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The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 791 - THE DAY OF THE CEREMONY (4)
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Chapter 791 - THE DAY OF THE CEREMONY (4)

Keira was walking beside Lilac in a slow and orderly pace, lightly holding her elbow, so the guardian angel wouldn't trip over her own long white gown. Slightly behind her, was Ayana, wearing a gray dress, the same color like what Keira and the other servant girls' wearing. It was just like a uniform for them.

Keira handed Lilac a beautiful white stick with a white ribbon around it, which was of only an arm's length and was slim enough for Lilac to carry it with one hand, while her other hand was holding a goblet of red liquid, which she thought was blood at first glance, but Keira calmed her down by saying it was just red wine.

All the guards along the hallway and all the guests behind them, were staring at Lilac intensely. Very intense, that it almost made her hard to breathe.

Lilac had never been in a situationwhere she had become the subject of public attention, that was too in such a high profile.And, she was internally struggling, since she didn't know what kind of expression sheshould show to them.

Should she smile to them? Or, just ignore them, as if she didn't see anything? Or, should she wave at them? Lilac didn't think she could do the last option, as her hands were full of many things.

In the end, she chose to press her lips, which she hoped that it would look like she was smiling rather than maintain a blank expression like someone who was really nervous.

At this point, Lilac thought how desperately she wished that Jedrek would see her before the ceremony and had talked to her to help calm her havoc wrecking-nerves.

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The guardian angel was really terrified just at the thought of messing up and ruining the tranquil atmosphere with her ignorance. The atmosphere had the most settling reverent air to it.

Lilac couldn't help, but marvel at how serene the ceremony was taking place.

Right now, the only thing that she could hear was her clumsy footsteps and the rustling from her white silken robe, as the train of it was ridiculously long and was now dragged along the floor. The robe that she was wearing, have long trumpet sleeves and it almost resembled a wedding dress.

A head piece adorned with moonstone and shimmering gems was placed atop her head. The crushing weight of it was constantly reminding her of her calling and her duty as the queen of this realm. The lycanthropes realm.

"Breathe, my queen," Keira whispered softly when she saw how nervous Lilac was.

Lilac followed her advice and took a deep breath, blinked her eyes to train her focus undividedly on to the long path ahead of her, which seemed as if it would never end.

If she knew beforehand that she needed to face something like this, then Lilacwould have?refused the very idea of the mating ceremony when Jedrek suggested it for the first time.

The actual feeling of being the center of attention was way too intense and this was beyond any wild imagination of hers.

The walk specifically required her to raise her chin with a straightened back, but now, the only thing that Lilac wanted was to shy away from these intense stares and hid herself in a secluded place. She wanted to be anywhere but here.

Lilac took a shaky breath when Keira asked her softly before they stepped into the throne room.

"Are you ready?" Keira looked at Lilac, smiling brightly.

Ready? Ready for what? Lilac felt her mind stop working.


Serefina was sitting on the river side, dipped her fingers inside the cold water while writing something on the surface of it mindlessly.

She didn't know why she ended up on this side of the city, sitting alone like a complete fool, avoiding the crowd because there was nothing that they talked about except the ceremony today. historical

Above her, the moon shone brightly, which irritated Serefina even further. She felt like the moon goddess was mocking her.

No. She felt like everything that she saw was mocking her; the people, who were happily attending the mating ceremony and talking about their future queen. The breeze of night that grazed her skin coldly. The calm of the river, which didn't suit her internal struggle at all.

Serefina despised all the things that she saw right now, even herself for feeling this way.

"Do you want to take my offer now? I think you need my help."

A soft voice sounded from behind Serefina, but she didn't need to turn around to know who was talking to her.

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Who else would come to offer their help at a time like this?

"Go away while I am still being nice," Serefina murmured, but she was sure Asmodeus could hear her perfectly. She didn't want to waste her breath on talking to the devil anyway.

"I think you are being too nice now," Asmodeus walked closer toward the witch, but she was cautious enough to fend off Serefina's attack if the witch decided to strike her. "If I were you, I will turn the ceremony into a funeral."

Serefina sighed irritably. It seemed there was nothing good that would happen to her today. Meeting Asmodeus was the last thing she wanted.

Slowly, Serefina raised her head to meet with the devil's gaze.

"Unfortunately, I am not you." Serefina blinked her eyes and smirked mockingly. "I should feel grateful to know that," she spoke lightly.

"You are grateful when the love of your life being with someone else after what you had been through?" Asmodeus flashed the witch a pity smile, which stirred Serefina's anger. "I think you are not a witch. You are a saint." Asmodeus chuckled when she saw how Serefina balled her fists and stood up.

The witch walked closer to the devil with an expression that was devoid of any emotion.

However, in the next second, the place where Asmodeus standing, was exploded. The sound of it echoed through the forest and sent all the night creatures runningaway, looking for a safe haven to hide, while the birds that perched on the branches, flew away.

A big crater appeared in the place where Asmodeus was standing a minute ago. However, the devil couldn't be seen anywhere.

She was gone.

Yet, Serefina's ears perked up when she heard an eerie whisper, just like a passing wind.

"Just one drop of her blood and I will make Jedrek yours."