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The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise-Novel2

Chapter 578 - Song Fangs Opening Dance - 1
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Chapter 578: Song Fang’s Opening Dance – 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Xing was standing beside the stage, playing the music and the video of the dance that they performed at the tournament when Mu Chenxi arrived at the dancing room.

“Although we’re more familiar with the dance, it has been a long time since we last practiced it. I know all of you are pretty busy since you all are in your senior year, so I want to take advantage of the lunch break at noon to do two rehearsals with you guys. Tomorrow we’re going to welcome Fu Zhi with this dance.”

After that, Su Xing raised her head and asked, “I know this is taking up a lot of time, but think it the other way round. Not only are we advertising our school, but we’re also welcoming Zhizhi. Professor He told me that he’s going to give a copy of the summary for the college entrance examination to those students who help out.”

As she was talking, she lifted the summary up and waved it in front of everyone.

Initially, the group of girls was worried that it might affect their examination, but upon seeing the summary in Su Xing’s hand, a smile broke over their faces as they said, “Sure, sure, sure. This is what we should do as No.1 High School’s students..”

“So you guys have no objection, right?”

“Yes. We’ll keep in touch later,” a girl chimed in.

“Alright, then. Let’s get changed and start our practice session. If we end early, we can go back to study.”

They all then went to the dressing room.

Mu Chenxi was walking at the back of the group. A girl walking beside her said, “Chenxi, Fu Zhi is so awesome. I’ve never seen a girl like her before. Not only is she good at studies, but she’s an excellent fighter too!”

Mu Chenxi had been having a sullen face, and it got even darker after she heard what the girl had said. After all, in her opinion, the fact that Fu Zhi was good at fighting meant she was a person with violent tendencies. She did not understand why instead of being afraid of her, the netizens called her the pride of the country.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

“She’s good? What is she good at?”

Mu Chenxi pulled out a piece of gum from her bag and stuffed it into the hand of the girl next to her.

“She’s just an attention-seeker. Didn’t you see that she could punch a man to his death? Don’t you feel afraid when such a girl lives with you?

“Besides, the final examination is around the corner, so don’t you think it’s not suitable for the school to ask us to perform a dance just to welcome Fu Zhi? Don’t you forget that this is a school and we’re students? We’re here to learn something and widen our horizons. We’re not here to be free child labor!”

“Chill, Chenxi. I don’t think this will take up a lot of time. Didn’t you hear what Su Xing said just now? Professor He has promised to give all of us a summary of the college entrance examination. Besides, my parents said that Fu Zhi has said so many people overseas, and we should be proud of her!”

Mu Chenxi sneered coldly, “You’re from Class 1, right? Have you forgotten how bad the relationship between your class and Fu Zhi’s class was? You had a bet, and the one who lost had to apologize for what happened in the office that day! Do you really think Su Xing would hold up her end of the bargain and give you the things she promised?”

The girl did not know what to say in return.

It was indeed the relationship between Class 1 and Class 21 was bad to the point that Song Fang was getting the other classes to ice them out.

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The girl began to hesitate.

Mu Chenxi then pressed on, “Honestly, No.1 High School is not the best school on earth. Compared to Hang Yuan from the Wu Family it’s nothing. You’ve noticed it as well, right? Class 1 has been the school’s favorite, but ever since Fu Zhi joins Class 21, the school has become more and more tolerant towards Class 21.

“Besides, Fu Zhi has He Ming and the others on her side. She has won many awards for the school, so do you still think that the school will still focus on your Class?”

The girl then replied, “But… But we’re already in our senior year. I don’t think the school will transfer all our teachers to Class 21, right?”

“Ever since the establishment of No.1 High School, have you seen any student who doesn’t get expelled after being absent for so many days at school?” Mu Chenxi asked, “As long as it’s Fu Zhi, the school is willing to bend the rules for her.”

“So why are you telling me this?”

“I don’t know about you, but I’m not staying in No.1 High School anymore. A few of us have decided to transfer to Hang Yuan after this semester. I’m a liberal arts student, and most of the members of the cheerleading squad are science students, right? I remember some of them are your friends from Class 2 as well.”

“People always have to aim higher, and if you don’t, you’re in for a fall. There are a lot of opportunities that lie in front of you, and it depends on how you choose it.”

After Mu Chenxi had dressed up, she turned around and went into the dancing room.

The Wu Family was an elite family in the capital, and they had a team of professional teachers as well.

In the past, students were the last thing Hang Yuan would lack. However, from what Mu Chenxi had heard, Hang Yuan is in a financial crisis right now. A few stakeholders have withdrawn their funds, and a group of good students has transferred to another school.

This would greatly affect the admission rate for the next year.

Therefore, they needed good students from the senior year.

However, most of the students in the capital would not change their schools out of a sudden. After all, a change of environment might affect their performance in the college entrance examination.

After the Wus came back from Myanmar, the financial condition of their family took a nosedive and became even worse.

However, they were in the same boat right now since they had invested in the Mu Family’s movie. Both families were hoping that they could change the tide of the situation through the movie.

Mr. Mu was insightful. He was fully aware of how profitable a private school was, so he had invested in the Wu Family’s school as well. Then, as the daughter of one of the stakeholders, it went without saying that Mu Chenxi had to do something for her school.

Truth be told, she felt she had to thank Fu Zhi. Had it not been for her and Song Fang to make Class 1 and Class 2 the enemies of the entire school, Mu Chenxi thought that it might be a little bit harder for her to convince those students to transfer to Hang Yuan.

