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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 168
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I made my way into the police station, the heavy wooden door swinging shut behind me

with a thud. The faint smell of stale coffee mixed with the sharp tang of disinfectant

assaulted my senses as I entered the bustling lobby.

The room was a hive of activity, with officers in crisp uniforms moving purposefully

around. A large bulletin board covered in wanted posters and missing person flyers

loomed on one wall, while a row of hard plastic chairs lined the opposite wall, occupied by

a mix of anxious individuals and stern- faced officers taking statements.

The fluorescent lights overhead buzzed incessantly, casting a harsh glare over the room

and highlighting the scuff marks on the linoleum floor. The sound of ringing phones,

clacking keyboards, and hushed conversations filled the air, creating a low hum of activity

that seemed to vibrate through

the room.

I approached the front desk, where a tired–looking officer sat behind a computer screen,

typing away with practiced efficiency. The officer glanced up as I cleared my throat, his

expression shifting from concentration to polite inquiry.

“Can I help you?” the officer asked, his tone professional but not unkind.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation ahead. “I’m here to speak with

Detective Hernandez,” I replied. Yup, Detective Hernandez; that was his name. I didn’t

know we would become friends, but that’s just it. And when it came to things like this, he

was definitely the one I should

inform about them.

The officer nodded, tapping a few keys on his computer before gesturing towards a row of

closed doors at the back of the room. “Down the hall, last door on the left,” he said, his

attention already shifting back to the screen in front of him.

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I offered a brief nod of thanks before making my way down the narrow hallway, the dull

light flickering overhead as I walked. The walls were lined with framed certificates and

commendations, a testament to the dedication and professionalism of the officers who

worked there.

Reaching the last door on the left, I knocked lightly before pushing it open and stepping

into a cramped office. Detective Hernandez sat behind a cluttered desk, a mountain of

case files and paperwork piled haphazardly in front of him. The detective looked up at me

as I moved in his direction.

“Luke Reynold,” Hernandez said, standing up from his chair. “It’s an honor to see you here.

Can I please know the reason you’ve come to the station

“I believe you know,” I told him, as we’ve both gotten closer now. “It’s about…”


“Harriet,” he cut me off.




“Oh, so you know, huh? Why ask me that in the first place?”

“It’s just something I do often.”

“Yeah whatever. Now you better let me know how the fuck she got out of prison.”

“That I have no answer to, myself. And please, don’t put the blame on me. I wasn’t the

one in charge.

“Yes. But you guys need to improve your security just in case next time.”

“Hold on there, Luke. I already made it clear to you. Do not put the blame on me or my



“Absolutely right. But you got to tell the fucking department of New Haven to start


“Calm down, okay? Why are you talking like Harriet’s such a big threat?”

“I’m not scared of her, man. But you have to understand that I’m not comfortable with her

out there. Do you know she called me?”

Hernandez raised an eyebrow. “She called you?”

“Yes, and that’s exactly why I’m here. I came to inform the cops about it.”

“Well, thanks for the information.”

“You guys better make sure you find her.‘

“We’ll find her. Relax, okay?” Hernandez tapped me on the shoulder. “Don’t get too

worked up.

“I hope so,” I told him before leaving.


A soft morning light seeped through the curtains, gently waking me from a peaceful

slumber. Opening my eyes, a warm smile crept across my face, and I saw Luke peacefully

asleep beside me. The rhythmic sound of his breathing filled the room, creating a

comforting melody.

Careful not to disturb him, I slid out of bed, the cool floor beneath my feet awakening my

senses. 1 tiptoed towards the bathroom, glancing back at Luk, a surge of love swelling in

my chest. The tranquil sight of him sleeping peacefully was just a reminder of how we had

spent such a wonderful and lovely moment last night.

Turning on the shower, the soothing sound of water echoed in the tiled space. I stepped

into the warm cascade, allowing it to wash away the remnants of sleep. The water

droplets danced on my skin, revitalizing me as I closed my eyes and reveled in the quiet

moments of solitude.

As the steam enveloped the bathroom, my mind wandered, thinking about the day ahead.

A contented sigh escaped my lips as I cherished the simple joy of starting my morning in

peace, and last night was really awesome. The sound of water droplets against the tiles

mingled with my thoughts, creating a serene symphony in the peaceful morning air.



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And after singing for minutes, I heard a groggy voice from the bedroom call out, “Please

don’t sing, I don’t think I’ll be able to handle that terrible voice so early in the morning.

I rolled my eyes, stepping out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. “I

don’t need you to be the judge around here, okay? I know I got the voice of an angel.”

He chuckled, “More like a dying cat.”

I stuck my tongue out at him, and Mad started singing again, making my voice really loud

this time. Luke groaned and pulled the covers over his head, pretending to be asleep. But I

knew he couldn’t resist my singing for long.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, he poked his head out from under the covers and

shouted, “Okay, that’s it. I can’t take it anymore. You have to stop.”

I laughed. “What’s the matter, Luke? Can’t handle my beautiful concert?”

He threw a pillow in my direction, which I easily dodged. “No, I can’t handle your terrible

singing. It’s like nails on a chalkboard.”

I couldn’t hold back a laugh. “You’re just jealous of my amazing vocal abilities.”

Luke raised an eyebrow and said, “Jealous of your vocal abilities? Come on, Ariel, that’s a

zero. A big zero. Singing’s not for everyone, and trust me, it’s definitely not for you.”

“You’re talking absolute nonsense right now.“.

“The truth hurts. But your voice is crap.”

“Oh really? Then I’d like to see you sing, mister.

“I never said I was a great singer.” Luke shrugged.

“No, dude. Cause you keep on telling me sh*t andd… woah!” I slipped on the floor and

ended up on my butt.

Luke chuckled. “It looks like your singing skills aren’t the only thing that needs work.”

I gaped at him. “A little help would be nice right now.”

He sighed, stood up, and walked in my direction. He stretched his hand toward me, but I

quickly bit one of his fingers, causing him to scream a little.

“What was that for?” He asked, holding his finger.

I smirked. “Don’t mess with me next time.”

We heard a knock on the door, and Luke told whoever was there to come inside. It was a

maid; she opened the door, greeting Luke, and then she set her eyes on me. “Miss, you

have someone standing at the gate, waiting for you.”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!