room, and I’ll make sure you

have a comfortable place to sleep,” I offered, hoping they would accept.

Their faces lit up with gratitude, and they eagerly accepted my offer.

“Let’s get going, shall we?” I smiled at the both of them. We stood up, making our way out

of the building. I turned to the both of them. “Hold on, can I please know your name? The

both of you.”

“I’m Randy,” one of them replied.

“Randy, that’s a nice name. You’ve ever heard of this famous WWE superstar, Randy


“Oh my god, then you must be missing a lot. When we get to my house, I’ll show you

some of his matches.” I smiled at him, ruffling his hair. I turned to the other. “What about

you? You haven’t told me your name.”

“Ethan,” he answered, looking downward.

“Hmm, Ethan, that’s a nice name. I can tell you’ll be a billionaire in the future.” He gave

me a skeptical look. “Me, a billionaire? Are you sure about that?”

I squatted next to him. “Yes, I’m sure. You have a bright future, kid. And I’m

going to help you with that. I’m going to help the both of you. And trust me, you are going

to love every mornent with me.

“Hey! What are you doing with my kids?” This man bawled, his voice coming little bit far

from me, and I quickly turned around.

“Your kids?” I uttered it in confusion, getting to my feet while the man was traipsing in my

direction. I looked back at Ryan and Ethan. “Do you know that man?” I asked, but they

didn’t give me any answers. I set my eyes back on the man, as he had now gotten close to


“Those are my children. I’ve been searching for them for days. What the hell are they

doing with you?”

“Your children? They told me they had no parents.”

“That’s a lie!” He snapped and glared at the two kids. “You’ve started lying now, huh? Just

wait till we get home. I’m going to teach you both a lesson.”

“We don’t want to go anywhere with you!” Randy spoke firmly.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The man’s glare intensified. “Oh, you little rat!” He moved closer and wanted to hit the

little boy, but I seized his hand. We exchanged a dark look before I shoved

him back.

“What’s your problem, huh?” He barked at me. But I didn’t utter a word, as I kept on

giving him the unfriendly look. The little children had to tell me everything: that this man

never showed them love and always treated them badly, like they were some kind of

trash. They exaggerated and explained the whole thing–how he was so cruel towards


My glare at this man had to compound. There was no doubt the children were telling the

truth; they had been living with an abusive father this whole time.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” I said, taking the children’s hands and walking away from

the man.

“Where are you taking them? Come back here, you idiot!” He tried to follow us, but I

turned around and punched him in the face.

“Leave these children alone. They don’t deserve to be treated like garbage.”

The man stumbled back, holding his nose. “Fine, take them. They’re nothing but a burden

to me anyway,” he spat before storming off.

I turned to the children, who were staring at me with wide eyes. “Are you okay?”

They both nodded, and Ryan thanked me.

“Don’t thank me; it was the right thing to do,” I replied. “Let’s get going, shall



They nodded, and the three of us walked to my car.

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