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The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise-Novel2

Chapter 613 - More Questions
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Chapter 613: More Questions

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Not bad, Teacher Ma. You must also know that a parents’ meeting will be held as soon as the results are released. The results are really unfair… We really have no way to explain this to the parents!”

The teachers all pointed their fingers at Ma Mingquan and the students of Class 21.

Shu Weiguo, who was sitting in the main seat, took the report card and glanced at it a few more times.

In fact, it wasn’t just Class 21. Even Class 19 and Class 20 of No. 1 High School had improved to a great extent.

However, the improvement of these two classes wasn’t big. It was evident that this was a result of the lectures given by He Ming and the others. This was an expected improvement.

But Class 21...

The big words on the report card were clearly visible. The average scores of the seven-school joint examination were:

No. 1 High School, 578.8.

Gu Yuan, 566.5.

No. 2 High School, 555.3.


Among the top three key high schools in the city, this was the first time that Gu Yuan, who had always been the overlord of the city, was surpassed by No. 1 High School by ten points!

This was simply a fantasy!

Shu Weiguo sighed and said in a deep voice, “Director Liu, the nature of this matter is really bad! The teachers of Class 1 and Class 21 must be dismissed and investigated. They must return their teacher qualification certificates! Even the students must be expelled in large numbers!”

This time, Director Liu couldn’t even pretend that he had friends supporting him behind the scenes. The anger in his heart surged, and he took a deep breath and said, “I know the students and teachers of our school. They would definitely not do anything that goes against their morals! Director Shu, I would bet my salary that they relied on themselves to answer the test questions. Their results are evidence enough. You don’t have the authority to fire my teachers and expel my students!”

Shu Weiguo pinched the spot between his eyebrows. The seven-school joint examination had been blown out of proportion. In the past, the funds given to these schools by the higher-ups had been completely based on the results.

No. 1 High School had many students, but everyone would push down a falling enemy.

Which school did not want to destroy No. 1 High School? They wanted to replace it and divide the resources allocated to No. 1 High School by the higher-ups.

The outcome?

As soon as the results came out, Shu Weiguo had not even had any time to look at them carefully before the other six schools had gone to the education bureau.

Since ancient times, cheating in exams and bribing the teachers who came up with the questions had been the most serious issue!

Since things had reached this point, apart from the teachers and leaders of the seven schools, many parents also knew about it.

If they couldn’t give an explanation, the ability and attitude of the higher-ups handling this would be questioned by the public!

This was no longer just about No. 1 High School cheating. In fact, if the Education Bureau didn’t deal with it seriously, wouldn’t it be encouraging other students to cheat in exams and start an unhealthy trend?

Shu Weiguo’s face darkened. He looked at Director Liu and said, “You and I are both leaders. There are some things that you should consider from my point of view. What kind of students are in Class 21? Only answer based on their grades, not their character. They are indeed bad!

“You can say that Fu Zhi only scored 740 points for her Chinese composition, but she is the best in the city. What about Song Fang and the others? In half a month, their academic results soared. Is there any other explanation besides cheating?”

Director Liu was silent for a moment.

When this report card had been placed in front of him, he’d also had his doubts. However, when Fu Zhi had joined Class 21, as the leader of the school, he had naturally paid attention to the students of Class 21 while paying attention to Fu Zhi.

He had slowly understood what good students and bad students were like.

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Song Fang and the others just didn’t do well academically, but that didn’t mean that they were bad children.

On the first day that Fu Zhi had come to No. 1 High School, Qian Wenrui had said that she’d cheated. Director Liu had agreed, but he had defended Fu Zhi because of the Lu Family’s one-million-yuan donation.

However, reality had given him a resounding slap.

Therefore, this time, Director Liu didn’t act arbitrarily or assume that his students were cheating. Instead, he had found Song Fang and the others’ test papers.

Apart from the last few difficult questions, they had answered each of the other big questions in their own way.

Although their way of thinking was not as clear as Fu Zhi’s, they had the confidence to get some knowledge points as long as they tried, and it was a good thing that they had done so.

Among them, Wang Yu and Fatty had provided a few numbers that differed from the answers. These numbers had been written all the way to the end. After the answers were calculated, the numbers that were different from the questions were replaced and recalculated.

Director Liu could be sure that they were not cheating, but they had coincidentally studied the same type of questions before the exam and memorized the answers.

Director Liu really wanted to be fair. He looked at Shu Weiguo with a sincere face and said, “I have never seen a shameless school like yours before. My students’ grades are good, but not only do you not wish them good luck, but you even try to criticize them. You are shameless!”

“Director Liu!” The director of No. 2 High School, who was sitting next to him, had an ugly expression. “I think you are suffering from paranoia!”

