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The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 677 - MEETING JEDREK
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Chapter 677 - MEETING JEDREK

Lilac bit her lips and nodded. It wasn't the time to back down now.

However, before Eaton could open the door, there was an earth- shattering sound that could be heard from the other side. His eyes widened when he watched the doorknob rattled in his hold.

"What happened?!" Lilac shouted above the frenzy sound. She couldn't see it, but she knew there was something wrong with the way Eaton's body became tense.

And then they heard what sounded like wh.i.p.s cutting through the air. The sharp and distinct cracks reverberated throughout the dark tunnel.

The sound became louder and more intense.

"MOVE!" Eaton shouted to Airin, but of course she wouldn't be able to hear anything, thus he had to push her away. Too hard until the poor girl flew a few meter to her right side and her body bumped onto the stone wall.

Everything happened so fast, after shoving Airin to the other side, Eaton hugged Lilac and turned them both, so the sudden blast from the door hit Eaton's back.

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The explosion indeed hit Eaton's back, but the blast hurled them to the other side of the stone wall.

If it was not because of Lilac made a quick decision, to cover both of them with her power, her body would have been crushed because of the strong force of the explosion.

"What is that?" Lilac watched in horror when she witnessed, the door had burst into flames, the fire was very hot until she could feel the heat licked her skin.

The blaze illuminated the dark tunnel until Lilac could see every dirt and dust around her, as if everything was caught on fire.

It took a long time before the fire subsided and the moment it had gone out, the tunnel once again plunged into darkness.

"Eaton?" Lilac snapped to reality as she shifted her attention to Eaton, who was still hugging her. "Are you okay?"

Eaton groaned and tried to move, but the pain made it harder for him. Once he crawled away from Lilac, he fell on his stomach.

The light from the room, which the door had burned into ashes, allowed Lilac to see the horrible scald and blister behind his back because of the explosion before.

"Eaton! Your back!" Lilac gasped in shock.

Eaton's face contorted in pain and he groaned again when he answered her. "Worry not. I just need a few moments to recover."

He was right, the burn had slowly healed, but it took some time before the lycan could fully recover. However, Lilac didn't have a patient to wait. Even now, she still could hear the uproar from inside the room

"I will check on Airin," Lilac said, she was worry about the girl too. She didn't know whether Airin got caught in the flames or she managed to escape.

"Wait for me, don't enter the room without me," Eaton grumbled, hating the fact that his injuries took quite a long time to heal.

Lilac didn't say anything as she dashed toward the other end of the tunnel. She couldn't promise to wait for him. Her patient was running out and she wanted to know where that flame came from after made sure Airin was all right.

"Airin?" She called for her, but there was no answer. "Airin?"

Lilac walked further to the seemingly the ruins of the stone wall. With her bare hands, she started to pick up the stone as it looked like Airin was buried beneath it.

Her guess was right, after moving three stones, she could see the girl, unconscious, but alive. historical

Lilac summoned the roots under her feet to get Airin out from there quickly and laid her on the vacant space near the ruin.

Airin was fine, it was only a matter of time before she gained her consciousness.

Once again, Lilac heard the uproar from inside the room and this time she heard a familiar snarls and growls too.

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In spite of the fact, Lilac had only fought with him once, but she was sure the animal sound belonged to the Alpha King.

Jedrek was fighting something inside that room, but what?! From the sound of it, it must be a creature much monstrous than himself. Something that could breathe fire.


Lilac scrambled to her feet, ignoring the warning that Eaton gave to her, she ran toward the secret chamber and halted for a moment to assess the situation before she poked her head with caution. If the fire could turn the door into dust, she didn't want her head to be the next target.

And inside, she watched a yellow salamander with slender body and blunt snouts, as big as the white lycan, was pinned to the ground.

It slender body covered with black liquids that Lilac assumed was its blood and its blunt snouts were torn, leaving it impossible to breathe another fire.

Lilac was in time to witness how vicious the white lycan when he clawed the Salamander's stomach with his sharp talons, dug them deep until the ugly creature breathed his last.

Lilac was floored to see such bloody scene, she didn't even realize that her body trembled. The black liquid spurted from the salamander's stomach and coated the white fur of the lycan with it, now the last monster looked more feral than ever with his white fur turned black.

Lilac couldn't take her eyes from him, until the white lycan itself, who found her. With his red- bloody eyes, he glared at the girl.

The white lycan snarled to get her attention, but when his mate was still standing there, seemingly couldn't take her attention out of the dead salamander, the lycan approached her with a deep growl, which reverberated through the stone wall.

Jedrek shifted back to his human skin once he was close enough to her.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" He roared in anger and this efficiently got Lilac's attention.

Lilac didn't appreciate Jedrek's tone as she snapped back at him. "TO GET YOU OUT FROM HERE, OF COURSE!"