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The Love From Vengeance

Chatper 181
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Standing amidst the engulfing flames, feeling the oppressive heat pressing against my

skin, I gasped. for air, the acrid smoke invading my lungs. Panie clawed at my chest,

threatening to overwhelm me. And things were even worse. This little kid who I was trying

to rescue had been shot by someone, and now he was dead.

I was really down; I didn’t know what to do. What was Ariel going to think now? How was

she going to live her life, knowing that her beloved son was no more? This was really

brutal; whoever did this was so heartless, taking the life of an innocent child, all in the

name of what? Vengeance or what?

I didn’t even know if I should get out of this building. It was really unbelievable. Yes, he did

pass in that direction, the same one his sister went through. There were too many

struggles, but he was able to prevail over them. And just as we were about to find our way

out, he was shot in the back of his head. A lovely little kid, dead like that. Was I cursed

that people right beside me would die? I could remember how I had lost Riley. That

moment was really heartbreaking, painful as hell, and it had met depressed, not even

looking at the future or what was yet to come.

Now this boy was gone; I just shot like that. This murderer was going to pay for this,

whoever he or she was. It was really sad, and the pain right now is intense. I could

imagine how Ariel was going to be heartbroken by this. All hopes were lost, and now I

didn’t even feel like getting out of this building. Since this little kid was dead, I was ready

to die here as well. I never imagined this; it was like a movie, a scripted timeline, or


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Everything was shattered, and I didn’t want to be part of this world anymore. I barely

knew this child, but the pain that flooded my heart was exhilarating. The fire kept on

making its noises, threatening as hell, but could I really be terrified by it? The little kid I

tried to save died. And on the other hand, I had no idea where she ran off to. whether she

was still alive or if she had been consumed by this inferno. But I hoped that it wouldn’t be


But at this heartbreaking moment, a flicker of hope ignited within me as I caught a

glimpse through the smoke of the approaching firefighters.

Their fire trucks, adorned in blazing red, screeched to a halt outside the burning building,

their sirens. wailing a symphony of salvation. The sight of them was a beacon of light in

the enveloping darkness. I watched with a mixture of relief and awe as they leaped into

action, their movements purposeful and synchronized.

Their determination was palpable, and their faces set in grim resolve as they armed

themselves with tools of battle against the raging inferno. Each firefighter was a pillar of

strength, a warrior ready to combat the merciless flames that threatened to devour

everything in their path.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away as they advanced towards the building, a fearless brigade

marching into the heart of danger. In that moment, I felt a surge of gratitude and

admiration for their courage and for their unwavering commitment to saving lives at any




As they disappeared into the billowing smoke, I whispered a silent prayer for their safety

and for their success in quelling the voracious fire that held me captive. And even though

my heart was still heavy with sadness, there was a glimmer of hope inside me thanks to

the presence of these brave people who risked everything to save those who were in


Then I glanced at Lukel, who was no longer breathing. It was a painful look, and I closed

my eyes as the firefighters got closer. It didn’t take long before they rescued us–actually,

rescued me since Lukel was dead. The words were so heavy to vocalize, but it was just

reality, and we needed to live our lives, looking forward to the future.

One of the firefighters carried Lukel in his arms, unknowingly telling him that the little one

had already been dead. The moment Ariel sighted us, she rushed in our direction and

went to the man who had a hold of her dead son.

“Lukel,” she blurted, getting a hold of him. “My son, I’m so glad you’re alive.”

I couldn’t say a word. All I could do was just stare at her, because she would eventually

have knowledge of her son’s death anyway. Even the man carrying Lukel didn’t say

anything; his countenance had changed. And I could tell that he already knew what was



Ariel’s face changed immediately. “What’s the problem? Why isn’t he saying anything? Is

he really dead?” She glanced at me, and her eyes went to the wounded part of his head.

“So it is true.”

“He’s dead, miss. I’m sorry,” the firefighter consoled her.

Ariel broke down in tears. After some minutes of crying and talking about all sorts of

things about her she fixed her eyes on me. She gave me a dark look, like I was the one

responsible for his death.


“So it’s true. You killed Lukel,” she told me bitterly.

“I’m sorry, what now?”

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“Don’t lie to me. You killed Lukel; you shot him. Someone told me that, but I refused to

believe, but now I’ve seen everything with my own two eyes,” she blurted, anger and

sadness filling her tone. She was still in tears while talking in this mode.

“I’m sorry, Ariel. But what are you talking about? Who filled your head with all of those

negative things?”

“Liar! You killed my son, all because of what I told you. Isn’t that true?”

“Okay, what the hell is going on here? Why are you saying all this? It doesn’t even make

any sense. I would have thrown curses at you right now, but since you lost your son, I’m

going to restrain my lips.

Ariel slapped me immediately, her glare still etched on her face. “I knew you had always

had evil in your heart, Luke. But I never knew you would go this far, killing your own son.

Yes, Lukel is your son; he was your son. And now…” she trailed off, bursting into tears, and

she covered her face with her


I could still feel the pain on my cheek. “Lukel is my son?”



“Yes, he is. You didn’t realize that the whole time? How dumb and heartless you are! But I

will make sure you pay for this.”

I could see the pain in Ariel’s eyes and her tone as well. And this pain was causing her to

submerge in anger, to the point that she had to start accusing me for something I didn’t

do. I wasn’t the one who killed Lukel. In fact, none of her words even made sense. Who

was this scumbag that had blinded her? And funny enough, was she this dumb or stupid to

believe what such a person brought out to her? Or did she hate me so much that she was

blinded immediately, hearing the whole false shit?

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!