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The Mech Touch (Web Novel)

Chapter 1611: The Other War
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In a bedroom transformed into a luxurious refuge, Gloriana calmly sat in front of a mirror projection as a couple of beauty bots treated her hair and applied makeup.

She needed to be in her best appearance at all times. She could never allow Ves to see her in a less-than-perfect state!

As Gloriana calmly waited for the bots to complete their work, Melody reported the latest situation from home.

"The advantage that our Hegemony has gained in the Komodo War is spent. While Operation K has given us a considerable advantage in initiative and morale, it also shocked the Coalition into forming a unified response. We didn't expect the partners of the Coalition to set aside their grudges and unite as extensively as appears to be the case."

"Can you give me an example, Melody?"

"Perhaps the most far-reaching example is the Gauge Dynasty's extensive willingness to support the beleaguered Carnegie Group and Vermeer Group. Despite Gauge's remoteness from the front, it has not shied away from supporting the two groups with financial aid and military aid. More and more mech divisions of their Sundered Phalanx are reinforcing the frontlines every day."

The unwelcome news caused Gloriana to grow unsettled. "That's outside of the predictions I've read. Aren't the Fridaymen supposed to be squabbling boys who will continue to argue with each other even if their state is falling apart around them? Isn't Gauge the most unliked and uncharitable partner of the Coalition?"

The distribution of territory of the Friday Coalition resembled a round pie. The slices occupied by Carnegie and Vermeer pressed squarely against the border with the Hexadric Hegemony.

Due to this unfavorable arrangement, the two groups always endured stifled development. Many investors and citizens were reluctant to commit too much in their territories because their assets and their lives would immediately be at risk in the event of a cataclysmic war between the two giants of the star sector!

In contrast, the Gauge Dynasty happened to be placed on the opposite side of Coalition space. If the Hexers ever advanced into enemy territory, Gauge would be the last one to knock down.

For this reason, the Gauge Dynasty always enjoyed the highest development. Its favorable position caused it to grow into the strongest partner.

"The rulers of the Gauge Dynasty may be selfish, but they aren't stupid." Melody sighed. "Apparently, the Coalition partners have already formed some secret deals that our spies haven't managed to uncover. While we haven't been able to figure out the details, some of the results are already evident. Their militaries are showing increasingly more signs of meshing into one, unified organization that answers to an overarching central command."

"That.. sounds as if they are copying us. Aren't they supposed to be distrusting towards each other?"

"We've underestimated the Fridaymen. They made a good show of exaggerating their internal divisions. Our biases towards the Coalition reinforced our assumptions that the Fridaymen would continue to be distrustful towards each other even as they are fighting us off. It turns out they managed to fool all of our spies and analysts."

This was a grave error on the part of the Hexers. Gloriana's face turned ugly as she realized the importance of Melody's remarks.

Before Gloriana set foot out of the Hegemony and became exposed to a different culture, she always held a dismissive attitude to boys.

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She easily understood how most of the Hexers she knew back home had a tendency to look down on the Coalition. Though the Fridaymen did not explicitly discriminate by gender, the Coalition was mainly led by men, perhaps as a response against the ideology of their biggest rival.

"How will the war proceed now that the Fridaymen appear to be coming together?"

Melody looked uncertain. "I'm not versed in military matters, so I can't say. At the very least, we won't be able to sweep Coalition space within a few years anymore. The Komodo War will likely devolve into a prolonged slugfest between two giants. The frontlines will turn into meat grinders which constantly consume more mechs. The side which is not able to persist will falter first."

One of the goals of Operation K was to convey the Hegemony an immediate advantage in the outbreak of the Komodo War. The Hexers hoped that the devastating results of the operation would put the Coalition on the backfoot.

Along with the expected internal discord among the partners, the Hegemony expected to convert their initial advantage into a considerable amount of momentum that magnified their early gains.

The more advantages the Hegemony gained at the start, the greater the likelihood of maintaining the upper hand throughout the course of the war.

Unfortunately, the Coalition recovered faster and coordinated more extensively than expected. The rapid reinforcements from the Gauge Dynasty and other partners stabilized the frontlines, stalling the Hegemony to the point where it lost its momentum!

"Attrition warfare." Gloriana curled her lips into a frown. "How barbaric."

Having witnessed the brutality of the Sand War in the Bright Republic, Gloriana quickly understood how bloody the conflict could get if it reached this stage.

Without a killer weapon, sudden betrayal or other change in circumstances, the winner of the Komodo War would probably be weakened to an incredible degree.

"Has mother sent any instructions?"

"Madame Constance has not sent any new instructions as of late. The war demands all of her attention. While the Scimitar System is unlikely to be at risk, there is a lot of unrest at home due to the sacrifices the citizens need to make to support our war effort."

This was the war that decided the ultimate victor in the Komodo Star Sector. The Hexers could not afford to hold back if they wanted to come out as the victor. The living standards of every Hexer decreased as the state entered into a war footing.

