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The Love of a Lycan

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The morning came to the north wing, another knock on the door woke Lilac up. She didn't want to open, was thinking about ignoring the door and went back to sleep. Whoever that person behind the door seemed determined and won't budge until she opened. Great, what now?--she thought.

She forced herself to open her heavy eyes, as she pushed away the blanket off her body. "Ugh! Can't I get a proper good sleep?" she mumbled, irritated. The sunlight greeted her eyes. Its brightness was a sign that it was time for her to get up. She dropped her foot to the floor and sat on the bed for a couple good seconds, and then decided to stand up.

She dragged herself to the door, and ready to confront the one who was behind it. The knock sound felt like a gavel that was being hammered against her skull. She couldn't sleep well last night despite her exhaustion. Her body was screaming to get some rest. But it was her mind that kept on working all night, ignoring what the body terribly wanted.

"What?!" Lilac snapped when she opened her door. She thought she would meet the sight of Maximus's face, thus she was prepared to get annoyed by his presence. It was logical to assume Maximus to be the culprit behind the door, because he had done this just last night. However, the person behind that door was not the lycan. It was the young servant who had been serving her ever since she resided there.

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It was rather odd to find the young servant to knock on her door, because most of the time she wouldn't even bother to come inside the room whenever she had to deliver her food. She would put her food on the floor in front of her door, since she couldn't come inside the room anymore.

Lilac was slightly embarrassed that she just snapped at the innocent servant. She softened her voice and said, "What do you want?" She really didn't mean to be mad, it was just her mood was not always the best in the morning. "I am sorry, what is it?" Lilac apologized to her, even though she knew that the young servant wouldn't be able to listen or reply to her.

The young servant offered her a sheepish smile while looking at her. She extended her hand to give her a letter to Lilac. Lilac returned with her cheerful smile, feeling guilty over her rude behavior earlier. She accepted the letter. The servant bowed a little and left immediately.

A letter? What could it be?—she thought. Lilac opened the envelope and raised her brows questioningly. She read what was written on the small paper inside. "Breakfast? Who sent it?" Lilac chased after the young servant, but she disappeared right at the corner and she couldn't find her anywhere. She stared at the envelope in her hand, contemplating whether she would go or not.


Lilac walked on the hallway where there were many servants chattering with each other. But then, they hushed away, lowering their head upon realizing her presence. She could feel their eyes on her back when she walked past them. Who would possibly forget her? She was ultimately well known as the person behind the destruction inside the great hall. Even now, the reconstruction had not yet finished.

They had to pull many big trees and roots as big as their body off the floor and the wall. Lilac didn't regret even the slightest of her action. It had to be done to remind them not to cross her, ever. Showing them what she was capable of doing, if ever someone tried to mess with her.

She walked past down another hallway. And her eyes were widened the moment she saw the sight of the lavish interior. The three chandeliers above her head were looking grand, reflecting the sunlight to the marble floor beneath her feet. The wall was all glossy stained wood. The tapestry decoration that hung on the wall made everything look even more regal.

Along the hallway, there were a few dozen high windows. They were lined on each side of the wall, allowing the light to illuminate that part of the castle beautifully. Before that, Lilac didn't notice how magnificent this place was. She found herself enjoying the picturesque sight of her surroundings for the first time ever since she set her foot in that castle.

She was somehow grateful for the breakfast invitation, for she would never get the chance to see this exquisite view if it was not because she was on her way to the breakfast site. To think about it again, it was good enough that the letter gave her details of where she should head to get to the breakfast site. But the girl wondered, who invited her?

Lilac walked until she could see the sight of a golden door at the end of the hallway. It was a big door with two guards guarding at each side of the door. At first, she thought her presence would not be welcomed, that she would be stopped by those guards. But then, as she came closer to that door, one of the guards opened the door for her, and bowed politely to her.

Hmmm, the invitation seemed to be real after all, or else, these guards wouldn't allow her to enter this room. Lilac stepped inside the room and found three pairs of eyes greeting her. The uncanny confusion in those eyes were clear for her to see.?Her attention couldn't be drawn to anything, more than to a pair of blue eyes that belonged to the man sitting at the head of the table.

It was the king himself. If the king was surprised, it couldn't be seen from his eyes. He stared at Lilac without blinking as the conversation died down upon her arrival. "Eeeh?" the more she learned the situation, and the silence inside the room, the more awkward she felt. She stood there feeling like a fool, yet no one invited her to sit. Their confused eyes were directed at her.

Aside from Jedrek, the only person she knew was Tordoff. But he couldn't make the decision of inviting her to sit under the presence of the king--the Alpha. It seemed to her that neither Jedrek, nor Tordoff was the one who wrote the breakfast invitation letter. And for the rest of the generals in the room, she didn't know them. They must've been one of the lycans that she fought in the great hall on her first day.

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The awkwardness grew more than she could endure. Lilac decided to turn around and leave. It was her only choice to save her face from the embarrassment. She thought that it wouldn't be that hard to pretend like she was entering the wrong room. But then, to her surprise, a feminine voice greeted her.

"You are here!" Violet squealed.

Lilac's eyes caught her movement, a girl. She had the most beautiful red hair. Her feature was bewitching. So delicate, and radiant. This time, Lilac herself had to admit that the girl's beauty was heavenly. But, who is she? Do I know her? Have we met before?—she thought.

Lilac tilted her head, she avoided the girl's touch when she approached casually and was about to clasp her hands with her. "I am the one who invited you to join our breakfast." said Violet.

"Do I know you?" Lilac frowned, questioningly.

"No."?The girl shook her head, admitting the fact. Her beautiful red hair tumbled on her shoulder. "But, I know you, and I want to know more about you."

Lilac knew that the girl's intention was perhaps just for being sweet and all. But for some reason, Lilac couldn't help herself to not like this girl who was trying to be too close to her. She was uncomfortable.

"Come! We can talk over breakfast." Violet grabbed Lilac's arm invitingly.

However, before she could drag her to the table, Jedrek's voice echoed inside that dining room. "She's not allowed here."