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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate by Sumi

Chapter 277
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Shortly after Tessa leaves, the heavy footsteps return, but this taround it seems it's not just a pair of feet approaching, but at least two or three. Still seated on my butt, I stare up hopefully at the door, wishing in my heart for it to be Alpha Reagan this taround, but it isn't. Logan, the mean Warden, appears at the door accompanied by three others who look just as menacing as him. I calmly mop my face with the back of my palms and look away from them.

I sense trouble.

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"Her food looks untouched." One of the men comments, breaking the eerie silence.

"She madeunderstand a while ago that she'd rather die than eat the cold, stale food." I recognize Logan's voice the moment he makes that statement. I still don't look at them. I pull my knees up to my chest and place my head on them, plastering my gaze to the other end of the cell.

If I say anything, it'll enrage them and they'll want to makepay. There's four of them out there and they are all very tall, muscular men who are well trained in battle just like I am. I can't fight them off at once I need to be quiet if I want them to go away without hurting me. My mind and soul are already damaged right now, I don't want physical pain to add to the combo because if that happens, I'll simply pass away.

"Doesn't she know that trash like herself are not supposed to make choices when it comes to matters like this? If cold, rotten food is served to her, she has to eat it whether she likes it or not!" Another voice speaks and my heart starts racing. I don't like where this is heading.

"Well, she refused to eat it...what would you havedo?" Logan speaks again.

"Force her to eat it the sway she forced our dearest Alina to drink the poison that killed the baby in her womb." That accusation gets my attention. I whip my head in their direction, prepared to start telling them about my innocence on the issue, but on a second thought, to what extent? Alina put up a good show. The evidence was found onand except proven otherwise by someone powerful, I will forever be the culprit in their eyes. Telling them I'm innocent will be nothing but a waste of my tand voice and my energy, so I close my mouth and stay quiet.

"Right! She knows her crso much that at the mention of it, she cannot help but turn to look at us." The guys laugh after the statement is made. As I watch them laugh with the viscous gazes planted on me, take small, even breaths to help steady my mind and my heart beat, but that fails woefully. My heart rate has skyrocketed and I break a sweat when one of the guys steps forward.

"Alina lost her pregnancy and it's all your fault. You poisoned her. You murdered the future Alpha of this pack and for that, you will be punished. The elders will make sure you get hanged in public for high treason and no one will ever be able to say your nagain." My soul leaves my body when Logan steps closer to the door and takes out the bunch of keeps from his pocket. There's an evil smile on his face and wild look in his eyes as he inserts the key into the keyhole and turns it, unlocking the door to my cell. Along with the other three, he steps into the cell and the already small room grows even smaller. It's like the walls are closing in on us and I feel like it's going to squash us pretty soon.

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"What were you thinking when you slipped that poison into Alina's drink?" Logan's voice comes through again. "That she'd lose the baby or maybe die as well and you'll have Alpha Reagan all to yourself. Is tha what you had in mind?" I don't say anything.

I don't even look at him. I'm back to facing the other side of the wall and my eyes are shut.

"She's so bold isn't she? Even in this situation, she decided to act rudely by not answering your question." "I guess I'll have to force the words out of her mouth."

The next thing I feel is a big hand grabbing a chunk of my hair and yanking my head to the side. My eyes are greeted by the sight of four angry looking faces staring down atfrom above and I shriek in pain when a sharp, tearing sensation courses through my scalp as a result of the hand pulling at my hair strands. The man tightens his grip on my hair and jerks my head up, forcingto look at his face. "You should reply when I ask you a question, murderer!"

His aggressiveness still doesn't getto talk. My mouth is tight and I'm staring into his wicked eyes with the sveracity with which he's staring into mine.

"Just so you know, your plan failed.

Alpha Reagan is taking good care of Alina and I'm sure he hates you by Wan sure he now. You've Lost him!" A sarcastic laugh fills the atmosphere and I struggle to swallow the snakes in my throat. That's not true.