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The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 62 Alora Saw Aizel Elephant [Bonus ]
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Aizel was strolling through the market when he noticed a man wearing a black hood trying to signal him to come in his direction.

Aizel shifted his gaze back and forth to see if the man was calling to him or someone else. He went there to meet him after observing he was calling to him.

"Hey Aizel, it's me, David. I wanted to give you your reward before I left the town." He said this while taking Aizel to a small alley behind a herb shop.

"Are you going somewhere?" Aizel asked.

"Yes, I am going to the east side to meet my fiancée, so I wanted to give all the guys the rewards I promised before I left the town.

"Here, take this; this is what you have earned." David gave him the storage ring, which was black in color, clearly, by looking at its shine, Aizel can guess this must be a higher grade than the current one he is wearing.

Aizel put the ring on his right hand's middle finger and sent a little mana to inspect what he had received as his reward. What he saw sent shivers down his spine.

"Y...You why are you giving me all this? I can't take that much. I wasn't the only one who helped you." Aizel said he wanted to return the ring he had just received.

"Just take it; not only have I provided everything for the families of the mages and hunters who died in the raid, but also for every member of your group too.

"You might think that you didn't do this alone or that you don't deserve it that much, but let me tell you one thing, Aizel: You saved my life while no one else cared for it. I am here, standing in one piece, and going to meet my fiance just because of you."

"Well, I think it's not like that; I mean, your family should have saved you, and they also care for you; you have a mage like Thomas guarding you all the time and a sister who cares for you.

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The thing is that your sister requested that I do everything in my power to make sure that you come home alive." Aizel said while trying to cheer up David.

After hearing about his family and sister, David chuckled a little.

"There's always more to a story, Aizel, and Thomas has informed me that you are taking care of some orphan kids; this will help you and the kids in the long run too.

"So please keep it and be safe and careful. I hope we can meet again someday." David said this and then left Aizel standing alone in the alley.

"Man, I thought he was some stupid noble, but surely he has a good heart. Well, I should also head back to my apartment; it's been days since I haven't returned.

"There is a lot I want to ask Alora." He sighed and went back in the direction of his house on the outskirts.

When Aizel arrived home in the evening, he noticed that his children were reading the same book that Leah had gifted them.

Even Emma, who was always the first to notice Aizel and hug him, was so engrossed that she didn't notice Aizel's return.

"Guys, I am back. Are you hungry?" Aizel announced his return as the kids who were so engrossed finally noticed him.


"I am hungry. Make some meat, Aizel."

"No meat; that vegetable salad you made once for us, please."

"No veggies, they are gross."

While Emma was riding on the back of Aizel, the kids began bickering among themselves about what food they wanted to eat.

"Relax guys, I will make both," Aizel spoke while the kids cheered in unison.

Aizel went into the kitchen and made meat and salad for the children.

When the food arrived, the kids quickly put down their books and ate until they were full.

"Now you all go to your rooms; if you want to read the book, you can read it there, but sleep early, okay?" The kids nodded as they quickly grabbed their books.

"I am tired, so I will be going to sleep in my room. Goodnight everyone." Aizel bid everyone goodbye and went to his room.

He sat on his bed, closed his eyes, thought about his apartment, and then, "puff," just like magic, he was back at his apartment.

The first thing he did was check on Alora.

He discovered some more pizza boxes, some empty Pepsi cans, a K-drama on TV, and a loli on the sofa.

"So you're back, huh? I was getting tired of staying in the apartment all day; let's go somewhere." Alora said while Aizel shook his head in rejection.

"No, I am tired. I would like to spend some time alone in my room," he replied.

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"Y..you, how dare you to reject me, fucker?" Alora was shocked by his rejection.

"I haven't slept well, and I am dead tired, and I have no interest in entertaining you when you don't even answer me properly about the things I asked."

"What you want to know," Alora said while tapping her foot in frustration. This guy was definitely doing this on purpose, she thought.

"Where you wanna go?" Aizel asked instead.

"I want to try that shawarma and some ice cream," Alora replied while trying to act normal, but she couldn't hide her excitement when it came to food.

Aizel chuckled after seeing that and replied, "Let me take a quick bath, and then we will go."

Aizel went to take a nice hot bath, filled the tub with hot water, dropped some bubble soap in it, went inside, closed his eyes, and went for a nice nap.

"Now this is heaven," Aizel said while enjoying his bath.

After 15 minutes, Alora burst through the door, an angry expression on her face.

"How much time are you going to waste like this? Hurry up and dress; I'm hungry."

"Woah woah...girl, this is not the way to break into someone's bathroom; a man needs his space," Aizel said while quickly placing more bubbles towards his nether region.

"Why are you so embarrassed?" I have no desire to see your ant."

"What did you say?" Suddenly, Aizel stood up from the bathtub furiously.

His entire body was on display as Alora examined him from head to toe and then the area where an ant should be present.

She never expected to be surprised in this world, but she was dead wrong.