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The Nebula's Civilization

Letter From The Author
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Letter from TNC’s author Wirae:

In Korea, the trend of globalization has passed, and now we live in an era of hyperconnectivity. Just by unlocking our smartphones, we can see a man in Pakistan wearing sandals while forging metal, a janitor in a Chinese factory performing an impressive cleaning, or a clumsy robber dropping his gun over a counter in the USA. It's all part of our daily life now. There's a mthat says, "Born too late to explore earth, born too early to explore space." But considering that each person is an unknown world to another, isn't connecting with people from many different countries an exploration in itself? Despite the various crises the world is facing, I believe we are born in an era perfect for reading s.

Lastly, I'd like to thank the staff at WuxiaWorld and the translator Greenfrog for their work. I hope you enjoyed/enjoy reading the .

It would probably be difficult to list all the references, motifs, homages, and parodies used during a year of serialization in this postscript as I haven't even mentioned the real historical events that served as motifs in the , but it might be better to omit this part.

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The story, originally planned to end with 300 chapters, had to make quite a detour for a smooth ending due to events in the latter part of the serialization that could only be described as physiologically or pharmacologically unusual (I will spare the details as it would be boring). As a result, a delay of about twenty days in the serialization was compensated by publishing two episodes or up to six episodes in quick succession, managing to raise the frequency from an average of 3.9 chapters per week to now 6.6 chapters. The number of purchases within twenty-four hours of the latest chapters, which had dropped below 250, is now approaching 500. It's quite extraordinary that an author, who previously struggled to finish one book a month, managed to write about two and a half books' worth of content in less than a month.

Many who serialize s might feel the sway, but this truly was a challenging project. Throughout the writing process, I continually encountered the limits of my knowledge and intellect, and these limitations were clearly reflected in the . I’m embarrassed and ashamed. If you've read the and noticed parts that seemed incorrect or flawed, rest assured that your observations are valid. Though it would be too late if you've already read through the and are reading this postscript afterward, I ask for your understanding.

Above all, I express my gratitude.

Firstly, I thank my family and friends, who have nothing to do with my life. At spoint, I no longer feared writing s because life exists beyond s. People should live life, not just write s.

Now, I also extend my thanks to the other half of my life, my creative community. I have friends with whom I share the experience of reading and writing. I'm grateful for my friends in Seoul, who started writing web s during the sunstable period as I did, and my university alumni with whom I still communicate with.

I also thank my oldest group of advisors, who never hesitated to offer guidance on my shortcomings, and my gaming friends who provided vocabulary and sprinkled creative ideas whenever I faced a plot challenge. There are also friends I had forgotten over twho still read my works and there are many more to whom I owe thanks. It feels as though the creative community I’ve built is too vast and grand to neveryone individually, so I wish to express my gratitude separately, beyond the limits of this text.

Finally, I am immensely grateful to all the readers who have read my so far and those who will continue to do so. Honestly, I believe that whether someone reads my or not should not be the driving force behind my writing. Writing a should be a personal endeavor for the author, and it should be completed even if no one reads it. If writing is motivated by positive emotions, it naturally becomes difficult to continue when those emotions fade, and always hoping for positive feedback is also brazen. Therefore, the true driving force behind writing should not be positive feedback from others, but the author's own internal fight. Despite this, I cannot deny that the support from you, the readers, has madehappy during the serialization.

After the conclusion of the , side stories exploring the world's past, present, and future have been completed. Following this postscript, there's a possibility of another sequel set in the distant future (intended as a kind of joke), and while it's not yet decided whether it will be written, there has been surprising demand for it. Despite the current not performing exceptionally well, I've envisioned a short series of side stories. However, I have other personal projects that are unrelated to this web that need my urgent attention, so there's no set plan for when these additional writings might begin. Therefore, I ask that you do not wait for these or for a Q&A session or a concept art book.

I don't have any definite plans for my next work. Of course, I am aware that the ending of this work has a somewhat flexible setting, as intended, but again, I want to make it clear that there are no set plans.

With this, the year-long serialization has cto an end. As I conclude my ode to this journey, I'd like to share two quotes that I discovered during the serialization but never found the right opportunity to insert:

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“A true civilization will not destroy the mountains, the river, the village, and the people there shall not be killed.”

-Tanaka Shozo


“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

-Bible, Psalm 90:12

-Sid Meier's Civilization 5, Calendar creation method

1. The YouTuber is 식빵월드 but have translated their ID into English ☜

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