Director Liu chuckled. “That’s still better than being jealous!”



The director of Gu Yuan slammed the table. “How about we do not fight here? It won’t solve anything. If you think that your students didn’t cheat, the easiest way to prove it is to have them complete a set of test papers on the spot!”

Gu Yuan’s teachers had already considered this method on the way there.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have brought so many teachers with them this time.

Qian Wenrui nodded in agreement. “This method is indeed fair and simple.”

The director of Gu Yuan continued. “If the results are invalid, Song Fang and the others won’t be able to answer these questions. Then, Teacher Ma, as the form teacher, and even Director Liu, who bet his salary, will have to get lost with them!”

Who was he trying to scare?

Director Liu said, “Do you think I’m scared? It’s just a set of questions. If you guys aren’t afraid of coming up with them, why should we be afraid of answering them?”

Director Liu used to be the best Chemistry teacher in the province before he had been recruited by No. 1 High School.

Ma Mingquan and Fan Gaoda had also taught many excellent students.

With so many teachers’ jobs and the director’s future at stake, Shu Weiguo couldn’t sit still. “Director Liu, don’t be impulsive! You were blinded. Just apologize. We can understand!”

Director Liu didn’t listen to anyone. “I didn’t do anything wrong. Why should I apologize? Cut the crap. If you don’t like it, then let’s do this!”

Qian Wenrui sneered. “You are so stubborn.”

Then, Director Liu directly instructed Ma Mingquan, “Call Song Fang and the others over. Oh, right, don’t forget to call Fu Zhi.”

When Shu Weiguo and the other teachers heard this, their faces changed. “Director Liu, we didn’t say that Fu Zhi cheated! Don’t disturb Fu Zhi by asking her to come to school. Let her sleep, alright?”

Director Liu didn’t care.

He said, “Why? Six schools gathered here to scold me. Let my students show you what it’s like to argue with a group of scholars and infuriate a group of teachers to death. Do you think that I, Liu Jiaojiao, am easy to bully and have no one backing me up?!”

Yes, although Director Liu had a temper akin to a powder keg, he had a pleasant name. He was called Liu Jiaojiao.

The director of No. 2 High School pulled Gu Yuan’s director aside and said in a low voice, “Why don’t we forget about it? I heard that Fu Zhi... is not someone to mess with...”

“Don’t be afraid. Justice resides in the hearts of the people. Besides, Fu Zhi scored 740 points and is in a good mood. She won’t casually kick anyone to death!”

‘Is that so?’

The teacher of No. 2 High School thought for a moment and felt that a person’s heart was as hungry as a snake trying to swallow an elephant. Perhaps Fu Zhi was not very satisfied with this score...


Meanwhile, Fu Zhi went to the office to look for Ma Mingquan. She was told that Ma Mingquan had been called over by Director Liu to attend a meeting in the morning before he returned to class.

Ma Mingquan hadn’t returned, so the Class 21 students automatically turned this lesson into a self-studying session. They started to take notes and do exercises.

As they were writing...

“Fu Zhi.”

Ma Mingquan came out of the meeting room with a roster in his hand. He stood outside the door and shouted, “Get the students on this list together and come to the meeting room with me!”


The students of Class 21 had been in an extremely perturbed mood ever since they had woken up in the morning. They had been waiting for Teacher Ma to come to class and announce the results of the exam.

Therefore, when they heard Ma Mingquan’s first words, all the students in front of him raised their little heads and looked at Ma Mingquan both nervously and excitedly.

However, to their surprise, Ma Mingquan’s expression didn’t look very good.

In fact, it could even be considered ugly.

All the students in the class looked at each other.

“What’s going on? Why does Teacher Ma look like that?”

“What’s up with the list in his hands? Did we not beat Class 1 this time?”

“Don’t scare me. My family has hereditary heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, and frequent urination issues!”

The teacher noticed the restlessness of the students in the class.

Ma Mingquan forced a smile. “It’s nothing, it’s nothing. Those whose names haven’t been called will continue to study. Fu Zhi, bring the other students over. Don’t think too much. The exam results... If this is over fast, they’ll be announced this afternoon.”

They noticed that Ma Mingquan’s smile was uglier than his crying face.

Fu Zhi and Ye Jiu looked at each other, got up, and took the roster. After seeing the names on it, they could roughly guess the reason for this meeting.

There was no need for Ma Mingquan to say anything else. She directly called out the names of the students and led Song Fang and the others to the meeting room on the top floor.

Sitting in the meeting room were the seven schools’ teachers and Shu Weiguo, and the atmosphere was solemn.

Some teachers had already started to come up with questions on the spot.

