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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate by Sumi

Chapter 372
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"Selena..." My voice is a low and husky. She stares atwith eyes as bright as a hunting torch and I can see the excitement swimming in them.

"Yeah." "Before that happens, I need you to tella few things." "What is it you wantto tell you?" I let out a heavy exhale before settling my gaze on her again. This will seem rushed, but I have to do it. Not for myself, but for my relationship with the woman I love.

"Selena, I know I agreed to wait until you are comfortable enough to talk about your experience while you were away these past years, but I don't think I can do that." I shift closer to her and take her hands in mine. "I want to know. I need to know what happened to you so I can deal with this issue once and for all and set my mind at ease. Please, tell me." The excitement look on her face fades instantly and gloom returns to her eyes. Calmly, she takes her hand from my hold and tears her gaze from my face, plastering it against the wall on the other side of the room.

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It's a sour topic for her. I know that. I hate that I have to force her to do this, but I cannot do otherwise. "What happened to you? Why were they so many wounds on you body when you showed up here? Also, a lot things have happened in my life these past years. Things that have reached the ends of this world and are on the lips of, if not all, but every member of every pack in this world, but surprisingly, you don't know them. I can't help but wonder how that's possible. Where could you possibly have been that even the most viral news did not reach you?" "I was abducted!" She replies immediately, looking back at me. There's a firm, angry look in her eyes that makesrecoil on my spot.


Exactly what I suspected.

"On the day of the ambush, he faked my death and tookaway. He hadimprisoned in an underground cell where he torturedalmost every night before retiring for the night. He didn't letgo out for any reason. That prison cell becmy hand anything I needed was brought tothere." "You mean to tellyou were locked up in a dungeon cell for five years with no access to the outside world?" I ask in horror. My heart nearly jumps out of my chest when she nods in agreement. I can feel all the bones dissolving in my body as I watch her shed tears.

That's barbaric! "Who is "he"? Does he have a name? What does he look like?" "I don't know." She says, shaking her head fervently. "He never toldhis name. He never letsee his face. Whenever he had to visit, I was either blindfolded or he had on a mask when he cand spoke only a few words. He left no traces of his identity." Shit! "Why did he do that? Did he ever tell you?" "No. He never did." Another sigh of exasperation escapes my lips. Her face is damp again with tears and her voice is croaked when she talks. she sounds and looks so hurt and I hate that I have to make her revisit the memories of that horrible experience.

I'm well aware of the fact that I have enemies in this world. People who hate my reign and will do anything to haveoverthrown. However, I didn't think they would take out their anger on my mate. Whoever did this must surely be an enemy of mine! "How... how did you manage to escape?" "I monitored him. I noticed he always held a dagger whenever he cto seeand since I was always very weak and powerless, he never thought twice about coming into my cell. That fateful day, when he came, I pretended to be unconscious, so when he stepped into the cell to check what had happened to me, I swiftly seized his dagger and sliced his throat. I didn't even look back to see what I had done, I took off. I found my way out of the dungeon and ran for my life. I didn't stop until I got here." She's almost drowning in a pool of her own tears right now. I can barely make out her words because of how much she's crying. I feel so sad and even more curious about a lot of things. Things which have to do with the explanation she just gave me.

All I wanted to find out today was what happened to her and she has told me. I will go into details sother time.

"I am so sorry you had to go through of all that, Selena." "It's okay." She chuckles amidst tears. "What's important is that I'm here now. The past is in the past." "Yes it is." I say, nodding Eventhough that's not what I have in my mind.

There's more to this story than what meets the eye and I'm going to get to the root.

"You mentioned something about there being stimes I'm supposed to know about which I don't. What are those things?" She changes the topic.

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"There are many..." I say and clear my ot that while throat. Not telling her about Ashanti the first day we had such a deep conversation was a mistake. "But the most prominent is the fact that while you were gone, the Moon goddess senta second chance mate. Her nis Ashanti and I'm in love with her." I announce and watch all the color drain from her face as her brain processes my words. She pauses for a few seconds, stunned to the core before coming back to life. In less than seconds, her entire body has gotten so pale, she now looks like a ghost. The sunken eyes have returned and she's looking atas though I turned into a ghost. She pries her lips open to say something but no sound comes out. She closed them again and swallows dryly.

I can hear the sound of her heart banging against her ribcage.

God, I just destroyed her.

"Oh..." She finally manages to exclaim, but the shocked expression on her face has gone no where m "That's that's coolXt un... She scratches the back of her head. "You are the Lycan King, you cannot be without a Luna. It's only right that the Moon goddess sent you my replacement. It's cool." "Selena I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" She chuckles in frustration. "You have nothing to be sorry about, Alpha Reagan. You've done nothing wrong. Nompletely understand. I was gone for too long, I needed to be replaced. It's fine." She insists, but the look on her face says otherwise. My heart feels like it has been thrown into a shredding machine.

I feel so bad for doing this to her.