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The Love of a Lycan

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"Alright, there's no need for having an argument here…" the witch held her hands up as she chuckled. "We have more important matters to worry about."

"I would be more than glad to kill this little human girl myself." The vampire huffed, he was wearing a red turtleneck sweater, which reminded everyone about blood color.

"Unfortunately, you can't," Terra said confidently, because she knew her value. She was right.The vampire wouldn't be able to kill her. Because the truth was that this human girl was more useful alive than dead, at least based on Beelzebub's judgement.

Terra ignored the grumbling vampire when they reached a certain door, from where the sound of loud shattering glasses, and angry roar were more prominent.

The girl knocked three times, and only pushed open the door when The Gluttony grated her to come in.

"They are here," Terra said as she walked ahead and started to do her job, to clean the room from the broken glass on the floor.

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The room was not that big with only a table, and a dozen of glass on top of it.Apparently the devil conjured it for herself to vent out her anger. There was also an exquisite fireplace with a few spare logs that had been placed on the brick hearth and a set of flint rocks nearby.

"What a nice place." Sarcasm in the witch's voice when she complimented this almost-completely-empty room.

Since there were no chairs for them to sit, as to proceed to a decent discussion, the witch kindly conjured three arm chairs out of thin air. Those chairs looked very comfortable for them to sit on, so without thinking, the witch sat on one of them. historical

"Please." She waved her hand to the two vacant arm chairs for the vampire and The Gluttony. "No need to thank me," she smiled harmlessly.

Dmitri rolled his eyes at the witch's arrogant personality when he sat down on her left side.

Not only that, the witch also conjured a square table complete with various kinds of drinks on it, in the middle of the three arm chairs.

However, Beelzebub was too angry to sit down, as she was pacing back and forth, grumbling and swearing.

"Can we talk about our plan? How long will you act like this?" Dmitri was getting impatient when two minutes had passed, and Beelzebub the Gluttony was still in her current mood, not willing to start the discussion. "We don't have time for your bad mood."

"Your comment really doesn't help her," the witch clicked her tongue and shook her head, then shifted her eyes on the devil. "What happened to you?"

"The girl is missing," Beelzebub answered through her gritted teeth. She felt utterly stupid when she heard that Hope managed to escape her spell.

How could she escape that place!? It was still a mystery. Logically speaking, with no particular power that she possessed, Hope would've never been able to run away when her life was within her grasp.

"What girl?" the witch frowned, "Is there anything special with this girl? You can have all the cute girls that you like in no time, so just sit down."

The Gluttony was too petty to tell them that she had a guardian angel under her toes just an hour ago, before she magically disappeared.

Seeing this wouldn't go anywhere, and her bad temper didn't help the situation, she sat down on the vacant arm chair. While saying in, still, angry tone. "Let's talk about destroying that village while the centaurs aren't there, and hunting down the youngest Donovan."


The priestess took Hope and Kace to the place where she was being killed, it was in another part of the cave.

Kace didn't agree with it, because he knew Hope would feel uncomfortable and sad.Moreover, it wasn't the sight that he wished for Hope to see, regardless of how the condition of the priestess, but his mate insisted to go.

Kace was not able to see the priestess nor the fireflies that Hope claimed were surrounding them, but he believed her more than anything, and didn't slightly doubt her words.

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If she said she saw it then it was really there, as simple as that.

The priestess led them to a place where the sound of the river flowing was clearer. There, near the underground river, among the big rocks and stalagmites, they could see the white cloak that the priestess was wearing.

From her position alone, they could tell, after the devil and her trusted maiden killed her, they didn't even bother to move the priestess and just left her dead body like that as it was.

"Stay here," Kace scrunched his nose when the smell from the body hit him hard. After all, the priestess had been there for a year, and they didn't know what was still left of her.

"But," Hope wanted to protest, yet the priestess stopped her.

"He is right, you don't want to see it," the priestess said sadly, her cheerful voice, and her bright personality dimmed at that moment. "Can you please tell him to take the dagger that was stabbed on my back? That's very precious for me…"

Hope nodded and told Kace the exact thing that the priestess just told her before he went to the body.

Respectfully, Kace approached the priestess and pulled the dagger.Afterward, he took off the jacket that he was wearing and covered her with it. Bending down, he carried the priestess and put the dead body at a better place on a big rock, under the ray of the moonlight that came through the crack above them.

When Kace walked back to where Hope was standing, he watched how his mate was crying silently, and wrapped her in a big hug. He didn't know what to say, and wished it was enough to ease her sadness.

"We will take her back to the village," Kace said as he felt Hope nodded lightly. "Let's go. We need to wake up those three." He was not really interested in waiting for them to recover.As long as they could walk, it was good enough.The beast would wake them up at any cost.