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The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise-Novel2

Chapter 669 - Forbidden area (4)
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Chapter 669: Forbidden area (4)


The venue that Ouyang Chen booked for Fu Zhi did not have a detailed map or mobile phone location. There were many crossroads along the way. When Ouyang Chen let Fu Zhi lead the team, the boys in the team were not satisfied, and Fu Zhi was not very satisfied either. After all, there were no staff members on guard along the way, so she couldn’t tell which fork she had to take, so everything depended on her feelings. In the eyes of the boys behind her, there was no trace of Fu Zhi’s confusion. They only felt that she was very confident in her running. This group of students had been on the plane for two to three hours the day before, and after the ruckus in the early hours of the morning, they did not sleep much when they woke up early and were called down the mountain for a run. After a sloppy breakfast, he didn’t feel tired from running at first, but he ran quickly one after another without stopping. The repeated mechanical movements of swinging his arms and raising his legs would not only make people feel impatient, but it would also make people tired easily. However, before seeing the flag that Ouyang Chen had mentioned, the group of students did not dare to slow down. They were afraid that there was a surveillance camera nearby that would record their carelessness and let Ouyang Chen see it. Then, he would continue to train and punish them in a different way. The group of youths who had come to the foot of the mountain understood the logic better than anyone else, but ... Some of them raised their hands to look at the time. Then, they took a deep breath, put their hands on their waists, and looked forward. “It’s already been 48 minutes. Why hasn’t this woman slowed down?” “Fuck! It’s just my imagination, my legs are like lead, and she seems to be running very lightly. ” ...”I can ‘t, it’s too hard for me to breathe, I’m not running! Tell the people in front to slow down, I really can’t take it anymore!” “……” The so – called iconic flag that Ouyang Chen had mentioned was nowhere to be seen and he had even asked them to run over and back. Fu Zhi, who was running in front, had been running at her initial speed. Forty minutes was not long, but it was not short either. At this rate, they had run at least six or seven kilometers. Even if it was through formal training, there were very few people who could run six or seven kilometers without being tired or panting, especially people like Fu Zhi. Her steps looked light all the time, but she felt her limit just by running up to this point. Her legs repeatedly exerted force to run forward, and she felt that her whole body did not belong to her. It was sore, numb, and painful, as if it was filled with lead. Every step she took on the ground seemed to leave a wet footprint. At this moment, they had forgotten how they had previously lost their strength to pull and step on Fu Zhi. Their foreheads were covered in beads of sweat. They watched Fu Zhi run forward like a wild horse without its reins and their temper rose.”Must I tie you up with a rope?” Can’t you see that they can’t run anymore?” Her self – righteous accusation finally made Fu Zhi slow down and look back. Her body was several times better than normal people in all aspects. Now that she had finished running, she only felt a little short of breath, but she didn’t feel that her breathing was uneven and her heart rate was accelerating. It was just that the repeated lifting of his legs and running aimlessly would make Fu Zhi feel too bored. At this moment, she saw the sweaty youths behind her and said in a cold voice,””How slow can I be? At this rate, I won’t even be able to see that flag before dark!” “……” What a familiar Chinese, what a powerful and mocking girlish voice. It was as if not long ago, this group of people was Fu Zhi, who had gathered together and talked like this. Their faces turned red and they were so embarrassed that they could not lift their heads. They had already run the same distance but Fu Zhi looked as if nothing had happened. Their legs were already trembling. Ouyang nuo sat on the ground and lay there limply like a limp noodle. His throat was filled with blood, and he could not see the road clearly. However, Ouyang nuo had not said a single word from the beginning to the end. She had gritted her teeth and persevered until now. They probably felt embarrassed that they couldn’t even compare to a girl. The boys bent down and lowered their heads, panting with their hands on their knees, not saying a word. Fu Zhi sat by a rock in the forest and watched them find a tree shade to sit cross – legged and rest. “Fu Zhi, I think we might have taken the wrong path.” Ouyang bei walked out from the crowd, dragging his tired body. He wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, shook it off, and panted as he walked to Fu Zhi.”Look at where we are now. We should be halfway up the mountain. If we continue to walk up this road, we might not be able to reach the top in another three hours. If we go down the mountain ... It will take at least ten hours. This has already reached the training level of the senior students. When new students come to the main family, the first training is the foundation, so they won’t be so overloaded. ” Fu Zhi looked at Ouyang bei quietly. Being stared at by a pair of clear almond – shaped eyes, especially