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The Mechanical Era

Chapter 154 Marco’s Business Idea
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Marco Dietrichson walks right out of the school along with his best friend, Vice Grotti. They had been friends since the first day they had met, inside the school building. The two had made a lot of memories so far, eating out in restaurants sometimes, visiting their homes, and even helping each other to learn faster than the rest of the class.

As they walk out into the streets, Marco looks back at the school, straight at the letters engraved into the building, the same one he had been going to for the last three months. Since he can now read, he might as well give the sign of the school a shot.

"Luvastreet Public School. I guess that name works," he spoke smoothly. Marco then turned his head to Vice, who was also looking at the sign.

"What do you think Vice? Do you think the name is good?" he questions. Vice, without skipping a beat, replies.

"It is just a name, Marco. I don't think they put that much thought into it. Besides, if it works, it works."

"Hmm... I guess. Say... would you like to talk a walk around the streets. Get some leg exercise and just... talk. You know," Marco suggested.

"Hm... Yea, sure. I mean, it is not like I have anything else," Vice responded. The two start walking among the busy streets of Hoverdam, which had gone through a few changes. The two walk past new stone buildings, tram stations, and track lines, as they talk with each other.

The two walked until they stopped to take a break when they ran out of stories to tell each other. With that, Marco and Vice decided to part ways, promising each other to keep in touch. Vice had already shown around his house, as well as Marco. They both know where to find the other.

As Marco was walking back home, wanting to get on a tram station, he takes a wrong turn and spots a rather strange-looking building, going along with the new architectural style of Arteco that had been popping up. He walked closer to the building and examined it.

The library, featuring two 5-meter-tall stories, was built in the shape of an H. The walls had these thick pillars of sleek and linear columns on the outside that looked like it was holding up the two floors. Other than the columns, the building featured crystal clear glass windows, made all the way over in Industrial District 1.

The windows themselves weren't meant to be added to the original plan. However, with the invention and patent of the sheet glass drawing machine, factories were set up to take advantage of this new invention, and to make a large profit. Now, many buildings were undergoing renovations, to incorporate some glass windows, as an attempt to pretend that one was far wealthier than the rest.

In front of the door, was a staircase made out of gray brick stones, held together with cement, covered in mortar to hide it. On the top of the building, was a short and wide triangle, with the words "Public Library" written on it in yellow letters.

"Hmm... I wonder..." Marco thinks. His head got a genius idea but was not sure whether it would work. Taking a deep breath, he decides to enter the library. Inside, the building was much more impressive and comparatively more beautiful in Marco's eyes.

The floor, made out of wooden planks, was polished and clean, without a single speck of dirt or dust. The walls were covered in wooden bookshelves, fitted throughout the entire compound., to the point that one could mistake for them enacting as the walls of the building. The interior was lit up with the help of lanterns, all over the building.

In terms of seating, there were many wooden chairs present, fitted with cushioning that allowed one to stay for long periods of time, reading any book that was fitted on the shelves. On top of the side of the bookshelves themselves, was a metal sign, educating what books one could find. Though all of them were labeled, only one section was stocked; the religion section.

Before he was able to walk inside the building, a woman stopped him using her long wooden stick. She wore a long-sleeved white shirt, a long blue skirt to cover her legs, wearing a pair of white socks, but no shoes. Marco looked at the woman, who pointed at the sign next to a shoe rack.

"Do I need to read that for you, young man?" the woman asked.

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"Oh! Pardon me, ma'am. I didn't notice the sign. I will take them off now." he replied. The woman's eyebrow raised.

"So you can read?"

"Yes. I passed the test. I can read."

"Which school? Because from what I know, there are a lot of schools in this city." The woman further questioned, a little suspicious of Marco.

"Luvastreet Public School. I joined my first class of the 7th of Possum. I am one of those early birds if you will."

"I see. If that is indeed the truth, do you mind if I test you on your abilities?"

"Go ahead, ma'am," Marco replies, as he takes off his shoes and keeps them on the rack. He pointed her stick at one of the signs.

"Then what does that say?"


"And that?"


"And that?"

