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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 165
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I pushed open the heavy oak door of the bustling catery, feeling the warmth of the cozy

interior envelop me like a familiar hug. My eyes scanned the room, searching for Mason.

Spotting an empty table near the window, I made my way towards it, the sounds of

clinking cutlery and murmured conversations filling the air.

Taking a seat, I pulled out my phone to check the time. Of course, the scumbag was

running a few minutes late, and it was really galling. I leaned back in my chair, tapping my

fingers on the worn wooden surface. The soft glow of the afternoon sun bathed the room

in a golden hue.

A server approached my table with a warm smile on his face. “Can I get you something to

drink while you wait?” he asked. I ordered a cappuccino and settled back, watching the

world outside the window pass by.

“Okay, miss. Anything else?”

“I think I’ll have some orange juice as well.”

“Okie dokie. I’ll be back before you know it.” The server winked at me before walking to

get my order. It didn’t take long before he came back with my order. He was fast, and I

would rate him five stars for


I sipped on my cappuccino, enjoying the creamy foam on my lips, and the server returned

with my orange juice. “Here you go, miss. And my name is Max, by the way. Just in case

you need anything else. “He flashed a charming smile, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his attempt at flirting. “Thank you, Max. I’ll keep that in mind.”

I replied, trying to keep my tone light and friendly.

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“So, waiting for someone?” Max asked, leaning casually against the table.

I nodded, not wanting to go into any details with a stranger. “Yes, yes, I am.”

“Well, he’s a lucky guy to have such a beautiful lady like you waiting for him.” Max’s’eyes

roamed over my face, making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

I laughed again, trying to brush off his compliments. “You’re quite the charmer, Max. But I

think you should stick to serving tables.”

Max chuckled, running a hand through his messy hair. “I’ll keep that in mind. But if you

ever need a break from this person, you know where to find me.” He winked before

walking away to attend to

other customers.

I shook my head with a smile, amused by his shameless flirting. I took a sip of my orange

juice and checked the time again. Mason was now fifteen minutes late. I sighed, feeling

really annoyed with this. He was the one who had called me to meet him here, but now he

was nowhere to be found. That man just loved doing sh*t; he kept thinking I was his

puppet or something. Well, he was wrong about



that. This was just a plan that was supposed to be carried out by the both of us in the first

place. Since he wanted revenge for his girlfriend, and I wanted vengeance for myself, But

the scumbag had to switch things up; now he was acting like the boss of me.

My phone buzzed with a text message. It was Luke asking me where I was and if I was still

at work. I laughed softly and asked the same question. His reply came really fast, and it

was a yes. I texted him that I was busy at the moment and would get back to him when I

was done.

I sat back in my chair, letting out a deep sigh. But I would be really glad if Mason didn’t

show up. I didn’t want to waste any more of my time and energy on someone so

worthless. And if he doesn’t show up any time soon, I’m leaving here.”

The moment I finished my drink and asked for the check, Max came back to my table with

a warm smile. “Everything okay, miss?”

I nodded, smiling back at him. “Yes, thank you. Can I get the check, please?”

“Sure thing.” Max handed me the bill, but before I could reach for my wallet, he placed his

hand on top of mine. “On the house, for the beautiful lady.”

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by his gesture. “Thank you, Max. But I insist on paying.”

He shook his head, his smile widening. “Consider it a thank you for making my shift more

enjoyable.” He winked again before walking away, leaving me with a warm feeling in my


“It looks like that guy is in love.” I heard Mason’s voice, so I quickly turned around. Yes, he


behind me.

“You finally came. I thought you weren’t going to show up,” I said to him.

“But here I am.” He smirked and glanced at the server immediately, raising his own hand.

“I think I’ll need something to eat!”

“Okay, Mason. What’s the deal? Why do you keep blowing my phone with calls?”

“And why do you keep on ignoring me?”

“Because I’ve got things to do. I’ve got projects to take care of.”

Mason let out a disbelieving sigh. “Projects. That’s your excuse, now?

“You think I’m lying?”

“I know that.”

“Well, go to hell.” I retorted and got to my feet, but Mason strenuously seized my hands,

shaking the table, making such a noise that we almost stole everyone’s attention.

“Sit down; we are not done yet.”

“What is there that’s left to talk about?”

“Our plan,” Mason said, standing up and moving his face closer to me. With his dark,

cautious tone,

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he said, “You better act fast, Ariel. And if you try to act smart, I swear your children will

pay for your foolishness.”

I couldn’t stop glaring at him, and then he laughed. “So, you better make sure you get

Luke to sign those papers. And do that as soon as possible. You keep giving excuses. But

when it’s deadline, I’m not going to listen to another of your bullshit.” Mason let go of my

hand before walking away. I glimpsed at Max, who was just staring at me. I exhaled deeply

after that.

So, later on, I went home to take a shower, and I also needed to relax. Tomorrow, a

meeting will take place at the Vitality Company. And tomorrow would also be the day when

André makes Hannah a part of the company. It would be a special day, and tomorrow, of

course, was my deadline. Getting Luke to sign those papers was not on my mind. I didn’t

want to ruin him.

I stood in front of the shower, feeling the steamy water hitting my face. All I wanted right

now was to relax and wash away the stress of the day. Slowly, I reached for the tie of my

robe, taking a deep breath before loosening it and letting the silky fabric fall to the ground.

The cool air hit my bare skin, causing goosebumps to form. I stepped into the shower, the

warm water instantly enveloping me. I closed my eyes, letting the water run down my

body, washing away all my worries. With each passing second, I felt the tension in my

muscles gradually release. I took my time, savoring the feeling of the water cascading

over me.

It was a moment of pure bliss–just me and the soothing sound of the water. The moment I

opened my eyes, they widened when I saw Luke leaning against the door with his arms


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