the cold and distant expression on the young girl’s face, this made Ouyang bei’s courage, which he had gathered up, instantly stop. He swallowed his saliva and said nervously,””Of course, I, I’m just guessing ...” “Then how do you think we should go?” When he heard Fu Zhi asking for his opinion, Ouyang bei raised his head in disbelief. His mind went blank, but he quickly thought about it and said,””The fork we saw 30 minutes ago, the one that’s more gentle. I think it might lead to the center of the forest. I think the flag is there.” “Let’s rest for ten minutes. You can lead the way later. ” A ten – minute break wasn’t a short break, but the thought of returning to their original path in ten minutes made many of the students ‘vision turn black. “What kind of road is this? They had been running for forty minutes, and they still had to go back! If you don’t know how to lead the way, just say so. Girls are girls, so annoying!” The young man who was standing beside Ouyang bei kicked a stone on the side of the road. The stones were kicked forward and made a crackling sound as if they were expressing dissatisfaction. It was unknown if it was a coincidence or not, but the stone only stopped when it was kicked to Ouyang nuo’s feet. After running for so long, everyone’s heart was filled with anger towards the young master. The small stone, even though it was unintentional, still ignited the anger in Ouyang nuo’s heart. She sat up from the ground in frustration and raised her hand to point at the tip of the young man’s nose.”You know how to lead the way, so why did you follow him in the wrong direction?” After that, whenever Zhuge has something to do, he would push the blame to a girl. You’re not your mother’s child, are you shameless?” “Wow ...” Ouyang nuo’s Valiance attracted the attention of the boys around her. They all looked up from their fatigue to watch the show. Ou Yangming probably felt embarrassed after being scolded by a girl and his friend looking up to watch the show. He rolled up his sleeves and retorted,”shut up! You’re such a shameless Budokan. Only you women know how to fight against your gender!” He still seemed to be angry at her and strode towards Ouyang nuo. He clenched his fist and was about to hit her, but the wind from his fist whistled past her. Ouyang nuo was stunned. She did not expect that they would hit each other while they were quarreling. Her entire body was exposed in front of Ouyang Ming. Just as she was about to be hit in the face, Fu Zhi reacted quickly and rushed forward to pull Ouyang nuo back. She staggered and barely dodged Ouyang Ming’s fist. “Ouyang Ming! What are you doing?” Ouyang bei quickly went forward to pull Ouyang Ming and pressed him down. Ouyang Ming was still not satisfied. He struggled and shouted,”let me go! Mind your own business! I must teach them a lesson today. One led the wrong way, and the other is talking nonsense!” He was struggling too hard and Ouyang bei did not manage to hold onto him. In a moment of carelessness, he let go. Ouyang Ming used the momentum to dive forward. Fu Zhi stood in front of Ouyang nuo and squeezed his wrist bone, which made a creaking sound. ...”” Ouyang Ming said. Ouyang Ming was facing Fu Zhi. Ouyang Ming clenched his fist. Ouyang Ming saw Fu Zhi’s cold expression. When Ouyang Ming thought about how Fu Zhi had beaten up the senior students, he felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over his head, causing him to feel cold from head to toe! Ouyang Ming attacked without hesitation. He threw a punch at himself.”My head is itchy.” Everyone was speechless. I saw that your head seemed to be quite iron – headed before, but now it itches your mother! Ouyang Ming retreated silently. Initially, Ouyang Chen did not explain clearly which direction was the right one, so they had to figure it out. Therefore, most people were annoyed. Very few were like Ouyang Ming, who specifically complained. With the atmosphere in such a state, Fu Zhi simply said,”If you have so much strength, then let’s go back the way we came. We don’t need to rest.” “……” At that moment, Ouyang Ming felt as if he was met with everyone’s daggers. Ouyang Ming was speechless. Don’t be like this, brothers. I just made a mistake that most men would make. I just beat a woman, but I didn’t hit her. But his brothers clearly didn’t appreciate it. The sun rose in the hot mountain forest. The group of students ran until their heads were covered in sweat. At this moment, they were not complaining about how hard it was or how tired they were. All they wanted was to quickly complete their mission with this shiver. However, they didn’t know that they were running on a road of no return. —— On the other side. Ouyang ya and the others got out of the car. Because of the rugged mountain road, it was not convenient for the car to move forward. They could only climb up the mountain on foot. It was about a 30 to 40 – minute walk from where they were to the restricted area. The group of instructors around Ouyang ya wanted to go in first to explore the way. Ouyang ya raised her hand to look at the time. It had been more than an hour since Fu Zhi and the others had gone in. Fu Zhi must have been bitten to pieces by now. She then said,”Then I’ll wait for you here. The signal is bad in the mountains. If there’s an accident, just fire a smoke bomb. I’ll go in and help you when I see it!” In places close to the forbidden area, communication equipment would not work well. Ouyang ya still cherished her life. Someone had to be the vanguard to see what the situation