Song Fang felt uneasy and tugged at Fu Zhi’s sleeve. “What’s going on?”

“Don’t be afraid. I’m here.”

Fu Zhi looked at Song Fang and the others, her gaze cold. Then, she walked to the door of the meeting room and pushed it open.

The light in the room was dazzling.

Fu Zhi put one hand in her pocket and walked in.

Suddenly, everyone looked over.

Shu Weiguo was stunned. Fu Zhi’s identity and background were different from those of the rest of these students. He subconsciously stood up to welcome the girl. “Fu Zhi, why are you here too?”

Fu Zhi scanned the aggressive representatives of the six schools and finally stopped on Shu Weiguo. “Are you preparing to have us take the exam again?”

Shu Weiguo couldn’t figure out Fu Zhi’s attitude, so he just focused on the facts in front of him. “You know about it? That’s true. Then you should know that Song Fang and the others got into the top ten of the city...”


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Shu Weiguo was interrupted, and Song Fang’s eyes widened like copper bells. “I’m that awesome?! I defeated a group of good students? Is that true?”

When he noticed that the teachers in the entire office were looking at him with hatred, Song Fang’s voice became lower and lower. In the end, he simply covered his mouth with his hand.

What was happening?

Why wasn’t anyone cheering and praising him?

Shu Weiguo rolled his eyes at Song Fang. Seeing that everyone had shut up, he told Fu Zhi, “In view of the fact that they cheated in the exam, we...”

“Cheated?” While Shu Weiguo was trying to organize his thoughts to repeat what he had said before, Fu Zhi directly opened her mouth and said, “According to the law, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Without any evidence, how can you guys create rumors by uttering empty words?

“Besides, the high accuracy rate of correct answers was entirely a result of Ye Jiu and I accurately guessing the questions. Since when does a student’s accurate guess count as cheating?”

“You guessed the questions?” Qian Wenrui sneered. “Fu Zhi, do you think we are fools? If you guessed a question correctly, then you’d get one question right. You must have guessed the entire examination paper. If your teacher didn’t give you the questions, then what happened?!”

Ye Jiu: “Perhaps I’m the reincarnation of Wen Quxing.”


Qian Wenrui even laughed when she heard that. “You’re such a shrewd person!”

The teachers in the meeting room all found this funny.

They thought that this was an excuse that Fu Zhi and Ye Jiu had come up with. Once they heard that they had guessed the right questions, they were even more certain that Ma Mingquan had handed out the questions.

Only Director Liu had a strange expression on his face for a moment.

He recalled that once, when he had invigilated Class 1 and Class 21, Ye Jiu, who had seemed to be in a daze, had flipped a coin to guess the answers and had gotten them all right. action

Qian Wenrui had long disliked Fu Zhi and Ye Jiu, so she said straightforwardly, “I don’t even need to test Song Fang and the others to know. They’re a bunch of trash! If he says that he can guess the right questions, then let him guess the questions we will come up with this time!”

Bullsh*t, bullsh*t, bullsh*t!

Only Fu Zhi could say bullsh*t like this!

If she said something like this, she would be locked up in a mental hospital!

If his guesses were really correct, the teachers present would definitely be angered to death!

The students in their own class, who had studied bitterly for decades, would not even be compared to hooligans. If this matter was leaked, would they treat their hard work as a joke?

“If you guys don’t believe that Ye Jiu can guess the questions, then give it a try!”

Song Fang, who was standing behind Ye Jiu, smiled.

In the past, he used to be the victim. Now, he was the culprit. After finding out the results, he was very satisfied!

Every high school student who delusionally wanted to go to university had to have a good backer!

Mommy no longer had to worry about his studies! Where there was a dream, there was a way!

As Wen Quxing’s reincarnation answered some questions online, countless advertising lines surfaced in Song Fang’s mind.

Ye Jiu was made to sit next to Shu Weiguo at the conference table.

Countless pairs of eyes were trained on Ye Jiu as the teachers of the six schools watched him.

What they found a little funny was that Ye Jiu and Fu Zhi were bullsh*tting them... They were actually so good-tempered that they had the time to watch them bullsh*t them!

The first subject was mathematics. Ye Jiu did not even look at the examination paper. He directly wrote down ‘ABCD’ on the paper.

Last night, he had casually taken out the exercise book that the group of mathematics teachers had created. He had checked out some graphs and circled a few examination questions.

He threw the paper in front of the teacher who had come up with the questions.

The mathematics teachers’ faces were full of question marks.

They felt that this unlucky child was really addicted to acting!

He even had the cheek to show them the questions he had guessed. What kind of idiot was this!

This was what they kept thinking until his answers were complete.. The group of people then looked at Ye Jiu in disbelief.