After all, all of them were elite students. They were prideful, and there was no way they would let a bunch of underachievers grind them under their heels.

The practice session went out smoothly.

However, Su Xing had a bad feeling about it. She kept her eyes fixed on Mu Chenxi, and she had a hunch that Mu Chenxi was up to something no good again.

With that thought in mind, she sent a text message to Song Fang, [Mu Chenxi is acting strangely again. She doesn’t like Fu Zhi at all, but she’s practicing the dance with us. Besides, a few girls from Class 1 and Class 2 are the same too…]

Song Fang was talking to a few students right now.

“What is the relationship between Fu Zhi and me? Let me put it in this way. When I was abducted by a criminal, they forced me to eat sh*t if I want them to release me. Do you know what Sister Zhi did?”

The other students all kept their voices down and listened.

“She kicked both me and the abductor into the septic tank!”


They all waved their hands and went back to their own stuff.

“Hey! Don’t go! I still have a lot more stories to tell!” Song Fang shouted. Then, his phone rang.

He picked his phone up and his expression turned stern when he saw the message. He felt Su Xing was right, so he made a call to her, “A leopard never changes its spot, so Mu Chenxi must be up for something no good again. Keep an eye on her. As for the rest, just let them be.”

“But this is an order from the school authorities. If they really mess it up, they will be punished and nothing will end up good for them. I’m thinking of finding another group of members in case they really do something tomorrow. However, this will certainly alert the school authorities, and Mu Chenxi and the others might not happy about it. After all, this is just my conjectures.”

“Just let them be for a moment. Send me the video of the dance.”

“What are you going to do with the video?”

“You guess?”

On the following day, No.1 High School had another big welcome event after the arrival of Hang Yuan High School.

The school spent heavily on this event. It was a magnificent scene, and the air was filled with uplifting music.

All students, from the junior year to the senior year, were waiting in front of the door. Even the mayor of Yu City had come to welcome Fu Zhi. He was now shaking hands and greeting He Ming and his group.

The media and reporters were doing their best to capture every single scene they could in the school, starting from the classroom to the surrounding of the school to the security guardhouse.

“Hold on a second. Why is the banner saying Fu Zhi is from Class 21? Isn’t she first place in her school and she has gotten the champion of the International Physics Competition? Why is she still a student from Class 21?”

“I heard that before Fu Zhi came from an unknown school in the countryside before she joins No.1 High School. During that time, everyone thought she got into No.1 High School through an under the table deal, so they put her in Class 21.”

“Didn’t she redeem herself afterward? Why didn’t they put her back to Class 1?”

“Well, beats me. Maybe the school has their own arrangement.”

“Teachers from Class 21 are so lucky! I guess no one in our country can score better than Fu Zhi!”

“Yeah, right. Not only that but even No.1 High School can invite He Ming and his group comes to No.1 High School to give their students extra classes.”

This was what Ma Mingquan heard wherever he went. As a teacher of Class 21, he did not know what he should feel.

That said, he knew he was right about Fu Zhi. Just like Song Fang and the others, she was a good student as well.

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Ye Jiu pulled an all-nighter last night and he woke up late today. Fu Zhi was waiting for him to get ready, so she had not arrived at the school yet.

In the meantime, the reporters were giving Ma Mingquan an interview.

“Did you choose Fu Zhi to be in your class in the first place?”

“I would say we choose each other. I think it’s because she looks a lot like me. Maybe this is what they call fate?”

The reporters sized Ma Mingquan up and fell silent.

As if he could read their minds, Ma Mingquan asked, “Don’t you think we two are alike?”

“Well, she has your eyes. Both of you are very attractive,” one of the reporters said.

Ma Mingquan nodded in assent as he continued. “Well, I was the school hunk during my school time, and plenty of girls would fall for me whenever they look me in the eyes.”

A round of applause erupted as soon as Ma Mingquan had finished speaking.

Ma Mingquan then waved his hand and said, “Alright, alright. Settle down.”

Then, a deafening voice rang out, “Welcome Fu Zhi back to her school!”

“Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!”

Ma Mingquan became speechless.

— action

Fu Zhi happened to come down from her car when Ma Mingquan told the reporters that he was the school hunk of his school. She could not help but lament how much the aesthetic view of humans had changed over time.

Fu Zhi appeared at the school at 8:00 am sharp.

Every student was standing by the gate as they waited for the performance.

There were balloons on both sides of the gate, and everyone was clapping their hands.

Ma Mingquan handed the microphone to Director Liu.

Director Liu cleared his throat and said, “Good morning to all teachers, students, and all our friends from the press. Today is a special day for our city where Fu Zhi returns to her school. Not only that, but it’s also the day where our government has set up a special venue dedicated to the International Physics Competition. All of the medals have been confirmed, and we have them with us right now. All of the teachers hope that you students can take Fu Zhi as your example and be good students with all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetic skills!”

‘Really? I don’t believe it,’ Fu Zhi said inwardly.

Director Liu continued to give his speech.

Mu Chenxi shared a glance with a few members from the cheerleading squad and slowly withdrew themselves from the crowd.

A teacher noticed them and asked, “Where are you guys going? It’s your turn to perform after Director Liu’s speech!”

Mu Chenxi covered her stomach with her hands and said, I’m sorry, miss. We took hot pot yesterday, and we all had bad stomachs right now. We want to go to the restroom, and we’ll be back soon.