was like in the forbidden land. If it was safe, they would fire a blue smoke bomb. If it was dangerous, they would fire a red smoke bomb. If they didn’t fire it for a long time ... Then it was basically impossible to save him. The group was divided into two groups. Ten of them were selected to be the vanguard, and ten were left to protect Ouyang ya. One of them went to the forbidden area. He was the tall man who said he would protect Ouyang ya yesterday. His name was Xia kui. This time, they did not hold any so – called “looking at death calmly.” After all, with Ouyang ya here, they were more or less at ease. They felt that they would not die as miserably as the people under Ouyang Yue. As she thought about this, she finally had some strength in her legs. The deeper they went into the forest, the closer they were to the forbidden area. It was strange. After the sun rose, the mountain forest was hot and dry. Only the area near the forbidden area was windy. It was bone – piercing cold. Everything around them was quiet. As he followed Xia kui inside, the instructor at the side listened to the sounds around him and felt that there was no change. He heaved a sigh of relief and said,””It seems that the forbidden area is still very safe today. There’s nothing unusual.” Just as Xia kui was about to nod, a deafening roar suddenly came from the forbidden area. It was as if something was about to break out of the shackles and head straight for the door. Xia kui’s heart skipped a beat. He exchanged glances with the other instructors and instantly became alert. The group of them carefully moved forward. After peeling away the dense jungle, what came into view was a group of students with turnips. Looking forward along the group of students, there was an extremely small mechanical beast with the head of a snake god and a leopard. It was probably only as high as Fu Zhi’s knee. Fu Zhi felt that this thing looked familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen it before. However, Ouyang bei had seen it before. He lowered his head and looked at the Ouyang family badge on his chest. Then, he looked at the mechanical beast that had slithered out of nowhere and was whining coquettishly at them while gently patting the snake’s tail on the ground in front of him. He was gone. He swallowed his saliva silently, wishing he could escape from Earth. The mechanical beast with a leopard head was cute because of its small size. Its snake tail was coiled around its body, and its black eyes were looking in Fu Zhi’s direction. It looked like it was going to pounce on Fu Zhi at any time, but it just did not. Fu Zhi was speechless. Fu Zhi’s heart shrank. Seeing the mechanical beast’s sensitivity, she subconsciously took two steps back. She didn’t know why, but she was suddenly very afraid. After all, compared to her, whose body was only a few times better than a normal person’s after genetic modification, this kind of mechanical beast developed by high – tech had genes that were hundreds of times better than that of a normal human! If she were to be slapped, the milk tea shops that she had secretly bought would all be inherited by ye Jiu! Fu Zhi observed the surrounding terrain and was looking for an escape route. “Who’s in charge of this batch of students? Why did he come to the forbidden area? Don’t you know that this is not allowed?” At this moment, a group of men wearing clothes made of special materials suddenly walked out of the jungle behind them. Fu Zhi was stunned. She didn’t expect there to be someone here. When Xia kui saw that there was only a short mechanical beast, he did not take it seriously. He then led the other instructors and walked directly to Fu Zhi and the others. His expression was not gloomy as he observed their attire and criticized,””A branch family? No wonder he’s so rude. If he made such a mistake in our family, I’d beat him up so badly that even his mother wouldn’t recognize him!” He shouted at Fu Zhi and Ouyang bei, who were at the front of the team. Not far away, the mechanical beast that was about to pounce and pose suddenly changed color. A faint pink suddenly appeared on the surface of the silver Machine. “Aowu!” It roared in Xia kui’s direction and slammed its tail on the ground as if it was warning him. The beast looked extremely irritable. Xia kui was teaching the students when he was interrupted by its roar. Seeing that it was so small and liked to bark, it was afraid that it would attract the other beasts in the forbidden area. Without thinking, he rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward,””What are you shouting for? I’m giving you face!” The instructor at the side was still somewhat afraid of these mechanical beasts, even though this one looked weak. He pulled Xia kui back in a panic.”Don’t act rashly.” “What’s there to be afraid of? I’m not afraid of any ss – rank instructor with my muscles. With one punch, this small electronic device will turn into scrap metal in minutes!” As he spoke, he broke free from the other instructors and rushed toward the mechanical beast like an arrow leaving the bow. His fist was big and powerful. This made the people standing around him subconsciously worry about the life and death of the mechanical beasts that had not attacked anyone. Even Fu Zhi furrowed her brows and wanted to say something. However, in the next second, before Fu Zhi could say anything, Xia kui, who had rushed out, was lifted up by a tiny tail before his fist could even come close to the mechanical beast. The mechanical beast’s little tail swung again.