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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate by Sumi

Chapter 409
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"Have you finished setting..." I halt in my tracks and throw my hands in the air derisively, utterly annoyed by the ongoing scenabefore me. "You're still setting the table!" I scold at the top of my voice in annoyance and the two servants stop what they are doing and bow to me.

"We are almost done, Ma'am." "Almost?" I ask aghast, taking long strides over to them. "Why almost? Is it going to take you forever to set a table for one person? My goodness, why are you all so lazy and annoying? Can't I assign a duty to you and trust that you'll do it properly and on time?" "We are very sorry for the delay, Ma'am." "Yeah, whatever! Just ride on with it already!" "Yes Ma'am." They both bow again before riding on with what they were doing, this taround with great urgency. I huff and march back into the kitchen, where I meet the chef who assistedin cooking, serving the last meal into a dish.

"Aren't you done yet?" I ask grumpily, both hands resting on my waist as I shoot daggers at her. The woman closes the bowl before looking atagain.

"Done." "At least I have one competent servant. You can take it to the dinning." "Yes Ma'am." She nods and carries the bowl out of the kitchen. I check the ton my wrist watch and my heart falls into my stomach when I see that it's already nine-thirty pm.

Nine-thirty and Alpha Reagan has still not returned home. I wonder where he is and hope that he hasn't had dinner yet, because I really want him to eat what I've cooked for him. I'll be completely heartbroken i he doesn't. Sighing heavily, I untie the apron from my waist and place it on the kitchen island. The food has been cooked and it's being served right now. Now, what I have to do is go out there and wait for Alpha Reagan to return so I can mesmerise him with the meals I've cooked. The moment he tastes any of those meals I cooked, he's going to fall in love withall over again and he'll forget all about Ashanti.

I know he will.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

There's a triumphant smile on my face as I leave the kitchen. At the dinning, I'm surprised to see that the servants have finished setting the table and are waiting in a line forto cand dismiss them. They are waiting forto cand dismiss them.

I like that.

With a serious look on my face, I go over to the table and inspect the set area. The cutleries, tissues, plates and everything seems to be in place so I nod in approval.

"It's all good. You can leave now." "Thank you, Ma'am." They reply unanimously and leave the dinning.

My heart misses a beat when I hear a familiar masculine voice coming from the living room. Quickly, I rush out of the dinning and freeze in my tracks when I step into the living room and see Alpha Reagan talking to Catherine, the head servant. She has his suitcase in her hand and she seems to be smiling at something he said to her before I arrived.

That old hag! What gives her the right to act jovial with my mate.

"Alpha Reagan." I call excitedly and he turns to me. I see the bright look on his face fade when his eyes fall on me. That makes my heart sting, but I ignore the pain.

I know for a fact that he doesn't likeanymore andbeing here is kind of a bother to him, but it's just a matter of tbefore all of that changes.

This man will fall in love withagain. I will make sure of that.

"You're home." My entire face is beaming with a smile as I take calm, calculated steps towards him. Catherine, who was standing close to him, steps away as I go closer to them.

Good! "Selena. Hi." Alpha Reagan greets with an awkward smile. It seems he wasn't expecting to see me. "Hello." I respond with a small wave as I stop a few metres away from him. "Welchome." "Thank you. What a surprise. I didn't expect to see you down here at this time." "I know, right? And you're not going to believe what I've prepared for you." His brows trip to his eyebrows in surprise. I nod excitedly as I jump closer to him. "You prepared something for me?" He sounds so surprised, it amazes me.

"Yes, I did." "And what could that be?" "Con and see for yourself." I quickly circle my fingers around his left hand and pull him along withtowards the dining room. He doesn't try to resist. He quietly followsall way to the room and the the ves amused look he makes when he sees the set table makes flowers bloom in my heart.

He's completely awestruck.

"Dinner?" He asks softly, turning to look at me. I nod so hard, my head nearly disconnects from my neck. "You madedinner?" "Yes. I did. I knew you'd be exhausted and famished when you get back from work so I decided to make this." "Oh..." He exclaims quietly, his eyes going back to the table.

So... are you going to eat before freshening up or will you freshen up before eating?" I agerly table the options, stepping before him and looking up at his perfect facial Ket sel.n features. I watch the amused look on his face fade completely until there's nothing but a plain expressionless look on it.

"Look, Selena..." He says, scratching the back of his head. "I really appreciate you doing this. I know you put a lot of tand effort into this, but I can't eat this." My jaw falls. My heart migrates to my throat.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Why... why not?" I ask with a strained voice.

"Because I already ate dinner..." "Oh..." I exclaim quietly.

"With Ashanti."

"Oh..." I say yet again, trying my best to keep my cool despite the anger raging in my heart because he mentioned Ashanti's name. That bitch! "Yeah. And I'm so full, I can't even taste anything else. I'm sorry." "It's okay." I chuckle lightly, waving a dismissive hand at him and flashing him a forced smile. "I understand." I lie.

"Maybe... next time?" "Yeah. That would be great." "Cool. That said, I need to go upstairs and freshen up. I'm exhausted!" "Oh... of course. You do that." He nods with a smile as he leaves the room. I don't leave him alone. I follow him all the way upstairs, to his room door.

"Well... since I couldn't serve you by making you dinner, how about I do so by picking out the pyjama's you'll wear to bed while you shower? You used to love it when I did that." "Not anymore. I can pick out my own

clothes." He flashesa tight smile as he opens his room door and steps into the room/I'm just standing there like an idiot with a blank mind. I don't know what else to say or do you try to impress him.

"Good night, Selena." He says and shuts the door in my face.

Tears burn at the back of my eyelids as I stare blankly at the wooden door in front of me.

It seems this will be a lot more difficult than I thought.

I need to cup with more strategies to get under this man's skin! X