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The Love From Vengeance

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My mornings are always a whirlwind of activity, especially when it comes to getting Lukel

and Janice ready for school. As the sun peeked through the curtains, I gently nudged Lukel

and Janice awake with a soft, “Good morning, my little sunshines.”

Lukel rubbed his eyes and yawned, while Janice, yawning as well, quickly jumped out of

bed with at beautiful and wide smile right there. “Good morning, Mommy!” she chirped,

her enthusiasm


I guided Lukel to the bathroom first, where he brushed his teeth and washed his face.

Meanwhile, Janice was already bouncing around the room, her excitement palpable. I

managed to wrangle her long enough to get her teeth brushed too before the real

challenge began–choosing their outfits for the day.

Lukel, ever the easygoing child, accepted whatever I picked out for him without protest.

Janice, on the other hand, had her own ideas. “I want to wear my pink dress, Mommy!”

she declared, pointing to the frilly garment hanging in her closet.

I smiled, knowing that negotiating with Janice would take some finesse. “How about we

save the pink dress for the party this weekend, sweetheart? Let’s pick out something

comfy for school today,” I suggested, hoping to steer Janice away from a potential


After some negotiation and a few compromises, Janice settled on a cute pair of leggings

and a colorful tunic top. Lukel, dressed in his favorite jeans and a superhero t–shirt, was all

set. Next came the battle

of the shoes.

While Lukel slipped on his sneakers with ease, Janice insisted on wearing her sparkly silver

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flats. I helped her buckle them on, admiring my daughter’s determination even in the

smallest decisions.

With their outfits finally sorted, I ushered the kids to the kitchen for a quick breakfast.

Lukel opted for cereal, while Janice demanded her favorite pancakes with a side of fruit. I

inanaged to whip up both in record time, my multitasking skills on full display.

As they finished their breakfast, I quickly packed their lunches, double–checking to make

sure Lukel and Janice both had their favorite snacks. With their backpacks slung over their

shoulders, Lukel and Janice lined up by the door, ready for another day at school.

I kneeled down to their eye level, smoothing down Lukel’s hair and fixing Janice’s ponytail.

“Have a great day, my little stars. Learn lots, be kind, and remember that Mommy loves

you very much,” I said, my voice filled with warmth and love.

Lukel and Janice shared a hug with me before heading out the door, their laughter echoing

down the hallway. As I watched them go, a sense of pride swelled in my chest.

I was about to turn around when Lukel walked back to me. “Mommy, can you please drive

us to


“Of course, my love. Hope in the car,” I replied with a smile, grabbing my keys and

following Lukel

and Janice to the car.

When buckled up in the backseat, Lukel asked, “Can we listen to our favorite songs,


“Of course, Lukel. What do you want to listen to first?” I asked, starting the car and pulling

out of the


“Can we start with the Moana soundtrack?” Janice chimed in, her eyes sparkling with


“Absolutely,” I said, scrolling through my phone until I found the soundtrack and hit play.

The familiar notes of “How Far I’ll Go” filled the car, and Lukel and Janice began to sing

along at the top of their lungs. I joined in, feeling the warmth of their voices and the

happiness in the air.

We continued to sing along to different Disney songs, from “Let it Go” to “Circle of Life,” as

we made our way to the school. I couldn’t help but smile at the joy on my children’s faces

and the bond we shared through music.

Pulling up to the school, the kids quickly gathered their backpacks and gave me a quick

kiss before rushing off to their respective classrooms. I watched them go, feeling grateful

for this moment and the love that filled our little family.

Driving back home, I couldn’t help but reflect on the journey we had been on. From the

moment I found out I was pregnant with Lukel and Janice, to the sleepless nights and

endless diaper changes, to now seeing them grow and thrive every day,

It wasn’t always easy, but moments like these, where Lukel and Janice’s laughter and love

filled the air, made all the challenges worth it.

I savored the quiet drive back home, grateful for the precious moments I got to spend with

my children. And as I walked back into the house, I couldn’t help but feel excited for the

great moments

that awaited us.

But for now, I was content with being Ariel, the mother of two amazing children, and the

driver of the most epic car sing–alongs.

Lukel and I walked into one of the best salons in town, and his eyes widened at that very

moment. The bright lights, the sound of scissors, and the smell of hair products filled the

air. I could see his excitement growing as we approached the barber’s chair.

“Hi there, young man! What can I do for you today?” The barber asked with a warm smile.

“Mommy says I need a haircut,” Lukel replied, looking up at me.

“Well, you came to the right place. My name is Joe, and I’ll make sure you leave here

looking like a


handsome young man,” Joe said, winking at Lukel.

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I couldn’t help but smile at Joe’s playful attitude. He seemed determined to make this a

fun experience for my little boy.

“So, Lukel, what kind of haircut do you want? A mohawk, a buzz cut, or maybe a mullet?”

Joe asked, running his fingers through Lukel’s curly hair.

Lukel looked at me, unsure of how to answer. I could tell he was a bit overwhelmed by all

the options.

“How about we just trim his hair and keep it simple?” I suggested.

“Sure thing, Mom. I’ll make sure he leaves here looking like a little heartbreaker,” Joe

replied, winking at me this time.

Joe began to cut Lukel’s hair, cracking jokes and making silly faces. Lukel couldn’t stop

giggling, and I couldn’t help but join in. It was such a joyful atmosphere, and I was glad I

chose this salon.

“So, Lukel, do you have a girlfriend?” Joe asked, holding up a mirror for Lukel to see the

back of his


Lukel blushed and shook his head, causing Joe and me to laugh.

“Well, you better watch out, Lukel. With this new haircut, you’ll have all the girls chasing

after you, Joe joked.

When Joe finished up the haircut, he gave Lukel a lollipop and a balloon, making him the

happiest kid in the world. I thanked Joe for the wonderful experience, and we left the salon

with Lukel’s new haircut and a bag full of memories.

“Mommy, can we come back here again next time?” Lukel asked, still holding onto his


“Of course,

honey. We can make it a tradition,” I replied, ruffling his hair. “And I’m glad you had

such a great time.”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!