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The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 616 - THEY ARE HERE
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Chapter 616 - THEY ARE HERE

Hope felt sick when she realized what she had done. Then she immediately got off from the dead body of the witch in front of her.

She crawled away from her, and only stopped when she was far enough, away from the dead body. Her adrenaline kicked higher as she hyperventilated because of the tension.

When the reality hit her hard, Hope needed some time to calm her raging breath, before she tried to stand up with the support of a tree trunk beside her.

Hope shrieked the moment she heard a loud footsteps coming towards her direction, but her tense muscles loosened when she saw who it was.

From afar, Lydia sprinted towards her.

The witch was not in her good shape when Hope could see her tattered cloak with a few burn marks on it.Yet she was alive and that was the most important thing for Hope.

"Are you okay?" Lydia asked her when she was close enough to see how pale the girl was, her body seemed couldn't stop trembling.

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Lydia followed Hope's line of sight, and watched the dead body of the witch on the ground with her mouth and eyes opened wide.

"I killed the witch," Hope said to her with a low voice, barely a whisper.

"Good! I will need you to kill more if you meet any situation like this again." Lydia nodded in agreement, but Hope wished this would be the last time. "You did an excellent job! Now we have to go before the other witches come."

Behind Lydia, Hope watched Abby stagger towards them.Her face was ghastly pale, there was a cut on her left cheek, but over all, she was fine.

"I thought she was dead," Hope scoffed disdainfully, she remembered how Abby had pushed her and caused her to be caught by the witch.

Lydia glanced at Abby through her shoulder as she scowled. "I hope the same thing,unfortunately it is her that luck sided with this time."

There was a small smile on Hope's lips, as she felt slightly better after she heard Lydia's reply.

"Let's go." Lydia grabbed Hope's hand without waiting for Abby to catch up with them.

Lydia looked older than the last time Hope saw her before she disappeared, seemingly the battle with the two witches earlier really had taken a toll on her.

Fortunately, the light of the moon shone brightly through the leaves above their heads to illuminate their path. historical

Hope was pleased when she realized Lydia took the way back to where they left Kace and Leon.

"Let's hope they survived," Lydia muttered under her breath.

Even though the three women were running, they were too exhausted to get some more speed.Their movements were only slightly faster than walking, thus it took quite some time for them to reach the spot.

Hope gasped when they came to the clearing where the white beast fought the Alphas, and the vampires.The sight that they were seeing now made her gasped. There were not only Kace and Leon there, but there were a few hunters also.

"Why are they here?" Hope's last encounter with the Hunter left a bitter memory in her mind, hence she wasn't immediately happy to see them here.

There were around twenty hunters there with Delta, the new head of the hunter, crouching down in front of Kace.

The moment Hope's eyes landed on Kace, who was leaning his back against the tree, she rushed towards him, and squatted down beside Delta.

"What happened to him?!" Hope was hysterical when she watched how pale Kace was.Not only his complexion that reminded Hope of the priestess lifeless being, but also the gash that littered his skin, which seemed very hard to heal.

Kace's eyelashes fluttered the moment he heard Hope's voice.

"We were late, the moment we reached this place, he had casted away the werewolves, and the vampires.He was about to look for you, but he didn't have enough strength." Delta explained briefly.

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Because the moment the hunters reached this place, there were only Kace and Leon there,and the scene where a lot of blood splashed on the ground, trees and stones.

At that time, Kace had shifted back into his human form.But the aftermath of the battle drained his energy, the lycan barely took a step when he collapsed to the ground.

Meanwhile, not far from them, someone was cleaning Leon's wounds.

"So, you are here to help?" Hope glanced at Delta cautiously.

Delta knew why Hope behaved that way. Her experience with the hunters was not a pleasant memory, but he answered her politely. "Yes, I am here to help." He nodded his head.

"How did you get here?" It was impossible for the hunters to be here, as the village and Mount Uzu were four days apart. It didn't make sense.

"Actually, we are only half a day away. My group departed after you, so no longer after you and the lycan entered this mountain area, we met with Chiron at the border of the barrier," Delta said solemnly. "After all, this is our priestess that you were trying to save."

His attitude was the opposite of the previous arrogant leader of the hunters, Leroy.

On the other hand, Hope nodded in understanding.That was why Kace couldn't sense them, they were actually too far to be detected by the lycan's strong senses, but not too far enough to give immediate response when they were needed.

Hope lowered her head as she grabbed Kace's cold hands. "I am sorry, we can't save the priestess. She is already…"

"…Dead." Delta finished her words. "We already know about that."

"What?" Hope whipped her head to stare at the hunter in confusion. "If you already know, why do we have to be here?"

Delta immediately raised both of his hands as he waved them in a denial gesture. "No, no. I didn't know before. Chiron only told me when I and my men arrived here. He told us that the spirit of the priestess told them that you need help.But since we've been waiting for a long time, and you still hadn't shown up, that's why we came here, and also because the centaurs couldn't enter the barrier."