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The Omnistore System

Chapter 87 Silver fur secret
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Chapter 87 Silver fur secret

Kevin, realizing this was a serious question, took a moment to think before hesitantly responding, "Killing?"

Keith chuckled and replied, "Well, yes, killing can be one way to put it. But I mean the fundamental reason for the technique's existence. Why was it created?" She continued, "You know the word, right? What was it... yes, essence, what is the essence of the soldier's blade technique?"

"Essence?" Kevin heard the word but could only think of one thing, his own essence, which he willingly shared with women in need. However, he had no idea what she was talking about, so he admitted, "I don't know."

Keith looked at him with a hint of disappointment and explained, "That's alright; you're new to this. Let me tell you then. The essence of the soldier's blade technique is survival."

Feeling proud of her explanation, she looked at Kevin, but he still wore a confused expression. With a sigh, she continued, "Don't worry; you'll understand it with time. Now, let's go for another one. After that, we'll have met today's quota, and then we can hunt for herbs and other supplies."

"Another one? I don't want to..." Kevin started to protest, sounding a bit stubborn.

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"Don't act like a child. Come on, it's the last one for today. Try to kill it using just the stances from the first five minutes of the video, focus on the slashes. Actually, let's just get it done; we need its fur," Keith insisted, putting the boar's skin in her space ring, while the teeth, some meat, and other items went into Kevin's bag and ring as it was bigger than her.

They set off in search of their prey. Kevin glanced at Keith as her eyes darted around like a high-speed scanner while she ran. Kevin could do something similar, but not as impressive as her. She could sense even the leaves falling to the ground 20 meters away and spot movements that were too hazy or quick for Kevin to notice.

Her footsteps barely made a sound, as if she were a whispering breeze, while Kevin's own steps seemed much noisier. 'It must be some kind of technique,' Kevin thought, envious yet impressed.

He kind of wanted to move like that, but the idea of putting in the effort didn't quite appeal to him. Still, he couldn't help admiring her ninja-like abilities. "Hey, do you use some technique to run this fast and quiet?" Kevin asked, keeping pace behind her.

"Yeah, why? Want to learn?" she responded, her attention still scanning the surroundings.

"Yeah, would you teach me?" Kevin asked, his mind already racing with thoughts of the many uses for moving silently, like sneaking into a young maiden's room at night or discreetly exiting a woman's room when her husband returned. It had a bunch of practical applications for a guy like Kevin.

"Why not? But first, introduce me to a gorgeous girl," she quipped, coming to a halt and diving into the bushes.

"Why a girl? You've got me," Kevin teased with a smirk, doing the same.

"Nah... I don't swing that way, especially not with guys like you," she shot back, smirking in return.

"What's wrong with me? I've got cash, a decent look, good height, and I can handle myself in a fight, and what's more, I have a really big dick." Kevin whispered as they both hid, clearly evading something.

"I don't care, really. I just prefer some lovely thighs or big boobs then big dicks, especially those of beautiful women. No more, no less. If you know any women like that, introduce me, and I'll spill the beans on this stealth technique," she offered before Kevin could respond, shushing him. "Shh... look," she said, pointing at a creature resembling the previous one, but this one had a hint of silvery hue to its fur.

"Its skin looks different," Kevin noted as he examined the boar, which seemed a tad larger than the ones he had previously dealt with.

"Yeah, those earlier ones you hunted were all in the low stage of Earth Tier. This one's reached the mid-stage, but it seems to have upgraded recently," Keith explained. She had prior experience hunting in this area and knew it better than Kevin, who had only gathered intel from online forums and the like.

"So, it's going to be a tougher nut to crack. Will you lend me a hand?" Kevin asked, looking genuinely concerned.

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Kevin glanced back at Keith, whose smirk had now grown even wider. He'd soon understand why when she got up and opened her mouth. "Introduce me to some girl, okay!" she shouted, then dashed toward a tree and swiftly climbed up.

Kevin stared at her in annoyance as he saw the boar now eyeing him, and he cursed under his breath. "Don't leave me behind, you bitch, or I am gonna molest you at night."

"What a cowardly threat," Keith muttered upon hearing her student's attempt at a threat.

Seeing Keith swiftly moving from one tree to another, Kevin's face contorted with anger. However, not wanting to risk his life just yet, he shifted his gaze to the monster, which appeared to be looking at him with a puzzled expression, as if questioning why it had been disturbed.

Realizing he needed to smooth things over, Kevin nervously chuckled and said, "Hey there, big guy, sorry for the interruption. I was just wondering, how do you get that fabulous shiny fur? My dog could really use a makeover!" He said, trying to defuse the tension.

"Snort," the shiny boar responded with an annoyed snort, clearly uninterested in divulging its secret.

"No problemo if you'd rather keep it a secret. I'll figure something else out for my dog. Farewell," Kevin casually remarked as he attempted to walk away.

However, the boar, quite displeased with the disturbance caused by the human, began grinding its hooves against the ground, preparing to deliver a hefty punishment with a powerful blow aimed at Kevin.

"Hey, no need to get all worked up. If you don't want to spill the beans, just say so," Kevin remarked, his tone light. This time, he firmly braced the hilt of his knife, and put more strained his leg and used the strength in his arms to prevent himself from being flung away like earlier.