Many luxuries and conveniences became scarce as the production of consumer goods made way for the production of armaments.

"The situation will grow worse over time."

"Now that the war has entered a different trajectory, our circumstances here will change as well. For now, the Fridaymen aren't inclined to meddle with us on account of the Sand War. However, the status quo won't hold forever."

Gloriana looked at her mirror projection with determination as she inspected the work of her beauty bots. As always, the expensive bots had done fine work.

"It appears my previous merits won't be sufficient to sustain my leave." She concluded.

"That is so. Madame Constance will insist on your return before the situation here becomes too dire. The Glory Battalion already received instructions to escort you home within three years."

"I can take care of myself!" Gloriana burst out! "I'm a Journeyman! Just like Ves, I'm more than capable enough to depend on myself!"

"Your mother worries for you, Gloriana. Your brothers and sisters are also concerned."

"Well, we aren't here just to sightsee and room with Ves. How is our other mission coming along?"

"Not very well. Our investigation is still ongoing. I will update you if there are any new developments."

Gloriana idly nodded. She wasn't very optimistic that they could complete the additional mission. Unfortunately, if she didn't accept this responsibility, the Hegemony wouldn't have let her go at this sensitive time.

An idea suddenly sparked within her mind. "You know, maybe there is another way we can contribute to the war effort."

"Do tell."

"Seeing as how the Soldier mechs are pivotal in stabilizing the fighting forces of the states involved in the Sand War, what if we designed a mech that can give our side an edge at the front?"

Melody frowned. "The Hegemony has always been very strict in which mech models are allowed to be deployed at the front. You're not qualified to submit a design to the panel of Masters, let alone Ves."

The Hexadric Hegemony had always been a centralized state. Though the individual dynasties ruled their own individual territories, the state maintained a strong power.

The centralization of power extended to the military of the Hegemony. The Hex Army placed a heavy emphasis on standardization and uniformity. By utilizing the same mechs, doctrines and standards, the Hex Army benefited enormously from interchangeability and economies of scale.

In order to prevent the Hex Army from gaining too many vulnerabilities, each military mech model had to be vetted extensively by a panel of Masters.

This was an extremely strict demand that prevented most mech designers from contributing their own designs. Only well-established Seniors and Masters had a realistic chance of gaining approval for their work.

This impassable hurdle formed an enormous hindrance to Gloriana. "You've witnessed the power of Ves' glows in person. Don't you agree that it can be a major help to us in the frontlines?"

"You're not wrong." Melody reluctantly admitted. "I am beginning to see why you are infatuated with Mr. Larkinson. Even if he is a boy, his specialization is very unique. It's unfortunate that he isn't a fellow Hexer."

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Another idea suddenly came to mind to Gloriana. "The Hex Army isn't the only force that is fighting on behalf of our state! There are many irregular units assisting our main forces!"

While the lack of diversity and versatility was a major shortcoming of the Hex Army, it was not the only entity participating in the war.

Various dynasties volunteered a portion of their household troops to the war effort. Strong Hexer mercenary corps also contributed to the war by accepting government contracts.

"It won't work." Melody shook her head. "Usually, these secondary forces are prohibited from deploying in the hot zones of the war. The Hex Army does not tolerate any unexpected elements from their side. Even if you manage to convince an outfit to field a second-class mech model with a glow, it won't be able to showcase its value because its copies will only be employed to garrison occupied star systems or defend valuable infrastructure in the rear."

Gloriana did not look deterred. "I have the Glory Battalion, right?"

"The Glory Battalion is not your personal plaything, miss." Melody placed her hands on her hips in reproach. "I will not allow you to risk your own protection in a foolish quest to meddle in the war. You're too young, Gloriana. It is up to your mother and the older generation to shoulder the burden."

"I don't believe that, Melody. I know that Ves and I can achieve great things. The Soldier mechs that we've designed have already shifted the course of the entire Sand War! Think of how much we can affect the Komodo War if we can prove that our products can give our sisters an edge!"

"No one back home will pilot a mech designed by a foreign boy." Melody ruthlessly crushed her dream.

The Hegemony generally favored mechs designed by women. While males weren't prohibited from becoming mech designers, they generally subordinated themselves to female mech designers.

"I think there is still a way to get my foot in the door."

Gloriana came up with several ideas. One option would be to partner up with a more established mech designer from the Hegemony.

She had no hopes of convincing a Senior or a Master to collaborate on a potential project, but she might be able to appeal to her fellow Journeymen.

Another option was to establish her own force and equip them with her new mechs.

The problem there was that she lacked the funds and manpower to do so. Second-class mechs were extremely expensive, and the second-class mech pilots of the Hegemony were already employed by the Hex Army or other established organizations!

"Is there no way at all?"

Suddenly, she thought of the Avatars and Battle Criers under the control of her boyfriend.

Weren't they completely under his control? Her eyes lit up as she thought of how professional they seemed. Ves even made plans to elevate their warriors into second-class mech pilots!

"This is an excellent opportunity!"