"Biology." Marco effortlessly answered. The woman was impressed, and let Marco inside the building.

"I apologize for my rudeness. I was not expecting someone of... your caliber to be already able to learn so quickly."

"Apology accepted. Say, would you mind telling me what is available for me to read? I would love to be able to expand my knowledge," Marco asked calmly.

"Well, currently we do not have that many books available. In order for books to be stocked inside the building, we need confirmation from the HISAR to do so. Currently, since their headquarters is still in the planning stages, I am not sure how long will it take.

What we currently have now, is only the translated scripture of the bible. His majesty made sure to fill this place with the bible at least." the woman answered. Marco walked up to the bookshelf and grabbed one off it. He then skims it through, thinking for a minute, before he turns back to the woman.

"May I borrow this book, ma'am?"


Vice was walking right back to his home. Although he may have been distracted by the wonders around them, he soon manages to head back home. However, what he could have never guessed, standing in front of his home, is Marco Dietrichson.

"Marco, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Vice, I just got an idea that you might want to hear. May I come inside?"

"Yes, of course! Come in." The two went inside and headed to his room. Once they made it safely inside, hidden away from the people outside, they sat on the floor and begin to talk.

"So... what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Vice asked.

"I was thinking... whether you would be interested in a business opportunity. A way to make some money?" Vice's curiosity increased. Wanting to learn more, he leaned in.

"Go on," Vice replied. He held his hands together and kept his head on them.

"Alright. First I need to establish a fact. We are the only people in this part of the city, who can read and write, correct?"

"Yes, us and a few others, I think. What do you suggest?"

"Well, I think we should use our talent, and start reading books aloud to... anyone who wants to listen. We rent out a space, get people to come, and then listen."

"I mean... sure. But I don't think we will attract that many people. What do you plan on reading aloud."

"The Bible," Marco calmly suggested.

"The Bible?!?" Vice replied with a shocked face.

"Yes, I was thinking that we could start reading the bible out loud for them, collecting money from people for listening.

Think about it. We probably won't have any real competitors for a month at least, AND our customer base would be everyone who wants to hear the word of god, which is... everyone! It is a solid plan! Don't you think so?"

"Um... I am not so sure about that..."

"Why not?"

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"Well, don't you think that people will find it... immoral?" Vice asked.

"They won't if we frame it in a specific way," Marco replied while using the okay sign with his hand.

"Can you elaborate on that?"

"Of course. The way the church took money from its followers was through donations. What I am thinking is that we do the same."

"But won't that make you a preacher? Won't you get arrested for it?"

"You would think, but no. Because I am not a preacher. Instead, I will be framing myself as an 'upstanding citizen who reads out the Bible for people to hear'.

The donations 'allow me to continue reading the word of god in these hard times'. Because remember, the demonic wave is here. Remember the announcement?"

"I guess, but what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to be the... advertiser. Here is what I am thinking. I am thinking of renting a space for one day. You go around and tell people that I am reading out the bible for free and that they can attend.

At the end of my reading session, I will tell them to donate money to me so that I 'can continue to read you the bible for free.'"

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ "How much will it cost though?"

"Simple. One room that is enough to fill about 100 people would cost about 15 copper coins a day. I made sure to check. That would mean that out of 100 people, all we need is for 15 to donate just 1 copper coin or just 3 people to donate 5 copper coins.

The starting cost is low. If we make a profit, we can split the money. If we don't, well, we can just stop it there. We will have almost nothing to lose, and everything to gain. So... what do you say?" Marco questions.

Vice thinks about the deal through. Sure, he would like to make some money, which would allow him to pursue his passion, but he wasn't very sure about it.

"Can I ask one question?"

"Go ahead."

"Why me? Why should I be the advertiser?" Vice asked.

"Because you, unlike me, are a local. They are more likely to listen to you than they are to listen to me. If you were the one to tell them, they are far more likely to come, and far more likely to donate. You understand?"

"I see. That does make sense..." Vice thinks for a minute again, before coming to a decision. He takes in a deep breath and extends his hand.

"Alright. You convinced me. I am in."