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The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 405 - STOP BY
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Chapter 405 - STOP BY

"You just ask me to drive to the north! But, you forget to mention where exactly we are heading now!" Kace grumbled.

He looked at the baby who was sucking on her nursing bottle, drinking her milk peacefully without care for the world as she played with the edge of her blanket and occasionally would turned her head to look at Kace and gushed.

Ahhh… how the Lycan's heart not melted with the sight?

"North… north…" Kace mumbled as he turned left, entered the gas station. "Change with me, my turn to hold her."

Kace had been driving for more than fifteen hours now, he didn't sleep, didn't eat and wasn't able to hold baby Hope.

He didn't mind to drive for longer time, but the sight of her eyes that looked at him curiously from time to time, made Kace's heart squalled loudly to play with the baby.

Kace pulled over the car near a mini market, after he refueled it and turned off the engine. He opened the passenger door and took over the baby from Serefina's hand carefully.

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Hope cooed and extended her small arms to touch Kace while giving him a toothless smile.

"Hi little one…" Kace lowered his head to let Hope to tug his hair happily. The baby seemed happy to be able to do that.

And Kace couldn't help but smiling as well, his smile was so bright that put the sun above them into ashamed.

The sparks that erupted from skin to skin contact, made the baby giggled. Kace felt it too. So, this was how the sparks felt when your mate touched you…

The feeling that Kace had been waiting for centuries to feel it, he bent down his body and took the nursing bottle from Serefina.

"I need to go to bathroom." The witch grumbled as she left both of them.

Hope was a happy baby as she played with her nursing bottle and sucked on it, blinked her eyes curiously at her surroundings.

From these three days observations, Kace could tell, Hope was easy to handle, as she would only cry if she was hungry or needed to be cleaned after she had done her business. Most of the time she would sleep or observed her surrounding silently.

Another thing that Kace understood was; she liked the spark that she felt when he touched Kace, thus she would always extend her little arms to touch his face.

Of course, the baby didn't know the concept of mate, she just enjoyed the tingling feeling, just like Kace.

The Lycan didn't have any weird thought about how this bond would become, he enjoyed every moment with baby Hope.

In matter of fact, Kace felt blessed because he had a chance to watch her grow. The chance that didn't come to every Lycan as they would start to find their mate when they turned seventeen, most of them would start to look for their mate and found them around that age.

But it wasn't the case for Donovan's brothers.

Before this, they deemed to be mate- less for the rest of their eternity, yet the moon goddess lifted their curse and gave them the chance to feel this blissful feeling.

Kace couldn't understand, why Jedrek wanted to get rid of this peaceful feeling and suffered the pain of losing his mate. He knew that his brother was still looking for his mate to be killed and Maximus was the one who carried the order.

But, that wasn't his concern now, because for now, he needed to eat something as his stomach grumbled embarrassingly.

With baby Hope in his arms and blue backpack on his back, Kace left the car while whistling happily, enter the mini market to buy something for him and Serefina.

There were not many people there around this time, some of them were enjoying a cup of coffee while reading newspaper, at the back of this store. Old people's habbit. historical

Kace grabbed four sandwiches and two sodas, some snacks and another baby formula and diaper for Hope, the things that Ariana prepared for her had almost done and they were still long way to go from their destination.

Well, the truth was Kace didn't know where Serefina would bring them, but as long as this was a safe place for Hope. He didn't mind to follow the witch's crazy idea.

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"Do you want something baby?" Kace touched Hope's small nose as the baby let go of her nursing bottle and giggled.

After Kace was done to take all the snack and food for their long journey ahead, Calleb hummed happily, going to the cashier and paid everything.

"She is so lovely…" the girl, behind the cashier desk, who was checking all the items that Kace would buy, squalled with the sight of Hope.

Hope's black eyes and hair contrasted with her fair skin, her pouted lips and chubby cheeks were other things that made people would adore her in an instant once they laid their eyes on her.

"What is her name?" The girl stopped what she was doing and extended her arms to caress Hope's crimson cheeks.

However, the baby pouted and turned her head, snuggled closer to Kace's chest while hugging her bottle. Hope had never acted this way before.

"Oh, she is shy with stranger." The girl didn't look upset and continue to check the item in front of her, but her eyes occasionally would glance over at baby Hope.

"I guess." Kace replied emotionlessly, holding Hope firmly against his chest.

"She is so cute and delicious…" The girl's eyes flickered with golden color as she glanced at the baby again after she finished to put everything on the bag.

The flicker of the golden color on the girl's eyes was the sign for Kace to take two steps back and became very alerted by the situation.

His body turned stiff and his eyes were the color of the night sky, as a loud growl rumbled in his chest and came from the back of his throat.