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The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 626 - HOME SWEET HOME
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Chapter 626 - HOME SWEET HOME

The third time Hope woke up was when Kace piggy backed her again.

Hope mumbled softly near his ears, and her voice drew Kace's attention as he tilted his head and stopped walking.

Hope was still lightheaded when Kace said something to Lana. And then Lana gave her some water to moisten her dry throat and chapped lips.

After getting over her thirst, Hope snuggled down her head on Kace's nape again, continued her sleep with thousands of fireflies flying around her.

If only Hope was well, and could open her eyes like normally, and if only she could put her attention for a while at her surroundings, she would find this wonderful sight of the fireflies dancing in the night like joyous memories in her dream.The flickering light from their small being radiating into the starry night as buzz of excitement could be heard from these tiny glimmers of light.

Unfortunately, Hope was too tired to witness it and fell back to sleep right away after she got her water.

The warm from Kace's body, and his unique scent lulled her into deep slumber.


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After a long journey to go back to their house in Mystic River Village, finally they were there, and arrived at their house at midnight.

Leon and Abby went separate ways once they were out of the northern coven realm.Or else, Serefina's limited patience couldn't stay tested to keep up with the witch siblings any longer.

Their journey back was smooth sailing, despite Serefina's dislike of that realm, but at the very least, she was the infamous witch, the last pure blood witch, thus no one wanted to mess up with her.

And for Beelzebub, though the devil didn't chase them to the mainland, nor mobilized her underlings to capture Kace or Hope, they still couldn't put their guard down.

The fact that the devil had resided there for such a long time was another concern for Serefina. The mainland of that realm was not only the habitat for the witches, but there were also other supernatural creatures among them.

It was such a complicated community there.But if Beelzebub managed to gain complete control, it was not good news for their side.

Meanwhile, the moment they reached their house, Lana called Sterling to pick his sons up, and the man came straight away to Serefina's house in his beast form.

His veins bulge in anger.If it wasn't because of Serefina's words, the angry werewolf father would flip right there and then.

"You can kill your sons outside, don't make a fuss inside my house," Serefina waved her hands with knitted brows when he watched the werewolf fuming mad, and dragged the siblings out of the house.

About what Sterling would do to his sons, it wasn't her problem anymore.Because she had had enough trouble in her hands at the moment.

Two guardian angels that had their own circ.u.mstances, was simply too much for Serefina to handle. Moreover, this was not a task that she liked. Not even in the slightest.

"You better take a rest," Serefina mumbled to Lana as she watched Kace enter Hope's bedroom.

Lana nodded sleepily as she walked towards her bedroom and closed her door.

In an instant, the house fell into a pit of silence. Even the witch could hear the rattling sound of branches against the window and the night winds.

Serefina trudged towards her room, she clutched her chest and her breathing became shallow with every step that she took. Her face contorted, as if she was under great pain.

Once Serefina reached her room, she locked it and slid down to the floor with her back facing the door, her breathing uneven.

From her trembling lips, she chanted a spell in an ancient language, over and over. The witch had to stop a few times to catch her breath when the immense pain gnawed in every inch of her skin.

It was the time.

The moment when once in every month she had to endure this suffering.

Her raging breath was the only sound that echoed in her empty room, and when she had completed her spell a loud scream escaped her lips as her body collapsed on the floor.

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she writhed in agony, clutching her chest and her head, screaming on the top of her lungs and cursed under her shallow breath.

Cursing to the Moon Goddess above. Cursing to the damn second life that she had to live. Cursing to her loved one, the person that couldn't be hers. Cursing to everything that she had to go through just to see him for the last time. Cursing for the love that she couldn't have…

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Lonely tears fell on her cheek, wetted her red hair as the pain became more and more unbearable. historical

She hated herself for choosing this path for herself.

She hated herself for being so weak…

The arrogant witch cried for the entire night, enduring her penance, alone.

No one could hear her screaming except herself in this empty room.

She trapped herself there with her strangled voice and her lonely soul…


Lana woke up when the first light of the sun kissed her face and yawned sleepily. She rubbed her eyes and stretched her aching body.

It felt so nice after their journey to the northern coven.Though things didn't go as they expected, at least Kace was fine now.

His wounds healed with a great cost.

Stretching her body for the last time, Lana got off of her bed and walked towards the kitchen. It was very silent this morning, apparently everyone was too tired to wake up early.

Lana walked towards Serefina's room after she made breakfast for the four of them, but her room was locked.

Assuming the witch didn't want to be disturbed, Lana went to Hope's bedroom.

Hope's bedroom door was slightly ajar, and when Lana pushed it slightly, she witnessed how Kace cradled Hope in his sleep, wrapped his arms around her body protectively.

And then Lana's eyes fell on the tender flesh on Hope's neck, where Kace had marked her.